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A real threatening a wave of lawsuits against Wall Street investment Banks are spread all over the world.These lawsuits not nobody,Among them there are eager to des"Dereliction of duty"Blame the government department of justice,Buy a financial derivatives and financial institutions suffered heavy losses,Managers and local councils and pension.
"Compared with those‘Occupy Wall Street’The young man,Wall Street investment Banks are only now met real rivals.These agencies and organizations have ample funds to support the long judicial procedure,You can even use of public resources.And based on a variety of reasons,They are often reluctant to choose an out-of-court settlement or simple procedure,This is what investment Banks do not want to see."A former department job analysis of legal affairs, a former jpmorgan employees said.
As the latest court battle,Taiwan's industrial development bank of the republic of China(Hereinafter referred to as"Icbc to develop")The lawsuit,The Morgan Stanley(Hereinafter referred to as"Morgan Stanley")In the dilemma,And cause public attention.The lawsuit directly lead to large the large internal documents were made public,And confirmed that the outside world for a long time:Wall Street investment Banks before the subprime crisis,Already aware related derivatives asset quality is deteriorating rapidly,But they are not only silent,Instead, continue to foreign selling these as usual"The toxic assets",Empty and take the initiative to do these products,When buyers suffer losses could also make a fortune.
but,JPM later said in a statement issued to media has denied all charges.
In the pile"Late come of liquidation"In the,Removal of the parties in fact,Another focus of attention lies in:Icbc to develop through what channels,Success within the JPM related documents or at least the key internal information,And with such materials as the foundation,To the Morgan Stanley launched a lawsuit.
Of course,,As a number of legal professionals pointed out,Internal documents from Morgan Stanley will is the key to icbc development can win,Even if the file content is conclusive,Morgan Stanley is still have a chance to avoid the embarrassment that completely lost."Wall Street's big investment Banks have always been confident,They can is hard to find enough constraints, their own law,Reduction in the brink of financial innovation and financial fraud wander arbitrage."Said a lawyer employed by China Taiwan financial institutions.
大摩售毒 Morgan Stanley sold poison
After the outbreak of the subprime crisis,A popular theory claims that the industry once,Even the Wall Street investment bank of sales staff members,Also don't know they sell on the market of the financial derivatives,What there is a risk.In addition to using a large number of equations and a number of operational design of these derivatives"Rocket engineer"the,Few people can really make clear structure of these derivatives.
however,By the icbc to develop suit the information fully,These arguments may has big gap with the facts,Wall Street investment bank sales staff is not at least"Ignorance of the little white rabbit",Instead of their derivatives based asset quality deterioration,Maintained a clear cognition.
"They may not understand the design principles of derivatives,But they are know as collateral mortgage problems,Unqualified borrowers are a lot of get the loans they don also can't afford to,That's enough."A domestic bank financial markets, he says,Complex derivatives structure can't be serious devaluation of underlying collateral,Still can continue to ensure that the value of derivatives.
2006年,大摩正式创设了名为“Stack 2006-1”的担保债务凭证(英文缩写为“CDO”),与同时期其他投行推出的担保债务凭证产品类似,这一产品同样是以美国国内的住房贷款作为抵押物,产品总金额为5亿美元。而凭借较高的预期回报率,这一产品引发了不少海外金融机构的投资兴趣,这其中就包括中国台湾的工银开发。
In 2006,,Morgan Stanley formally created is called"Stack 2006-1"Collateralized debt obligations (cdos)(Abbreviations for"CDO"),And at the same time other collateralized debt obligations (cdos) products similar to investment Banks,This product is based on the domestic housing loans as collateral,Products total amount is $500 million.But with the higher expected returns,This product caused a lot of investment in overseas financial institutions,Including Taiwan, China icbc of development.
“那个时期台湾整个市场基准利率比较低,一般的传统投资品收益率在3%到4%之间,最高也不过5%。但是像这种CDO预期回报率可能会达到9%、10%乃至更高,这对台湾地区的金融机构很有吸引力。”一位台湾地区金融业者称,加之岛内对全球经济形势尤其是美国经济成长相当乐观,工银开发对大摩的“Stack 2006-1”动心,并不难理解。
"The Taiwan during the period of the entire market benchmark interest rate is lower,General traditional investments yield between 3% and 4%,The highest 5%.But as the expected returns on cdos could reach 9%/10% or even higher,It is attractive to financial institutions in Taiwan."A financial industry in Taiwan said,Combined with the island's fairly optimistic about the global economic situation especially for U.S. economic growth,Icbc development of Morgan Stanley"Stack 2006-1"tempted,Is not hard to understand.
