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从金融危机爆发至今,哈罗德·特里·麦格劳三世((Harold “Terry” McGraw III),这位标准普尔母公司的掌门人一直试图向公众证明,包括标准普尔在内的三大国际评级机构,正成为利益相关方施压下的受害者,但它们并未因此放弃“客观公正”的评级原则。对此,其他两家评级机构最近用实际行动,支持了麦格劳三世的观点:他们调降了标准普尔母公司的信用评级,却似乎并未太多顾及整个评级行业的颜面。
Since the outbreak of the financial crisis,Harold McGraw iii, terry((Harold "Terry" McGraw III),The standard & poor's parent company boss has been trying to prove to the public,Including the three major international rating agencies, standard & poor's,Are to be victims of under pressure from stakeholders,But they did not so give up"Objective and fair"The principle of rating.For this,Two other rating agencies recently with the practical action,Support the McGraw iii's point of view:Their credit rating downgrade by standard & poor's parent company,Does not seem to be too much of the rating industry face.
On February 18,,With standard & poor's are born in the United States will moody's, a rating agency standard & poor's credit rating by two levels of the parent company,Rating from A3 to Baa2 debt;Ten days ago,Based in Europe, fitch will also be the standard & poor's rating of the parent company,From A - to BBB +.
This rare faction of the big three ratings agencies,Is America's justice department of standard & poor's action.
The U.S. justice department said,Between September 2004 and October 2007, during the period,In the more than $2.8 trillion worth of mortgage-backed securities(MBS)And about $1.2 trillion of collateralised-debt obligations (cdos)(CDO)During the rating,To get more business from issuing the securities investment Banks,Standard &poor's raised the rating of the securities,And underestimated the risk of them,To constitute a"fraud".The justice department to claim $5 billion for this purpose.That amount is equivalent to standard & poor's parent McGraw-hill profits for the past 7 years.
Moody's and fitch is focus on the lawsuit to s&p and its parent company, the possible impact of future earnings,For peer under the pain killer.It is worth mentioning,After the lawsuit,Standard & poor's has not"A person when one person",Instead, call themselves suffer unfair treatment,Because the justice department mentioned all collateralized debt obligations(CDO)"Also received another give same high rating, a rating agency".
But, as a domestic rating agency said,Moody's and fitch is"No Bridges across the river",Because they also face a huge risk of litigation.
"The moody's, fitch to demote s&p's parent company,Should not be seen as a simple or simple peer disrupting business behavior.When moody's and fitch also involved in a lawsuit,The s&p will downgrade to them.When found the public and financial institutions,The three major international rating agencies own credit conditions are worrying,They make the rating results and with what have credibility?"The person refers to,"This could trigger a crisis of industry."
The start of the separation
Charges for the U.S. department of justice,Standard & poor's in denied,Also strongly suggest that the lawsuit with strong political color righteousness - the U.S. justice department take the standard & poor's operation is in order"lynching".
Late on August 5, 2012,Standard & poor's announced the us long-term sovereign credit rating by the supreme"Aaa"Down to"AA +",Outlook on negative,The reason is that,The U.S. federal government debt ceiling agreement with congress,Not enough to stabilize the federal government's medium-term debt situation.This is also the United States for the first time since 1917 being downgraded long-term sovereign credit rating.
However the news sparked outcry,Moody's and fitch ratings have been to the United States says it will continue to maintain long-term sovereign credit"Aaa"The rating.Fitch even foreign clarify again in end of October 2012:"If there is no significant adverse shocks,Fitch is unlikely before the end of 2013 to the U.S. sovereign rating on negative outlook to make a decision."
"Differences mainly lie in three,Standard & poor's thought from the long-term trend,The U.S. federal government efforts to cut the fiscal deficit is likely to be in vain,The U.S. government debt to GDP accounted for in the rising trend is difficult to reverse.But moody's believes that,The Obama administration actions, such as increase the government's debt ceiling,The first step has taken a substantial fiscal reform,As long as the reform continued,America's fiscal situation is not significant deterioration."A once worked for many years in the industry refers to moody's,"Fitch and moody's have similar views.In this matter,Standard & poor's radical indeed."
But there are many market participants believe,Standard & poor's and moody's, fitch's differences,Perhaps don't lies in the differences in business level rating method."If from then until now,You can find,Standard & poor's, the problem is that continue to cater to the market panic,Even on this road to go."The domestic rating agency said,"In the beginning of the financial crisis,The big three ratings agencies at lower part of the country's sovereign credit rating,Such reckless practices contributed to the international financial market turmoil,Not only from Europe and the eu,Also criticised by many institutions and professionals."
