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指纹支付进军全国 Fingerprint payment to enter the country
新快报讯 记者 韩桢 报道 凭自己的指纹购买电影票、吃饭、买衣服这些在电影里出现的场景已开始步入我们的生活。据悉,市民只要将指纹信息跟银行账户绑定,消费时只需在类似POS机的支付终端上按下绑定的手指并输入身份识别码即可完成付款,这就是所谓的“指纹支付”。这项由上海点佰趣信息科技有限公司与合作银行联合为个人用户推出的凭指纹无密码的电子支付业务,也是国内唯一以指纹支付为卖点的支付方式。深耕上海数年后,近日,“指付通”正式进军广州市场。据悉,“指付通”拥有央行颁发的第三方支付牌照,预计今年实现10个城市的全国布局,广州将是该业务推广的重点城市。
New express reporter Han Zhen reported by our own fingerprints to buy tickets to the theatre/To eat/Buy clothes in these scenes of the movie has begun to enter our lives.It is understood,As long as the fingerprint information and bank account,Only when the consumer in similar POS payment terminal on the finger of the press binding and input pins can complete the payment,This is the so-called"Fingerprint payment".By the point or interesting information technology co., LTD. And Shanghai cooperation bank jointly launched by the fingerprint for individual users password-less electronic payment business,Also is domestic only paid in fingerprint for selling point of payment.Deep Shanghai a few years later,In recent days,"Refers to the FuTong"Formally enter the market in guangzhou.It is understood,"Refers to the FuTong"With third-party payment of license issued by the bank,Is expected to achieve 10 cities across the country this year layout,Guangzhou will be the key cities for the business promotion.
第三方支付方式不断创新 The third party payment method innovation
指纹难以被盗取安全性更高 The fingerprint is hard to stolen personal security is higher
目前,第三方支付已渗透生活的各个方面。2012年,财付通携手微信推出“O2O微支付”,作为全球最大的在线支付提供商PayPal 也于2012年正式推出PayPal 境外直购平台“无境购”,精选全球PayPal 商户,并提供海量境外商品搜索功能,让海淘更省心。
At present,Third-party payment is penetrating every aspect of life.In 2012,,Choi FuTong micro letter out hand in hand"O2O micropayments",As the world's biggest online payment provider PayPal also officially launched in 2012 PayPal overseas direct purchase platform"No entry for",Select PayPal merchants around the world,Search functionality and provide huge amounts of foreign goods,Let hai tao worry more.
The third party pay the greatest common advantage is convenient,But security has long been questioned,Such as mobile payment/Online payment can pose a safety hazard,And with the"Refers to the pay period"The advent of the,Fingerprint payment also make payment based on fast and more safe.In 2009, officially launched in Shanghai"Refers to the FuTong"Brand of bayi boring company,Have to cooperate with China unionpay to pay all bank card with unionpay logo opening fingerprint application,30 seconds press the fingerprint and charge one step."Refers to the FuTong"Only the life characteristics of fingerprint identification,That is to say,Don't say what kind of rubber mold,even"finger"Are useless,To completely eliminate the possibility of a fingerprint being stolen or copied,Third party payment security is higher than that of the other model.
引入折扣模式 Introduction of discount model
指纹支付份额爆发性增长 Fingerprint payment share explosive growth
According to introducing,"Refers to the FuTong"Binding user fingerprint information with a bank account,When the business consumer,Only need to paid by similar POS terminal on the finger of the press binding and input pins can be payment.But it is a new type of payment cash in the short term, it is difficult to attract habits or brush calorie of consumption of residents,So stand mean boring CEO Chen Xiaofeng joined the consumption on the basis of payment discount business,In order to attract consumers to use fingerprint payment,At the same time open up new profit model for the company.
The personage inside course of study thinks,now"Refers to the FuTong"Looks more like a upgrade version of group buying:Set up hk boring first paying large sums of money to receive a low discount merchants;After refers to FuTong user consumption,Businesses will give made advance payment back to hk.At the same time,Set up hk boring also can get a discount of 10% to 20% additional price difference.Compared with group difference,Refers to FuTong users do not need to pay in advance,But in the consumer when the payment is ok.
"Refers to the FuTong"Commercial department and Marketing Department director Chen Jiali is introduced,If user to buy clothes,VIP nine discount,Due to low discount to buy a certain amount in advance,"Refers to the FuTong"Users can enjoy more than the VIP discount.The same,In guangzhou,"Refers to the FuTong"Leading to buy hotel room,User to contact hotel directly,Without any agent,Can enjoy more preferential than agent price negotiated rate.We have learned,By the end of 2012,"Refers to the FuTong"User a total of 800000 people,By referring to the total annual trade of FuTong platform in 160 million yuan,Mainly by the food and beverage/Leisure and entertainment/Beauty and dress the consumption frequency higher industry to give priority to.
Relevant data fingerprint payment nuggets fees as high as 24.3 billion yuan a year
China unionpay data statistics,Collecting inter-bank transactions in 2011, the number and amount of 6.413 billion and 15.21 trillion yuan respectively,Year-on-year growth of 32.3% and 32.3% respectively."Refers to the FuTong"Marketing director Chen Jiali disclosed,Does not take into account the annual compound growth,If two years later, the fingerprint payment reached 2011 20% of the amount of credit card,That is 3.04 trillion yuan,"Refers to the FuTong"From the poundage income alone can amount to 24.3 billion yuan(An average rate of 0.8%).
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