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On February 25,,On Monday,.Meaning the election/Britain lost AAA sovereign rating,Are the two major has attracted many attentions of the international financial market.When the pen,Elections in Italy is unknown,But European stock markets have risen up.Moody's downgraded the sovereign rating,Is Friday evening,Fall not to let the yen recently"Sole providence"The pound,When written $1.51 off also.


 蒙蒂退之无憾? Mr Monti's retreat from regret?


Italy is the euro zone's third-largest economy,Britain is walk outside the single currency area,From the perspective of risk/safety,Person's loss is another one too.The gap between the coupon/Sterling against the euro,Reflects the British European assets under the market sentiment turns this grew.however,Elections alone of Italian and British relegation two things,The lifeline of the two countries together,It is a popular language in the comments of finance and economics. In recent years:"To save"(austerity),And based on the concept of tightening policies.

  十五个月前,满身酒色财气、官司丑闻无日无之的意国政坛“极品”贝卢斯科尼,由欧盟出手“劝退”,换上不经民选暂掌政权的技术官僚蒙蒂(Mario Monti)。当时欧债危机火头处处,意西债息斗快飙升,欧元区颇有顷刻覆灭之忧。欧盟为回避意大利民间对紧缩措施的反对,索性把民主进程束之高阁,期望与欧盟关系密切的无党派官僚蒙蒂能突破政治阻力,带领意大利踏上改革经济巩固财政之路。

Fifteen months ago,,Covered in debauchery type/Case of scandal, there is no of Italian politics"The best"Silvio berlusconi,,By the European Union to"stop",Change without elected Mr Monti temporarily held the REINS of government of technocrats(Mario Monti).Rotor everywhere when Europe's debt crisis,West the coupon dou quickly soared,The eurozone has suddenly collapse.The European Union to avoid Italian folk opposition to austerity measures,Simply put the democratic process on the shelf,Expect closely associated with the European Union, a non-partisan bureaucracy monti can break through the political resistance,Lead the Italian on the road to reform the economic and fiscal consolidation.


When there is a lot of scholars think,In the political chaos did surge/Italy will continue to stay in the euro zone into a question in the bad environment,By a no political background/No campaign suspense and don't have to worry about your likes and dislikes voters technocratic power,An unpopular is conducive to help Italy's stay in the euro zone's policy;Second to restore investor confidence,Made it difficult for Italy may not be the burden of financing cost pressure to breathe;Three parties are not difficult to use guard authorities to create space to regroup,Wait for Mr Monti came to power after finished my historical task.


The day finally arrived.When the pen,The election result is not released in Italy,But the party with the most votes,Not dominant center-left coalition of Democrats(By the party leaders bersani command),Is the leading centre-right alliance of PDL(Led by silvio berlusconi).Analysis is anecdotal,As long as the centre-left faction over silvio berlusconi's camp,When he can't the fourth degree"Back to the",Monti the fifteen months efforts were not in vain,The reason is that the result is equal to"For the sake of the next generation"Italian voters approved austerity,Mr Monti retire,She have?


however,Old bi's view is slightly different.The first,Assuming that the center-left coalition led by Mr Bersani really win(It must be to recount),This result really should thanks to bielsa's firm support for austerity,Or as close to election day position on the swing?


If it can be attributed to at a critical moment"Transfer matrix",It is not a monty/route of victory in the European Union?


In the second,If soften support for tightening policy stance,Indeed for centre-left alliance to win a large number of votes,Then three party with the most votes(For the third comedian anti-establishment Gerry's leadership/New forces of claims that Italy's exit from the eurozone"Five-star movement"),And he is as opposed to tightening the political power,Only in degree have greatly small, respectively.Is the view,Berlusconi return even if fail,Italian voters have less people really like anecdotal comments describing,Willing to shell out for the next generation unwilling to sacrifice"The ego"?but,From the perspective of the market,As long as Mr Berlusconi does not the authorized out of voters,The coupon in Italy/The euro and European shares are available at high line,The whole thing immediately become very simple,And see if the end result, as investors are willing to.


 大不列颠“遭贬” Great Britain"By the fall"


Before the Italian voters to vote for the divine,Three years ago, British prime minister David Cameron came under the squeeze,According to moody's, a pot of cold water shower head,Great Britain lost its AAA.Moody's cut the British sovereign ratings,By many theorists to know after after sleep,But it is worth talking about is not whether the rating agencies are late,But Mr Cameron/Mr(The chancellor of the exchequer,)To tighten fiscal policy with its loose monetary policy"Special prescription",Debt to cut Britain's deficit,Not only failed to achieve expected effect,Also for the responses of the moody's downgrade,Be convinced that the strict controls that cost saving is the only way of Cameron malicious slap a slap on his face,Britain by cutting spending to improve fiscal try repeatedly reactive power,In the euro zone that claims to save other country,More offers a cautionary tale of learning enough to live.


Mr Cameron/Mr The tightening policy"Dream ticket",Apparently hoped to looser monetary policy to offset cut the negative economic impact,The deficit/debt to GDP ratio in gradually improve under the impetus of the spending cuts.however,Three years of trying to prove,The government on the one hand underestimated spending cuts to drag on growth,On the other hand, overestimate how much looser monetary policy support for the economy,Result is a decline in GDP contraction than deficit/debt faster,British finance not only can't improve,And as is go from bad to worse.


Moody's downgrade noted in a statement,禠 Britain's AAA rating,An important consideration is the medium-term growth prospects are deteriorating of Great Britain.


The old never put off till tomorrow what you can think,This sentence is equal to the British prime minister David Cameron and the chancellor of the exchequer, Mr B.b:To promote continued contraction,The British economy in the next few years may really to moody's"Group of death",Will only deteriorate will not improve;And make a one hundred and eighty degree turn,Cut the variable ZengZhi,The UK economy WeiShi cannot turn things around,But Mr Cameron with"Thin body"The prime minister claims,Through three years of fruitless or fall by the wayside,Then change it"Thin body"For the"To add fertilizer",To admit that I had known so why at the beginning I differ?Insist on saving solid difficult for voters to understand,Bite the bullet for tightening policy"Stop loss at",Don't won't be hated by voters?Mr Cameron's situation,Not much better than recent fall a fall in the pound.


In this paper, all rights reserved:Hong Kong daily news of finance and economics