On the other hand,Like most financial institutions outside the United States,Including icbc development of Taiwan financial institutions for subprime derivatives risk identification ability is not high."To be honest,Even now,The island can elude derivatives financial investment professionals.Institutions to buy derivatives,Basically look at two aspects,A brand is a sale,2 it is to evaluate(The rating)The evaluation results of the organization."A senior banker recalls in Taiwan.
Until by the end of 2007,Three major rating agencies are in the CDO products almost always at a higher status.According to an industry internal statistics show,Structural varieties of financial derivatives, including the CDO,60% have won the highest aaa rating,By contrast,Corporate bonds can get triple a rating is only 1%.
加之大摩在2005年起就将CDO产品描述为其最具优势和发展前景的产品种类,并不断加大推介力度,工银开发最终在2007年做出了购买5000万美元“Stack 2006-1”产品的投资决策。
Combined with Morgan Stanley in 2005, described the CDO products as its the most advantages and development prospects of product categories,And stepping up efforts to promote continuously,Icbc to develop eventually made a purchase of $50 million in 2007"Stack 2006-1"Products of the investment decisions.
however,According to the lawsuit in the part of the disclosure of the internal documents show,As early as 2005,Opinions on the housing loans may appear serious quality problem has spread between Morgan Stanley employees.By the year 2006,This for home loans, and even the entire real estate market fears of further upgrade - is there a Morgan Stanley employees complained that housing loan approval procedure in the mail there are serious defects,Others warned on real estate prices.
When you sell the CDO to clients products,Have the basic information of the real estate market movements Morgan Stanley employees,Did not mention these for their customers more and more obvious investment risk.Of course,,Although such practices in law is not to be investigated,But in ethics is regrettable.
不过,大摩部分员工并未在这一不算违法的灰色区域就此止步。工银开发及其代理律师指出,在获知这些信息的大摩员工中,有多人加入了由Howard Hubler领导的“内部对冲基金部门”。而这一部门的“工作内容”就是代表大摩从做空次贷市场中获利,并在一定程度上对冲风险。这一部门的部分员工随后参与设计了“Stack 2006-1”等CDO产品。
but,Morgan Stanley some employees did not in the grey areas is not illegal to stop there.Icbc development and the attorney said,By analysis the information of Morgan Stanley employees,There are many people join the Howard Hubler's leadership"Internal hedge fund sector".And the sector"Job content"Is on behalf of the big profit from shorting subprime mortgage market,And to a certain extent hedge risk.Part of the department employees to participate in later design"Stack 2006-1"CDO products such as.
"A pawn of the CDO as short subject,On the other side, in the case of knowing that risk is increasing,CDO products involved in designing and selling them to other financial institutions,That no matter how hard to get rid of suspected of fraud."The Banks in Taiwan.
不过,在多位业内人士看来,关于“Stack 2006-1”另一种可能的逻辑是,在设计之初,Stack产品原本被大摩定位为相对安全及可靠的产品。然而到了2007年初,随着房贷及房地产市场的恶化趋势开始超出大摩的估计,Stack同样变得不再安全。于是已经清楚意识到风险的大摩加大了对这一系列产品的销售力度,从而将这些烫手的山芋转嫁给其他金融机构。
but,It seems to many in the industry,about"Stack 2006-1"Another kind of logic is possible,In the beginning of design,Stack products originally by Morgan Stanley as relatively safe and reliable products.But by early 2007,As the mortgage and real estate market deterioration trend began beyond Morgan Stanley estimates,Stack also become no longer safe.So have been clearly aware of the risks of Morgan Stanley increased the sales of this series of products,To the hot potato on to other financial institutions.
If the fact is such,Morgan Stanley also difficult to escape"Intentional fraud"The charges.however,To support this fact,May need more convincing evidence.
