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沐雪巴菲特一号纠纷系列报道之一 Mu snow buffett one dispute is one of the series
Our reporter
杨光 曹乘瑜 黄莹颖 高改芳
Yang guang by zhou yu cao Huang Yingying high aromatic instead
Because the interests of the disputes between partners,A named"Day letter mu snow buffett, a securities investment trust plans of assembled funds"(Hereinafter referred to as mu snow buffett. 1)Structured sunshine private products,Terminate 66 days alone,Its investment advisers and even was controlled by the police on suspicion of fraud.By the China securities journal reporter investigation,The incident is caused by disputes between investment advisers and investors,Highlight the current chaos of limited partnership private equity industry.
投资顾问涉嫌欺诈 Investment adviser fraud
According to the tianjin trust's announcement on February 20,On February 1, 2013,Tianjin trust start the benefit of the people's congress meeting,Only 66 days of structured products --"Day letter mu snow buffett, a securities investment trust plans of assembled funds"Be early termination.
According to the trust in the industry,The trust plans of structured products,Usually divided into priority and secondary,Subprime funds often provided by sunshine private actual investment,Priority funding comes from brokers or Banks.Priority fixed income funds,Subprime funds is responsible for the loss,Products are usually set the stop loss line,Trust is responsible for monitoring to net worth fell to stop implementation of liquidation of product below.Announcement of the tianjin trust,Soak up the snow buffett 1 total is RMB 600 million,For both sides of the priority to entrust bank of China(601988,stocks)Shanghai branch,Secondary entrust shenzhen Carlyle equity partnership(Hereinafter referred to as the"Shenzhen Carlyle"),Investment adviser is jiangsu mu snow information technology co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as the"Jiangsu mu snow").
The China securities journal reporter refer to the industrial and commercial data shows,Shenzhen Carlyle as a limited partnership enterprise,Two, managing partner at mu snow equity investment management co., LTD. - shenzhen(Hereinafter referred to as the"Shenzhen mu snow")And guangdong hong far energy investment co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as the"Guangdong hongxing far").Data also showed that,Shenzhen mu snow and the actual control of jiangsu mu snow man the same person,Guangdong hongxing far with another company"Hubei jing nine investment co., LTD"(Hereinafter referred to as the"Hubei jing nine")As Carlyle stakeholders in shenzhen.Jiangsu mu snow think,Guangdong hongxing far and hubei fine nine is consistent action.
The cause of mu snow buffett one end,The guangdong hongxing far/Hubei jing disputes between nine and jiangsu mu snow.
According to the jiangsu mu snow to provide a China securities journal[To all the investors],Said one not only in jiangsu mu mu snow buffett snow an investment consultant,On October 12, 2012,Jiangsu mu snow essence of hubei and guangdong nine retained hong far for mu snow buffett one part of the trust assets investment adviser.Jiangsu mu snow in[To all the investors]According to the,During the asset management unit,Hubei jing nine times in violation of the provisions of the contract,Involved in the insider trading and false announcement of listed companies,so,Jiangsu mu snow in January 25, 2013, sent a letter to suspend the hubei fine nine investment consultant qualification.
Because could not essence of hubei and guangdong nine hon,Unable to confirm whether jiangsu mu snow said is true.According to a paper entitled on tianya BBS[Mu snow buffett. 1,Tianjin trust disgrace]The article,Similar to illustrate the essence of hubei and guangdong nine hong far tone charges,Found company account on more than 140 million yuan were respectively lending to unidentified individual account,So in order to report fraud jiangsu mu snow.Tianjin trust on February 5th announcement,Jiangsu mu snow on suspicion of fraud,Has been in hubei police put on record,The legal representative and related important personnel has been hubei police control.
Jiangsu mu xue said,"Hubei fine nine fabricated false accusation jiangsu mu snow company,And engage in guangdong hong far citing jiangsu mu snow company was criminal prosecution,Shenzhen Carlyle all the partners assembly without being authorized,The illegal use of Carlyle's official seal in shenzhen to tianjin trust request early termination letter one day(The mu snow buffett. 1)The trust plans,In an attempt to use illegal means to flight of capital from the trust plan,Destroy the borrow the trust assets related transactions and the evidence of money laundering."
The China securities journal reporter has been contact the essence of hubei and guangdong nine hong far interview,But didn't succeed.Reporter according to hubei province administration for industry and commerce registration information,Dial the hubei fine fresh chestnut nine investment co., LTD legal representative left by phone,But after the telephone connected,The other said"Myself and hubei fine. There is no relationship."Guangdong hong is far from the company's web site,Reporters also did not find relevant telephone.
Reporters call tianjin trust again,The office workers said,To disclose all the information in the announcement,If you want to know the trust flow can contact the staff,But did not return the staff leave.
真相或取决于有限合伙协议 Truth or depend on the limited partnership agreement
The whole incident shows,The death of mu snow buffett one product,Disputes between suffers from an investment consultant and investor.The product yield unaffected,Relative priority beneficiary's bank of China Shanghai branch,And trust in tianjin,Said product revenue is still guaranteed.
Some trust in the industry analysis,Because of the structured products is committed to the fixed income security priority,So trust companies often need to ensure the trust account has enough money,Can pay principal and interest of the priority,Do not use regulation the operation of the remainder.This personage analysis,For the size of the 600 million yuan mu snow buffett is number one,Assuming that in accordance with industry practice,Paid to priority of fixed income at 7%,Channel fee of 1% of the paid to trust,Soak up the snow buffett number one priority client paid about 400 million yuan,So the trust company and managed only about 440 million yuan of funds need to keep the trust account,Won't lock accounts or stop the investment advisory orders.
The bank of China Shanghai branch also said in reply to the China securities journal,Since the"Day letter mu snow buffett, a securities investment trust plans of assembled funds"Since the establishment of,The Shanghai branch hosting duties strictly,Funds in escrow account and closed flow between securities margin account.The product consistently profitable,Has now been terminated earlier.The customer without any loss of the principal,Investment income is guaranteed.
The personage inside course of study says,The account is a trust and trust planning related accounts,The trust plans of all funds in the account.In addition,Shenzhen Carlyle as a limited partnership,Should there is a limited partnership account.If jiangsu mu snow to transfer to true,Should be the first to transfer funds from the trust account to the account of the limited partnership,In the capital, respectively, to other natural persons account again.As for the money to the account of the limited partnership can secretly transferred by jiangsu mu snow,Depends on far and shenzhen guangdong hong mu snow of the limited partnership agreement.
perhaps,This is the truth of the mystery hidden in the limited partnership agreement.Reporters tried to ask two companies for the limited partnership agreement,But by the time also without success.We will continue to track.
Day letter mu snow buffett disputes schematic drawing number one
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