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China's asset securitization pilot for seven years,Issuing asset-backed securities is less than two hundred billion yuan,Market circulation stock only tens of billions of yuan,With China's current large amount of economic and financial negligible compared with the demand,Asset securitization in the active function of financial system and real economy has not been effectively play.Mr Ma/article
Since 2005,,China's asset securitization pilot has seven years,But for various reasons,Asset securitization in the active function of financial system and real economy has not been effectively play.In view of this,Combining with practice of commercial bank,To further promote the development of China's asset securitization market is imminent.
Background and problem
In recent years,Although Chinese society increasingly diversified financing ways and channels,Rapid rise in the proportion of direct financing,But in a certain period of time,Real economy through the system, indirect financing commercial Banks will continue to dominate.At the end of 2012,Chinese financial institutions within the territory of the loan balance of 67 trillion yuan,Is about 1.3 times of GDP.
At the same time,Bank assets structure itself is also increasingly diversified,Through asset securitization and persuation stock assets,Help to release the bank capital and liquidity,Improving the structure of the assets and liabilities and financial structure,Provide continuing financial support for entity economy.In addition,Asset securitization can also help to disperse risk of the banking system,Rich financial market instruments,Strengthen multi-level the connection and integration of financial markets,To improve the financial efficiency of resource allocation,Sound market risk pricing mechanism,Promote financial stability and development.
Starting in 2005,China actively and steadily carry out the asset securitization pilot work,Part of the banking financial institutions and non-financial businesses to participate in.Among them,Banking financial institutions pilot only 19 issue of credit assets backed securities,Total is 66.8 billion yuan RMB.During this period,Chinese regulators and the market main body has accumulated rich experience in asset securitization pilot practice,A further improve the related mechanism.After the us subprime mortgage crisis,For China's positive steady development of asset securitization market analysis provides a valuable reference.
In May 2012,Under the state council for approval,The people's bank of China/Banking regulatory commission and the ministry of finance jointly issued,Decided to further expand the pilot securitization of credit assets.Up to now,This pilot has four banking financial institutions successively issued 18.3 billion yuan credit asset-backed securities.During the period,Securities regulatory commission (CSRC) and other relevant ministries and commissions and to increase support for innovation of asset securitization.
but,From over the past seven years in the total amount of asset securitization,Issuing asset-backed securities is less than two hundred billion yuan,Market circulation stock only tens of billions of yuan,With China's current large amount of economic and financial negligible compared with the demand,Asset securitization has had a huge space,Market cultivation and innovation obviously inadequate,Market development is relatively slow,Asset securitization in the positive role of the financial system is not effective.
建议和理由 Suggestions and reasons
In order to further promote the development of China's asset securitization market,Should improve the related mechanism as soon as possible,Specific Suggestions are as follows.
a/The international accounting standards,Tailored to the situation of China asset securitization accounting sheet specifications
Assets accounting out of the table is the main cause of asset securitization and the necessary condition,Although domestic and international accounting standards has principled regulations,But the specific accounting standards are not unified.Especially in the,Most of China's major commercial Banks in China/Overseas trading,Usually hire"The big four"Public accounting firms as auditors.
在资产证券化的会计处理上,一方面需要遵守国际会计准则。《国际财务报告准则第十号-合并财务报表》(下称“IFRS 10”)已于1月1日起生效,新准则判断特殊目的实体(SPV)能否出表的依据更为全面和严格。另一方面,在某种程度上“四大”会计师事务所在我国证券化资产能否出表的问题上具有相当的裁量权,这对中国资产证券化业务和市场的发展构成了一定的不确定性。建议由财政部组织监管部门和有关各方,对资产证券化业务的会计核算处理问题进行专门研究,制定兼顾最新国际会计准则并符合中国国情的核算标准和规范。
On the asset securitization's accounting treatment,On the one hand, need to abide by the international accounting standards.[International financial reporting standards in the first 10 - consolidated financial statements](Hereinafter referred to as"IFRS 10")Comes into effect on January 1,,New guidelines determine special purpose entities(The SPV)Whether a table based on a more comprehensive and strict.On the other hand,To some extent"The big four"In asset securitization in our country whether the table is on the question of discretion,The asset securitization business in China and the development of the market uncertainty.Recommended by the ministry of finance the regulatory departments and relevant parties,Problem of the asset securitization business accounting treatment studies,Formulated with the latest international accounting standards and conform to the situation of China accounting standards and specifications.