证据之谜 Evidence of mystery
In the eyes of many in Taiwan and mainland financials,Icbc to develop successful lawsuits,To some extent can be considered"miracle".
"Morgan Stanley investment Banks when it comes to sales,A complete set of risk disclosure and exemption procedures,As the derivatives of the purchaser,May need to be in a lot of relevant risk description file,Signed dozens of words,Don't stop to affix their seals to it.But in the program after the walk,Morgan Stanley would not bear any legal responsibility for the investment profit and loss,Although there may be a moral responsibility."A state-owned commercial bank financial markets, he says,That is why after the subprime crisis,Most of the losses of financial institutions to lawsuits for Wall Street firms.
In the justification of the lawsuit,Morgan Stanley is also for this reason,Emphasis on"Buyers are savvy customers,Should already know the subprime market situation at that time",Don't hide risk problems.
And according to a Taiwanese region finance charges,The icbc development the key to a lawsuit,Is to obtain a successful part of Morgan Stanley employees during the CDO sales,Definitive letter of these assets is full of pessimism and ridicule?Interest rates.
According to the media disclosure of information,Morgan Stanley employees in March 2007, he called the Stack assets in the meeting minutes‘killer’,Or other bad name,But they still put these assets of selling.
"Collect evidence is the key issue.As far as I know,Icbc developing in front of the lawsuits,Has spent nearly a year of time to collect evidence of suspected fraud Morgan Stanley."This, he said cautiously,Some information may come from from Morgan Stanley employees leaving the company,Some came from the United States lawyer team rely on legal means forcing Morgan Stanley released documents,Still have some"From other perfectly legal but inconvenience disclosed in the channel".
"The main evidence revealed at present,Internal email and memo is Morgan Stanley employees.This also proves that the icbc developing for the direction of the relevant evidence,Should be still within Morgan Stanley employees."The Taiwan financial industry says,After the subprime crisis,Many Banks have layoffs,It also became the external agencies know Wall Street investment bank of subprime products the main source of real attitude.
但更大的突破,还来源于工银开发律师团队在法庭上采取的努力。按照工银开发代理律师Robbins Geller事务所律师Jason·C· Davis的说法,纽约州最高法院在原告方的建议下,要求大摩交出大量对其非常不利的内部文件。而这些内部文件将进一步佐证大摩员工内部邮件中的说法,并非是大摩员工的私人举动,而与大摩整体有着密切的联系。
But the bigger breakthrough,But also from icbc to develop legal team in a court of law to take effort.According to the icbc to develop the attorney Robbins Geller firm, Jason c. Davis,New York state Supreme Court in plaintiff's suggestion,Asked jpmorgan to hand over a large number of very adverse to its internal documents.The internal document will further substance to the claims in the Morgan Stanley employees internal mail,Is not big the employee's personal behavior,With big is closely related to the whole.
大摩的理由 Morgan Stanley's reason
Although icbc to develop out of a large amount of hard evidence,[The New York times]And other media also for large space report to this matter,But Morgan Stanley did not messed up condition.Remove to risk disclosure procedures complete clearing responsibility outside,Morgan Stanley also issued a statement and argument,Trying to prove himself is lack of logic of conspiracy theories and hostile to Wall Street, a victim of environment of public opinion.
在大摩的自辩中,最具说服力的例证似乎是,大摩自身同样投资了CDO,并在这一项目上同样遭遇了数十亿美元的巨额亏损。在2008年次贷危机爆发时,大摩手中仍持有大量的CDO头寸,尤其是部分在大摩自身评估都相对安全的CDO产品。然而这些CDO产品同样没能逃脱大幅贬值的厄运。更耐人寻味的是,即便是意图做空次贷获利的Howard Hubler领导的“内部对冲基金部门”,在最后的大崩盘中,同样赔进去了大量资金。
In Morgan Stanley's apology,The most compelling example seems to be,Morgan Stanley also invest in the CDO,On this project and also suffered huge losses of billions of dollars.The subprime crisis erupted in 2008,Morgan Stanley hand still has a lot of CDO positions,Especially in Morgan Stanley's own evaluation is relatively safe cdos.Yet these cdos also failed to escape the sharp devaluation of bad luck.What is more intriguing,Even intent shorting subprime mortgage profit Howard Hubler's leadership"Internal hedge fund sector",At the end of the great crash,Also lose a lot of money.
so,Morgan Stanley said in the argument,He never expected to Stack series products will be the last so poor performance,As for the loss suffered by icbc to develop,Is also a tragedy of unpredictable?things.
