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  本报北京讯(记者王继高) “完善许多领域中的法规是金融创新、大财富管理能服务于实体经济的基本前提。”中国银监会前主席刘明康3月1日在由国金证券(600109,股吧)等主办的以“财富管理时代的变革与创新”为主题的 “中国私募基金年会2013”上称,法制比文件更能管根本,管得也更长远、更细,可以使从业者的方向更明,使消费者信心大增,使比赛规则更清。

Our newspaper Beijing(The reporter Wang Jigao) "Perfect the laws and regulations in many areas is a financial innovation/Great wealth management to serve the basic premise of the real economy."The China banking regulatory commission on March 1, liu mingkang, former chairman of the by sinolink securities(600109,stocks)Such as the host of to"Wealth management in the era of change and innovation"As the theme of the "China's private equity conference 2013"According to,The rule of law can tube more fundamental than the file,Tube longer, too/A finer,Can make practitioners in the direction of more bright,Leading to a huge increase in consumer confidence,Make rules more clear.


Mr Liu mentioned,In recent years, financial policies to cooperate"Eighteen big"New requirements launched a new reform exploration and innovation practice.In the process should be seen,All of the underlying or new measures to make the financial industry to better serve the real economy.To achieve this goal,Should not only attach importance to system on the internal regulations and standards to be concerted and highly cooperation,Also need to emphasis on the fiscal and taxation reform/Sector to deepen the reform of form a complete set to promote together,Need more talents and construction of internal control and supervision of the synergy,So you can continue to health,Little detours.

  “法律要根据不同的业务范畴,从整个市场需求和市场可能发生的扭曲行为来进行规范。 ”刘明康提到,市场上应该做的事情法律应该给予保护,不应该做的事情必须要给予防范,如欺诈、内部交易及信息不透明都是必须要防范的。

"The law according to the different business category,From the market demand and market possible distortions to specification. "Mr Liu mentioned,The right thing to do on the market should be protected by law,Should not do things must be given to prevent,Such as fraud/Insider trading and information opaque is must guard against.

  刘明康认为,当前我们已经有了很丰富的经验,关键是要推进,要把这些需求梳理一下,按照轻重缓急来安排法律和法规立项的内涵,同时要有时间表,这个必须和实践至少是同步的。“全球的金融危机告诉我们,没有很好的法规约束和监管情况之下的创新,很容易给我们带来灾难。市场也会失灵,因为它有趋利行为。 ”

Mr Liu believes that,Currently we already have very rich experience,The key is to push forward,To comb the demand,According to prioritize to arrange laws and regulations, the connotation of the project,At the same time to have a timetable,This must be at least be synchronous and practice."The global financial crisis tells us,No good rules and regulatory circumstances of innovation,Very easy to bring disaster to us.Market failure,Because it has the profit behavior. "


In addition,He also noted that attention should be paid to improve the risk prevention and control system,Strengthen and improve financial regulation.A broader areas of financial innovation experiment,Practitioners in a rapid increase,Sound internal control and compliance of the organization and the long-term mechanism is the basic guarantee to do a good job of risk prevention and disposal.

  “我们不能过度管制,但也不能放松必要的监管。必须注重完善金融监管体制和合作机制,把同一类产品与服务和创新置于统筹一致、规范合理的监管之下。 ”刘明康说。

"We can not excessive regulation,But don't relax the necessary regulation.Must pay attention to improve the financial regulatory system and the cooperation mechanism,Put the same kind of product and service and innovation in plan as a whole/Specification is reasonable. "Liu mingkang said.
