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Financial leasing has fundamentally reshaped the whole rental business.
From 2008 to the end of 2008,Financial leasing companies through the explosive growth of five years.Late last year,National 20 financial leasing company capital of 58.8 billion yuan,Leasing business totaled about $660 billion.Although the number of members account for only 4% of the entire leasing industry,But registered capital accounted for 32%,The total business accounted for 43%.
The 20 financial leasing companies can be divided into roughly three categories:Bank system/Financial assets management companies(AMC)System and other financial leasing companies.At present,Four amcs have set up financial leasing company.Among them,The Great Wall GuoXing financial leasing co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as"The Great Wall the lease")Is a subsidiary of the Great Wall of AMC,The return on capital(ROE)The industry's first.
Compared with the banking system,AMC system what is the characteristics of financial leasing companies?The Great Wall leasing ROE in the first place why?A more macro view of,After five years of explosive growth,The next five years,The golden age of financial leasing company can be sustained?In recent days,With these problems,[First financial daily]An interview with the wall leasing, vice chairman of the board of directors/The general manager He Xiaochu.
不能视为“影子银行” Not as a"The shadow banking"
First financial daily:One view,Financial leasing companies"The shadow banking"One of the,Should strengthen the supervision.How do you think about this idea.Leasing company whether to count"The shadow banking"One of the?
He Xiaochu:To answer this question,First of all to clear,What is the"The shadow banking"."The shadow banking"Is the us subprime mortgage crisis after the outbreak of the first proposed a concept of finance,Is defined as"Banking regulation system,Could trigger a systemic risk and regulatory arbitrage credit intermediary system",Mainly around the securitization of financial innovative tools and products.Due to China's securitization and financial innovation is limited,So this is not a fully applicable and accurate positioning in China.
Central bank governor, zhou xiaochuan, was put forward,"The shadow banking"Refers to exercise the function of commercial bank but only basic unregulated or less by the regulation of non-bank financial institutions.
In China,,Whether or not to drift outside the banking supervision system,Be identified"The shadow banking"One of the important criteria.In this regard,The trust as a shadow Banks actually wrong,Financial leasing company is in China's banking regulatory commission (CBRC) in real time under the supervision of financial institutions,More cannot be regarded as"The shadow banking".
建议允许租赁业吸收机构存款 Suggest allowing leasing absorb deposits
daily:Interest rate marketization substantive start,From the asset/The two level debt,Financial leasing companies affected by what?On the operation modes of financial leasing companies/Profit margins and will produce what effect?
He Xiaochu:After the marketization of interest rates,Interest rate formation mechanism will be fully formed by market mechanism,For financial leasing companies,To implement more flexible pricing mechanism to adapt to market changes.
In terms of assets,Carry the space will be narrowed,Regular rental business profitability decline;In terms of debt,The company's financing costs will likely rise,Were done from the interest rate marketization reform experience of the country,Interest rates are generally rising after the reform.
Leasing companies in the face of such situation,Can take measures from two aspects,One is stepping up its leasing business innovation,Explore new business model,Looking for new profit growth point;2 it is financing innovation,Diversification of financing channels,Through the listed/Debt issuance/Securitization, etc.,Reduce the cost of financing,Reduce the over-reliance on bank loans.
daily:Has always been,Leasing companies face capital source channel narrow issue.In your opinion,Asset securitization for leasing companies,What is the role of?
He Xiaochu:Asset securitization for leasing companies,A fully staffed.
First of all,Through asset securitization can be part of the assets transferred out,So that we can reduce the capital cost,Raise the level of capital adequacy of financial leasing company.The second,Leasing assets for more than three years,The basic is within one-year bank lending,The imbalance between the term structure of assets and liabilities,Easy to cause liquidity risk.Asset securitization can enhance the liquidity of the leased asset,Can also get more long-term funding,Conducive to improve the term structure of assets and liabilities.In addition,Leasing companies through the leased asset securitization can also sharply reduce the financing cost.
daily:Leasing company generally face a funding shortage problem.As industry insiders,Broaden the financing channels,You want the policy level in what aspects have a breakthrough?
