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Who is Mr Buffett's successor?
Although buffett's birthday in 80,Said aloud to work until 100.but,As early as 2007"Strands of god"It said,After their retirement,His position will be replaced by three candidates.
事实上,伯克希尔的接班计划被视为美国现代企业史上最受人关注的接班过程之一。如今,这个“选秀”终于有了雏形。上周,《巴菲特致股东的信》披露了两个全新的名字库姆斯(Todd Combs)和韦斯特(Ted Weschler),这两位基金经理此前并未出现在巴菲特的信中,不过,这次,巴菲特表示,他们非常优秀。
In fact,,Berkshire's succession plan is seen as a modern American business history one of the most watched succession process.now,this"The draft"Finally a prototype.Last week,,[Buffett's letter to shareholders]Mr. Combs unveiled two new names(Todd Combs)And the west(Ted Weschler),The two fund managers had not appeared in buffett's letter,but,This time,,Mr Buffett said,They are very good.
"Can be both an excellent investment manager,I feel like the brings in,I suck in front of them."Mr. Buffett said.In 2012,,The two fund managers management fund performance are higher than the s&p 500 index by more than 10%.
低调“避险王子” A low profile"Hedge the prince"
库姆斯(Todd Combs) Mr. Combs(Todd Combs)
On October 25, 2010,Warren buffett's Berkshire hathaway company issued a press release,Announced he was appointed Todd combs - the company's investment manager.after,Mr. Combs is just a nobody in the investment community a multitude of faces.
In early 2007,Buffett issued a accident"Leave a seat vacant"The job Posting,While Mr. Combs was one of hundreds of candidates.His first application to fail.And then,He write to Berkshire vice chairman Charles munger,Requires a meeting with Mr. Munger.
Mr. Munger said in an interview,"His letter has something caught my interest".Mr. Munger communication with Mr. Combs's abnormal fluid,Could not restrain excited munger later call to Mr Buffett,said:"I'm sure you will like this guy."His talent and rigorous style of Berkshire.
1993年从佛罗里达州立大学毕业后,他成为一个州立金融监管机构的分析师。2000年,库姆斯入读哥伦比亚商学院。通过参加“价值投资项目”(Value Investing Program)学到了确认和分析冷门股票的技巧。此后,他通过分析Copper Arch Capital LLC.公司持有的金融股进入对冲基金的世界。
After graduating from Florida state university in 1993,He became a state financial regulator analysts.In 2000,,Combs enrolled at Columbia business school.By taking part in"Value investment project"(Value Investing Program)Learn to identify and analyze out-of-favor stocks.Since then,He analyzes Copper Arch Capital LLC. The company in the financial sector to the world of hedge funds.
2005年库姆斯找到了新的机遇。总部位于康涅狄格州格林威治的Stone Point Capital提供3500万美元启动资金和一些运营资源,帮助库姆斯启动了他自己的基金Castle Point Management LLC。2005年-2010年五年间,库姆斯掌管着Castle Point资本公司。这家公司在2010年的累积投资回报率约为34%,而同期标普500指数则下跌5.1%。美国合众银行(U.S.Bancorp)是Castle Point持仓最大的股票之一,巴菲特的伯克希尔也持有该银行股票并出现账目亏损,但是库姆斯购买该股后却盈利了。这位后起之秀引起了巴菲特的注意。
In 2005, Mr. Combs to find new opportunities.Based in Greenwich, Connecticut, Stone Point Capital, offering $35 million in start-up Capital and some operating resources,Help Mr. Combs start his own fund Castle Point Management LLC.2005-2010 in five years,Mr. Combs runs the Castle Point capital company.In 2010, the company cumulative returns of about 34%,Compared with the standard &poor's 500 index fell 5.1%.U.S. bancorp(U.S.B ancorp)Castle Point is one of the largest stock holdings,Buffett's Berkshire hathaway also hold shares in the bank and account losses,But Mr. Combs but after buying the stock profit.The counterpart has attracted the attention of warren buffett.
Mr. Buffett said:"He 100% fit for our culture.We need a deeply rooted culture,Even when not the founder of the company can withstand test.Mr. Combs are perfect personnel in this area."In 2006 and 2007,As the credit market bubble is bigger and bigger,Mr. Combs in Florida slowing housing market problems in construction loans,Some financial companies with large amounts of illiquid assets,And relies heavily on short-term funding,Could lead to short term funding dried up.
