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定好家庭理财风险及目标 充分把握市场开放的机会--亲稳网络舆情监控室
和讯网消息 日前,独立第三方财富管理机构高傅财富CEO陈维忠在接受和讯网访谈时表示,这个市场现在已经越来越开放了,所以老百姓有很多不同的选择,这是一件好事。“对于个人或者家庭来说,我觉得最主要的就是先定好自己的一个生活目标,以及对不同的风险上的一些要求,在选择理财机构的时候,重点看其是否具有实力强大的背景,有无良好的理财规划方面的记录,员工的专业性,以及产品的风险等等。”
HeXunWang message recently,Independent third party wealth management institution Gao Fu CEO Chen Weizhong said when accepting HeXunWang interview,The market is more open now,So people have a lot of different options,This is a good thing."For individuals or families,I think the main one is to set your own goals in life,And some requirements for different risks,In choosing a financial institution,Key to see if it has a strong background,Have a good financial planning aspects of record keeping,The professionalism of the employees,And the risk of product and so on."
The following interviews for records:
HeXunWang:Then you in terms of private wealth management also has a more than 20 years of experience,Also on the international including domestic market is very understanding,The vast domestic investors to us,In the face of so many investment channels in the future,How do we,Personal or family money,How do we choose to measure,That you give us some advice.
The guest:good,I don't think after the market is more open now,So people have a lot of different options,This is a good thing,In the main I think it's personal or family,Set yourself a goal is what,Because every person or every family all have different goals in life,And his different requirements on some of the risk,Get this stuff out,We look at some of overseas a lot of good third party finance company,They will have some special tools,To help you to analysis how are you is a kind of a person,On your investment,Your usual behavior is one of the categories of people,So that can help you more configured above what you want to invest in some projects,Or what is should do some protection, and so on,So the risk with your life requirement is to supplement,Then you can choose different products from different institutions,But should be from two different agencies also compare them in terms of financial planning services an advantage in where,Where is the charge,A screening of good or bad products,Such as a whole,Will allow you to fully grasp the market open a very good chance,But also can achieve your goal in life.
HeXunWang:We at the time of comparison and screening of these institutions,The Angle from which to measure and judge?Such as the agency,Is worth trust,It then this product is expected to be better in the future,What specific to judge?
The guest:First of all has to know their demands with the risk of later,We look at the background of the different institutions they itself is a more powerful some background,They have some good financial planning aspects of record keeping,Their staff is very professional,And then their whole company's operation and training is more ahead,Can constantly update them some qualified and professional staff.Product selection,Actually, they should also point out some good benefits,Especially the risk the above considerations,Probably because of the many third party or other agency is lay particular stress on the beneficial aspects of the benefits,Without risk is good enough to cover the above a shortcoming place,So this is one of the common people should be more need to consider the matter.
HeXunWang:Behind many of them are out of the question, to recognize the risk.
The guest:for,So the front shows these things should be more honest with investors,Is a good agency with the company to promote these services.
HeXunWang:good,That's it for this program,Thank you Chen overall share,goodbye.
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