He Xiaochu:Broaden the financing channels in addition to let go of asset securitization,There are two good channel,Is the policy surface has not been mentioned.
One is to get the rental company qualified trade store,Counterparties, including Banks/The insurance company/Finance companies and other financial companies.Now my company has 15 thirty million months term interbank lending,But the relatively small volume,Mainly because deadlines are too short,Serious don't match with the term of assets,Easy to cause liquidity risk.If the financial leasing company have trade qualification,You can introduce a lot of long term capital,Help to solve the problem of money supply and duration, etc.
2 it is to have the qualification for accept deposits of institutions,The Great Wall lease have a batch of high quality customers,Flush with cash,If the financial leasing company has accept deposits of institutions,Will to a great extent, solve the capital bottleneck problem.
计划年内增资并引进战投 Capital increase plan year and introduce war
daily:Many Banks will aircraft financial leasing company/The ship/Large equipment as main business sectors.Great Wall leasing is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises,What is the reason?
He Xiaochu:Start and rapid development in the current stage,The Great Wall leasing target customer finally locked in small and medium-sized enterprises,This is based on the company's own characteristics and the realistic choice of the market demand.
In addition,Great Wall leasing of this strategy is differentiation competition, the best choice.At present,Bank is a financial leasing company,Primary focus will be on the shareholder bank customers with high quality,Such as air/Vessels and large mechanical equipment in areas such as large customer,The positioning between the situation of convergence will lead to financial leasing companies and financial leasing companies and commercial Banks to the fierce competition,Leasing company is difficult to obtain satisfactory market share and return on capital.
The Great Wall lease adhere to the different development road,To small and medium-sized enterprises as the goal customer,To avoid the bank system rental of strong competition,In the segment of the market space for development.
daily:The Great Wall lease based on AMC,Compared with other financial leasing company,How do you see the Great Wall the lease of the shareholder background?financing,If lease face higher capital costs of the Great Wall?
He Xiaochu:AMC marketing network of the Great Wall is one of the core competitive advantages of Great Wall leasing.Set up branches in financial leasing company limited cases,About 99% of the total number of enterprises in our country a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises,Great Wall leasing fully with the help of the Great Wall AMC tentacles around the offices throughout the country,Quickly and efficiently capture trading opportunities.
At the same time,Great Wall lease based on restructuring of financial leasing in xinjiang,Retain the original part of the company business backbone,More familiar to leasing business.The Great Wall asset to non-performing assets management business,To the project risk identification/Handle and resolve has a mature experience.so,For the size and system has the advantages of small and medium-sized enterprises,Lease to the project design of the Great Wall/Screening and management has certain advantages.
The Great Wall is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Great Wall asset management company.Relative bank is a financial leasing company,Actually face higher funding costs.Many Banks now has built up his own company,These Banks through cross credit,For its leasing company to obtain a large number of low-cost funds,The advantage of the Great Wall is no lease.
But through five years of growth,Great Wall leasing to Banks and other financial institutions shows their own ability and credibility,Rapid growth of bank credit,Credit scale to 27.76 billion yuan.At the same time,Financing costs are controllable,The cost of capital down gradually.
daily:In the past five years,The financial leasing industry assets to grow rapidly.From the long run,Lease what is the vision of the Great Wall?
He Xiaochu:Rapid development in the next five years the Great Wall is the lease period,In order to achieve risk under the control of big development:A higher level assets and net profit year after year,Profitability remains the industry forefront,Business growth is more than the industry average.The Great Wall leasing plan complete internal capital increase in this year,The registered capital of 2.4 billion,And strive to through by the end of the introduction of strategic investors,Capital increase of 600 million again,The registered capital of 3 billion.
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