(2)/On the basis of risk nature,To cancel or reduce the originator holds a secondary share lower limit,Relaxing capital provision standard of asset securitization
China's new policy for credit asset securitization pilot sponsors are required to hold 5% of subprime securities,In accordance with the[Commercial bank capital management approach(On a trial basis)]Shall be in full from the core capital,If we consider risk involved and deducted from other factors,Commercial bank asset securitization is not able to fully release the capital,May increase the capital takes up instead.Because of China's asset securitization is still in its infancy,Underlying asset risk control as a whole,Structure design is very simple,Basic no securitisation structure again,Suggest to cancel or reduce the originator holds a secondary share lower limit,Through the market mechanism constraints and prevent moral hazard of the sponsor,And deducted from the proceeds at the time of capital measurement and rule on appropriate to relax,Encourage Banks to carry out the asset operation.
three/Improve the efficiency of processing,Simplify the guarantee equity transfer registration procedures
In the asset securitization,True sale means that the rights and interests of assets must be assigned,Guarantee registration of change is to ensure that the legal guarantee rights and interests of the transfer of the necessary conditions.Take the credit assets securitisation,Under the current legal environment,Only the ministry of construction issued[About personal housing mortgage loan securitization of mortgage registration of change involved for notification of the problem]provisions,In personal housing mortgage loan securitisation purpose when the trust is established, can batch change the mortgage registration,Other types of credit asset securitization batch arrival/pledge registration formalities when there is no basis for laws and regulations.
Due to the security interest alteration registration involves the national registration departments of different administrative areas and the number of the mortgagor,And arrival/pledge loans in China credit assets account for a considerable proportion,Either the batch processing,Asset securitization operation cost and higher difficulty.Recommended in does not affect the transfer of assets under the premise of real rights and interests of the debtor,Simplify the procedural requirements through legislation,In the process of asset securitization,Already dealt with in/registration of the pledge guarantee rights and interests should be along with the transfer of the sold assets to the The SPV,Arrival/pledge registration departments shall cooperate with the originator and The SPV batch corresponding/pledge alteration registration procedures,Please advise arrival/pledge registration and management department such as registration of change of asset securitization involved and formulate special procedure and standards.
four/To perfect the market system and mechanism,Subject to expand asset securitization market participation,Increase liquidity in the market
A sound asset securitization products managed/Transfer settlement and circulation mechanism,Introducing market-making system in time,We will improve the mechanism of market makers offer,To provide liquidity for asset securitization product;2 it is exploring to promote stock exchange bond market/The inter-bank bond market and other market connectivity,Promote asset securitization products trading floors and counters;Third, actively explore including margin/options/Futures trading a variety of ways,Many levels of asset securitization market.
five/Promote the distribution mechanism,The asset securitization business transition from pilot to explore to normal development
On the basis of the sound system and management standard,Exploring the issue of market-oriented mechanism,Strengthen risk oversight,Simplify the approval process,Suggest the product system to deeds subject qualification system and deeds product registration system.Especially in the,Securitization of credit assets and is usually compared to the transfer of credit assets,Aspects such as law and accounting treatment is more rigorous,Standards are stricter capital provision and risk management,Higher information disclosure transparency,have"sunlight/transparent/standardization"The characteristics of the,To carry out effective regulation can be.
At the same time,After recent years of extensive pilot,The basis for the development of China's asset securitization normalized condition,Recommendations on the basis of summing up experience and improve the system of an early end to the pilot,Cancel the product access/Limit the size/Asset types such as approved limit,Encourage innovation,Promote the development of asset securitization from the pilot stage into the normalized phase.
The author of the CPPCC national committee/China merchants bank(600036,stocks)governor
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