库姆斯通过做空部分金融公司的股票,在市场崩盘时实现了盈利。到2006年年初,库姆斯已经在看空抵押贷款机构房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac)。两年过后,这两家公司就将陷入大麻烦,并接受政府的救助。
Mr. Combs profited by betting against some financial stocks,Crumbled in the market.To the beginning of 2006,Combs have been bearish mortgage lenders fannie mae(Fannie Mae)And Freddie MAC(Freddie Mac).After two years,The two companies will be in big trouble,And accept the government's rescue.
Combs, found in potential downside risk prevention is better than well done.Mr. Combs's fund mainly focus on Banks/Brokers and insurance companies.According to one investor said,From since its establishment in November 2005,Mr. Combs fund cumulative returns of 34%.Mr. Combs in its investment style and hathaway is very similar.Both are very pay attention to avoid investment risk,After the 2008 financial crisis,Buffett is one of the most important requirements for replacement,Even have never seen a risk,Success can also anticipate and avoid.But Mr. Combs's performance in financial crisis underscores the risk averse nature.
神秘“多面手” mysterious"generalists"
泰德-韦斯特(Ted Weschler) Ted - David west(Ted Weschler)
Different from combs the prim employed,Ted - more like a west with a gold spoon airborne troops.As a"Strands of god"Of the fan,West continuous took in 2010 and 2011, have lunch with buffett.To do this,He spent nearly $5.3 million.
In the"Strands of god"Starts calling before,Gallop west capital market for many years and have my own investment company,And the investment performance is excellent.
在1999年,韦斯特创立了自己的私人投资公司——半岛投资(Peninsula Capital Advisors, LLC)。在此之前,他曾就职于化学产品制造商W.R.Grace公司,之后曾成为私募股权基金公司Quad-C创始合伙人。毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院,韦斯特掌握的能力使其在各种职位之间游刃有余。
In 1999,,West created their own private investment company, peninsula(Peninsula Capital Advisors, LLC).Before this,He had worked in manufacturer of chemical products W.R.G race,When he had become a private equity fund company Quad - C founding partners.Graduated from the university of Pennsylvania's Wharton school,West to master the ability to make its function between the various positions.
Just like combs,West is particularly low.If it were not for high price bidding,Many people will not notice the west and its outstanding performance.From 2000 to 2011 in the first quarter,West of the hedge fund return rate reached to 1236%.Because the results show the west talents in the field of investment,To be buffett phase.
Like Mr. Buffett is mysterious,Wei of little-known investment style.
A file shows,By the end of 2011 by the end of the second quarter,Peninsula capital assets under management to $2 billion,But the fund holds just nine companies stocks,Including satellite TV provider DirecTV/Manufacturers of special chemical products W.R.G race,And DaVita dialysis apparatus manufacturer, etc.
Among them,We can find that west in common with warren buffett,Their portfolios are concentrated,And adhere to long time hold a few shares.
In addition,West is a"generalists".
"He like orchestra will perform all of the instruments."Once together with the west as members of the Virginia state bank board Steve Brian said.
In fact,,Investment in peninsula west swept almost all the basic work:Looking for acquisitions/Funding for them/Supervision of the target company's management/Design of compensation plan/Allocate money to business entities and to understand from the perspective of bank lending and credit markets.At the same time,He is good at funding of special circumstances such as bankruptcy, mergers and acquisitions,Long tail risk management,Use of positioning/Derivatives and mild lever to control the risk of stock portfolio.
In 2001,,West of the old club M.R.G race by workers to Sue the company production of asbestos products will lead to cancer and other diseases.This once had a shipping line and the restaurant,Established firms in the business of in 158 under the weight was forced to declare bankruptcy.This time,,West initiative to help solve the dilemma.In his efforts,Company found the equilibrium relationship between workers and shareholders,A year later Grace stocks climbed for 40 times.
The mining crisis the value of the company and the ability to deal makes the west in the United States the way for Nebraska hama, Berkshire has a unique style.
Since January 2012 to join the phil's company until the end of October,West has acquired a failed mortgage business,To negotiate a newspaper can push Berkshire more profound investment agreement.
"Warren has been described the west as an investment manager,But in fact,West than warren himself better,"[bloomberg]Columnist schroeder said."He has a lot of capital management background,Including private/Mergers and acquisitions/And to build a company directly involved in management."
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