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The national bureau of statistics service industry research center/The China federation of logistics and purchasing according to a report released yesterday,In February China's non-manufacturing index of business activity(Non-manufacturing PMI)Of 54.5%,Than fell 1.7% last month,Ended after consecutive month-on-month rise in April.Experts pointed out that,Manufacturing growth has slowed,But the overall is still continuation of last year's rapid growth pattern.
数据:指数回落1.7个百分点 The data:Index fell 1.7%
According to data released,After January non-manufacturing PMI was 56.2%,Non-manufacturing PMI fell back to 54.5% in February,Is still running at a higher level.
On the single index,Price indices/Index of practitioners and business expectations index rise compared with last month;The new orders/New export orders/In the order/The inventory/Intermediate input index fell month-on-month price and supplier delivery time.Among them,Most business activities expectations index rose,Between 1.3% and 62.7% higher than last month,Indicates that the manufacturing enterprise market expectations remain optimistic about the future.
On the specific industry,February residents travel and daily consumption of active transport and retail.Among them,Aviation transportation industry's business activity index and index of new orders are among the top of the 19 consumer service industry in China,And retail business activity and new orders index is running at more than 60%.In addition,Telecom, broadcasting and TV transmission and satellite services business activity index has reached a higher level of 58.7%,Reflect the activity of information consumption in February.The real estate industry to carry on the off-season,But expectations of record in the past two years business activities,Reflect the enterprise tend to be more optimistic.
It is worth noting,In atmosphere under the influence of continuous saving,Restaurant industry the new orders index has dropped for two consecutive months,February business expectations index was 42.3%,Hit record lows.
分析:施工淡季导致指数回调 analysis:Construction of season led to index the callback
According to different manufacturing performance in February,Cai Jin, vice chairman of China federation of logistics and purchasing said,In February,Affected by construction the construction season,Construction activity callback,Become non-manufacturing activity this month than last month callback. The main factors.We have learned,February construction business activity index and index of new orders from the previous month has dropped significantly,In the major industries,Housing construction and architectural decoration and installation industry fell more obvious.According to data,Construction business activity index dropped from 3.6% to 3.6%.
非制造业有望继续向好 Manufacturing industry is expected to continue to improve
We have learned,In January of this year,Consumer services and civil engineering construction business activity index from the previous month are improved significantly,Makes January non-manufacturing PMI highest since last September.And civil engineering construction in February still keep good development momentum,Again the new orders index hit a record high since March 2012,Means that the infrastructure investment is expected to continue this year with steady growth,Investment demand pull effect on the economy continues to strengthen.Cai Jin said,Combined with the first two months of data change analysis,Nonmanufacturing economy this year will continue rapid growth,And with the coming of the season construction and consumption,Is expected to continue to improve.
It is worth noting,The pressure of the rising costs push prices still exist.According to data,February construction intermediate input price index back too,Lead to intermediate input price index, a callback from 2% to 56.2% last month,Show this month though prices fell back,But the index remains at a higher level.Federation of logistics and purchasing said,Do not rule out is the upstream is caused by construction of season product prices briefly fell back,Still need to be alert to the price rise rapidly brings to the enterprise operating pressure.
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