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  章玉贵 ZhangYuGui


In the core financial information asymmetry and serious national level moral hazard constantly flood today,Finance and force is the advantage of the western powers.Worldwide"Financial Darwinism"Type competition,Through to the behavior of the desire to expand the space to effectively safeguard the state financial sovereignty for China is particularly detrimental.China must not simply adapt to the international rules,And should be released as soon as possible to construct financial competitiveness.


Always pay close attention to China's economic development trend for the main western countries,China in the economic scale of each step expansion,Will be particularly affects their sensitive nerve.


In recent ten years,The world's ten largest economies qualifying competition afford for thought:America's global chief economic superpower there seems still to secure,In the past ten years,The United States will do in GDP from $10.06 trillion to $15.6 trillion,It is quite a good report card;The most awkward position is probably Japan,Ten years ago,The Japanese economy scale topped the world's second,Than the third/The fourth's/UK's combined,China's economy was 2.7 times.And when China's GDP in 2010 officially overtaken Japan later,Growth situation doesn't in Japan will as the shift.the,The economic gap between the scale is very small,China for 5.93 trillion dollars,Japan for 5.48 trillion dollars,Both are less than $500 billion;By 2011,The respective GDP data was $7.29 trillion/5.86 trillion dollars;In 2012,,The data has a $8.25 trillion and $5.98 trillion,China's economy has equivalent to 1.37 times that of Japan.


Although China topped the global economy the second significant progress,A sense that Chinese profound reflection need both the growth pattern of unsustainable,Although in the main economic competition between countries become more and more focus on international economic order and issue an important industrial control and wealth symbol for today,Simple GDP ranking and not accurate measure a country economic strength, especially the size of the international competitiveness.Such as Britain,Despite its GDP now has less than a third of China,If the scale to measure,Is second-rate economies;In Britain the global financial/Strategic industry/Product pricing and creative design is real top power.In the temporary not found a better alternative before economic indicators,Which country will not pay attention to economic growth based on the economic scale expansion??


China in the economic scale step to expand,Has made the main developed countries nerve is tightening.United States repeatedly overdraft dollar bonus,Again and again out of irresponsible economic policy,Its the motives behind the intriguing.Such as,Whether earlier debt ceiling negotiations or has continuous three rounds of the"Quantitative easing"(QE)Policy and play to the countries of the heart"Fiscal cliff",Its essence is not holding all along hegemony system of American literature,This seems to be without financial suspense to the world economy a medium level of intimidation.In a sense,While this is China's financial capital force has not yet powerful before,Global wealth to a unprecedented loot.The United States know,In the framework of the existing order,Its launch in the economic policy is difficult to strong constraint.In other words,Due to the lack of a world built on the basis of systematic and continuous communication and coordination mechanism,The United States financial holding diet when offering out what kind of economic and financial policy,In the United States mainly depends on the interests of the state and the ruling authorities policy preferences.But to rely on thousands of workers for the hard-earned money for China,The United States every financial policy flood,Is China's national treasure of large area evaporation.


In the face of China's rise,Japan with anxious.In the United States before the people,Japan always don't have much right,Even in the foreseeable future and I'm afraid it is difficult to obtain bilateral game issue.so,Only by Japan and the United States economic cooperation between the especially political and military alliance,On the one hand to keep their competitiveness,On the other hand can also contain or weaken the influence of China.Besides the United States also have the strategic arrangement.so,China will become a first-class power,Want to see their own strength to grow.The main developed countries based on their respective national interests,Will not easily let China become equal with the economic and political giants.Because in their eyes the prosperity of China powerful means of your relative decline,Means that China will enter the original sooner or later by their control of the sphere of influence,Even one day China will put forward to rewrite the existing international economic and political rule,This is their does not wish to see and tolerate all difficulties.But they also know that,The trend of China's rise is hard to change,So we must in China's economy is not very strong before,Use their control of international order on China to all kinds of pressure and interference,In order to weaken China's rapid economic rise of the potential.so,Japan recently not global pressure of public opinion,Persisted in carrying out monetary easing,The yen against the dollar devaluation 10% quickly.Although the short-term behavior and can't save Japan's overall economic competitiveness of the recession of the potential,But always like to be calculating Japanese too so much.As for hand pounds the British empire g-string British,Adopting quantitative easing policy,Is not too much worry.


In the core financial information asymmetry, and the national level serious moral hazard constantly flood today,Finance and force is the advantage of the western powers.Worldwide"Financial Darwinism"Type competition,Through to the behavior of the desire to expand the space to effectively safeguard the state financial sovereignty for China is particularly detrimental.a,China must not simply adapt to the international rules,And should be released as soon as possible to construct financial competitiveness.


The world's leading level in the division of labor have a place and to maintain its core interests,China must in building financial firewall and at the same time,Forging financial capital force.If do not have strong capital market/World bank and insurance system,As the dollar international monetary standard money,Can and New York/Against the London international financial center, and support"Financial high frontier"With the international competitiveness of the emerging industries,Even if China's economic scale beyond the United States,Can't top the list of the top economic power.


China needs to think about and carry out the action is:How to improve the international competitiveness as the starting point,At the same time to cultivate a large number of master global financial symbol creative financier and financial professionals.China in the new global financial division of labor in,Access to and their own strength to the discourse right,Not only depends on the major economic powers between China and the strength of the degree of liquor,China will also depend on to the size of the international obligations,To a certain extent depends more on China in the order of the change,Can make a large number of can international economic and financial rules/Skilled to control the global financial management tool/And have a strong international communication skills and good at express China advocates of high-end talent.so,The future for a period of time,China must innovation financial talents working mechanism,Perfect financial personnel policy system,Establish and perfect the public/equality/competition/Preferred financial talent resource allocation mechanism,The talents of enterprise business management step by step the marketization of materialized configuration and management,The formulation and improvement of financial talents converging policy measures,Actively build to high-end financial professionals working in China financial ecological environment,Early build forging financial capital force needed strategic talents phalanx.


(The author is Shanghai international studies university, dean of the college of international financial and trade)
