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中国证券报消息 国内成品油价上调刚过一周,下调窗口又将打开。多家市场机构预测,按照目前国际油价走势,预计3月下旬三地变化率将突破-4%的红线,成品油价有望迎来年内的首次下调。
China securities news domestic oil prices raised just over a week,Window will open.Several prediction market institutions,According to the current international oil prices,Expected rate will exceed 4% in late march, Hong Kong and the red line,The first cut of finished product oil price is expected to usher in years.
The personage inside course of study thinks,Refined oil price adjustment will be normalized in the future,Or two on Monday will be dispatched in the future.This will hit the market speculation,Improve the market activity,At the same time gentle good oil refining enterprises.
下调窗口或月底打开 Cut open the window or the end of the month
In under the influence of international oil prices lower,Places the change rate of crude oil has shifted from being negative.Xinhua news agency the price of oil system according to data released on March 6th,three(dubai/brent/Zinn tower)On March 5, moving average prices for crude oil rate of 0.58%,Have leave negative for three consecutive days.
AnXunSi prosperous energy analysts say,Late if brent crude oil futures at $110 a barrel,According to the current pricing mechanism,Crude oil produced in the average rate will fall below 4% in the March 26,When the pump price cut window will open for the first time this year.Calculated according to the recent crude oil futures prices,Cut is expected to 300 yuan/ton.
调价趋常态化 Pricing is normalized
In the last round of pricing,The current oil pricing mechanism problem,the"The international oil prices fall/Domestic oil prices rose"The contrast phenomenon.For this,Zhang ping, director of the national development and reform commission (NDRC) said on March 6th,Development and reform commission (NDRC) is working on a new pricing mechanism,Pricing will be further shortened cycle,To cancel"4%"The price limit,"Pricing in a certain period,The pitch is".
AnXunSi prosperous energy analysts say,Remarks in addition to the clear pricing future cycle will be narrowed to 10 days or less,Also indicate that the refined oil price adjustment will be normalized in the future.Pricing or reference in the form of Taiwan,Refer to the size of the change of crude oil every two weeks to adjust fuel prices.Expected future adjustment of oil prices will have a maximum or minimum amplitude modulation limit,In order to avoid price conduction too quickly.
In addition,Pricing adjustment of oil refining enterprise earnings may also have a positive impact.Zhuo and points out that information,Lard of both raw materials and settlement is once a month,The cost change once a month.If the selling price is adjusted from this a few months ago to adjusted after two month,Will make the price and the cost of higher correlation,Refiners regardless of the size of the profit or loss will be moderate.
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