As the U.S. government debt since the second quarter of 2011 growing concerns over the market,Part of the rating agencies have realized,if"In Spain or Greece before as they did",With only some of the landmark event,Adjust the U.S. sovereign credit rating,Is likely to be completely shake the foundation of the global financial market stability.
"In Spain or France/Italy,Rating agencies could be because the government only come up with a temporary fiscal solution,On the country's long-term sovereign credit downgrade,But this approach cannot go to the United States."The domestic rating agencies say,In moody's and fitch ratings have been aware of the risk and become more cautious,Standard & poor's has continued to yourself"Stringent standards",For the market panic.This approach eventually reached its zenith in August in 2012.
Broken amulet
According to bloomberg news,The U.S. justice department in court in Los Angeles on suspicion of mail fraud/Communication on charges of fraud and fraud financial institutions,In standard & poor's (s&p) and its parent company, launched a civil action.It seems to some lawyers,The justice department chose the above charges for standard & poor's charges,Mainly want to bypass the first amendment to the U.S. constitution the rating agencies routinely use"amulet".
In the past 30 years,Standard & poor's, a rating agency, such as when faced with a lawsuit,The most common justification,For the first amendment to the us constitution"Freedom of speech"Right to the protection of the."If people just simply pointed out,Rating agencies report errors or other defects,Ratings agencies will defend himself in the name of free speech,And to prove that the rating agencies is a subjective malice,Will be a difficult task."A foreign law firms engaged in overseas stock markets, a senior lawyer said.
so,After the outbreak of the financial crisis,In order to crack the rating agencies' insulation,Tried to lawsuits were happy and government generally opened two new lawsuit pattern.One is accused in the process of rating, a rating agency exists negligence or error,And then demand a compensation for subjective fault, a rating agency.It at least has the interests in the United States and Australia, received good results.
2012年,曾向荷兰银行购买了经过标准普尔评级的金融衍生品并因此在金融危机中蒙受重大损失的13个澳大利亚市议会,向荷兰银行和标准普尔提出索赔。在当年11月初,澳大利亚联邦法院的Jayne Jagot 法官作出裁定,标准普尔需要为这些市议会遭受的损失负责。其理由正是在评级过程中,面对荷兰银行提供的错误的债券指数历史数据,标准普尔不仅没有加以检查和纠正,甚至在意识到自己被荷兰银行误导后,继续听之任之,而给相关金融衍生品始终保持AAA的最高信用评级。
In 2012,,Once at the Dutch bank bought after standard & poor's ratings of financial derivatives and thus suffered heavy losses in the financial crisis of the 13 city council Australia,Claim compensation from the abn amro bank and the standard & poor's.In early November,Australia's federal court Jayne Jagot the judge ruled,Standard & poor's need for the city council is responsible for losses.Its reason is in the rating process,In the face of Dutch Banks offer wrong bond index, history data,Standard & poor's, not only to check and correct them,Even after realized they misled by abn amro,To continue it,And related financial derivatives throughout the highest Aaa credit rating.
Another lawsuit ideas such as the U.S. department of justice,From the interests of related parties of rating agencies,Prove the existence of the rating agencies deliberately manipulate ratings for commercial interests of fraud.The U.S. justice department is refers to in the complaint,In order to get more from issuing financial derivatives investment Banks greater market share,The standard & poor's deliberately raise the credit rating of partial derivatives,Rather than the rating agencies have claimed before,Their ratings system is reasonable,The only problem is that unpredictable of the real estate bubble burst.
"For this kind of charges,Should the federal government from Banks or standard & poor's internal part data are obtained,Able to determine that,Standard & poor's is in knowing that some products the presence of significant risk,And intentionally given risk level is not consistent with high ratings."A judiciary on condition of anonymity said.
perhaps,The bigger problem is that,If not take the initiative to tamper with the rating results,If the rating agencies know they cannot completely cognitive complex financial derivatives risk,But still with confident attitude ratings results for these products,The rating agencies also should assume what responsibility?
Before the financial crisis,Part of the international regulators and rating agencies have claimed,One of the ratings agencies are worth,Is to help market participants,Analysis of the market is difficult to analysis the complex financial products.However, after the financial crisis,A lot of ratings agency staff said,They also stranded in these complex structured products.The peak of before the crisis,For these"Look not to understand yourself"Financial derivatives of the evaluation level,Accounts for part of the international rating agencies more than 40% of the portfolio.In this case,Error of the rating results,Whether ability problem or ethical issues?
Regardless of the current"Great infighting"Exactly how the results can be foreseen that is,A wave of litigation against ratings agencies will lift?since.
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