For employees in the internal mail a negative attitude of cdos,Morgan Stanley is refers to the"While referring to email contain inappropriate language,Reflects the poor sense of humor,But these E-mail is responsible for recording transactions in the Morgan Stanley employees.The responsibility is not assess market conditions or discuss trade credit conditions,They didn't have the relevant skills".
but,Losses to prove his innocence,Morgan Stanley is not Wall Street investment bank, was the first to do so.Faced after the outbreak of the subprime crisis triggered by Wall Street bankers of the public's anger,Bank of America merrill lynch/Citigroup have to"Themselves are also victims of the subprime crisis"In response to the criticism of public opinion.
But, as a Taiwan well-known financial investment bank manager says,Jpmorgan's losses and its possible fraud"Should be two different things","The core problem is,Morgan Stanley did realize Stack series of products is not very safe,There is the risk of collapse,But Morgan Stanley continued foreign selling this product,So the fact that it may constitute fraud".
Also known as the domestic financial markets,If Morgan Stanley because no consciousness to the point of collapse could be so sharp,To be so fast,All before the hands of the CDO,Therefore suffered huge losses,"This does not negate JPM deliberately sell toxic assets?real".
however,Legal professionals said,Even if there are considered deliberately sell risky assets to avoid losses,Morgan Stanley also is there a way to avoid huge claim."Mainly on the original sales program,Morgan Stanley sold file of this kind of financial derivatives at dozens of pages.In these files,Morgan Stanley will often fully cited a variety of market possibilities.If the derivatives of the purchaser has failed to notice the preset trap,As big as the last can reduce his subjective responsibility this requirement completely."
在“Stack 2006-1”冗长的产品文档中,大摩确实提到了做空次贷的可能性,这一点或将成为大摩为此前“内部对冲基金部门”做空行为进行辩护的关键点。
In the"Stack 2006-1"Long in the product documentation,Morgan Stanley did mention the possibility of shorting subprime,This is or will become bigger as previously"Internal hedge fund sector"Shorting to defend the key point.
In addition to this,Derivatives dazzling product structure, and Morgan Stanley sales staff carefully prepared testimony,Are likely to be icbc to develop smoothly the rights of major obstacles.Due to the jury members are not professional,Morgan Stanley derivatives of complex structure can be interpreted as the product in to reduce the risk effort has been made,To strive for the sympathy of the jury.
工银开发并非“Stack 2006-1”产品唯一的买家,因此目前的诉讼同样具有经济学上的“外部效应”。一旦工银开发成功赢得诉讼或至少迫使大摩以较大让步换取和解,那么其他“Stack 2006-1”的购买者也完全可以采取“搭便车”的做法,要求纽约州最高法院援引相关判例。不止于此,无论工银开发此次诉讼的成败,它都将为其他金融机构或公立组织寻求司法手段惩罚华尔街投行,提供极具实用性和可复制性的范?例。
Icbc is not development"Stack 2006-1"Products are the only buyer,So it also has an economic lawsuit"External effect".Once icbc developing successfully win the lawsuit or at least force JPM to large concessions in exchange for reconciliation,Then the other"Stack 2006-1"Buyer also can be taken completely"A ride"The practice of,Asked New York state Supreme Court cited relevant precedents.More than that,Regardless of the icbc to develop the success or failure of the lawsuit,It will be for other financial institutions or public organizations seek legal means to punish Wall Street investment Banks,Provides practical and replication of fan?case.
"Through the case,People will understand,In what way should be,With the evidence of how,Prove that Wall Street investment bank fraud."The lawyers said,And this also for the people shall be investigated for executives at Wall Street investment Banks in the subprime mortgage crisis should take personal responsibility,Provides a feasible way?diameter.
So far,Almost all successful into the judicial process to bring charges against Wall Street investment bank,No charges against Wall Street investment bank executives.but,Once the investment bank as the agency's fraud was decided by the court,So directly to the planning and execution of fraud investment banking executives may also face civil or criminal proceedings.
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