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信批违规 新中基前董事长遭交易商协会开永久性罚单--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  每日经济新闻(博客,微博)记者 万敏 发自北京

The daily economic news(blog,weibo)Reporter Wan Min Beijing

  尽管“11新中基CP001”已如期兑付,但它对信用债市场形成的阴影并未完全消散。昨日(3月13日),中国银行(601988,股吧)间市场交易商协会对新疆中基实业股份有限公司 (以下简称新中基)前董事长刘一给予公开谴责处分,并处认定不适当人选(期限为永久)。

In spite of"11 in the new base CP001"Has duly honour,But it for credit bond market formation of the shadow has not fully dissipate.yesterday(On March 13,),The bank of China(601988,stocks)Dealers association between base in xinjiang industrial co., LTD (Hereinafter referred to as the base in the new)The former chairman of that given publicly condemned sanctions,Both confirmed not the appropriate candidate(Deadline for permanent).

  根据交易商协会去年10月开始实施的 《非金融企业债务融资工具市场自律处分规则》,认定不适当人选是指处分对象为个人时,认定其暂时或永久不适宜从事非金融企业债务融资工具市场相关业务,在此期间,处分对象除不适宜继续在原机构从事该市场相关业务外,也不适宜在其他任何机构从事该市场相关业务。

According to the dealers association began in October last year [Non-financial corporate debt financing tool market discipline punishment rules],That inappropriate choice refers to dispose of objects for the individual,As temporary or permanent, it does not suitable for non-financial corporate debt financing tool market related business,During this period,Dispose of objects in addition to not appropriate to continue in the original institutions engaged in related business outside the market,Don't fit in any other organization engaged in the related business market.


According to the[The daily economic news]Journalists understand,That in February 2011, in term of office in the new chairman,At the time the new base popped the losses for the first time in the information and soon.

  应对财报虚假信息负责 Responsible for reporting false information


Traders association according to the survey,In the new base as a special dealers association members,In non-financial corporate debt financing tool under existing in violation of the interbank market relevant self-discipline rules to guide behaviour:

  新中基作为 “10新中基CP01”和“11新中基CP001”发行人,未能严格按照企业会计准则相关要求披露重大关联交易事项:2007年~2008年期间,新中基所属子公司新疆中基蕃茄制品有限责任公司将产品番茄酱销售给天津晟中国际贸易有限公司 (以下简称天津晟中公司),2007年~2010年期间天津晟中公司又直接或通过其他途径将该部分商品销售给新中基的子公司天津中辰番茄制品有限公司,上述事项严重影响新中基2007年~2011年度的财务报告结果,导致其前期披露的2007年~2011年财务报告信息不真实、不准确,已构成虚假记载、误导性陈述,严重损害了投资者利益。

In the new base as the "Base of 10 new CP01"and"11 in the new base CP001"The issuer,Not in strict accordance with the accounting standards for enterprises related matters require disclosure of significant related party transactions:During 2007 ~ 2008,Belong to the base in a new base in xinjiang tomato products co., LTD to ketchup sales the products to tianjin sheng international trade co., LTD (Hereinafter referred to as tianjin sheng in the company),During 2007 ~ 2010 in the tianjin sheng company directly or through other ways to give the portion of the goods sales to new base in Calvin tomato products co., LTD., a subsidiary of tianjin,These matters seriously affect the new base in 2007 ~ 2011 annual financial report,Lead to its early disclosure in 2007-2011 financial reporting information is not true/Is not accurate,Already constitute a misrepresentation/Misleading statements,Seriously damage the interests of investors.

  上述行为违反了 《银行间债券市场非金融企业债务融资工具信息披露规则》(以下简称 《信息披露规则》)第二条有关规定。

Behavior in violation of the above [Interbank bond market non-financial corporate debt financing tool for information disclosure rules](Hereinafter referred to as the [Information disclosure rules])The relevant provisions of the second.


* ST in the annual report,Since 2007,New base in the main business began to decline,The revenue growth of 30.45%,But net profit growth of only 1.56%.After several years of earnings dropped,New base in the prediction about the huge losses of 880 million yuan in 2011.


Dealers association said,That as a new base in the former chairman of the board of directors,In his tenure that failed to take responsibility,Ensure company disclosed financial information true/Accurate and complete,The behavior to violate[Information disclosure rules]The relevant provisions of the second,In response to new base their financial information to assume primary responsibility.The self-discipline disciplinary review meeting and review,Decided to give that denounced the disciplinary action,Both confirmed not the appropriate candidate(Deadline for permanent).


[The daily economic news]Reporters noticed that,According to the[Information disclosure rules],Corporate disclosure of information is false/Misleading statements or major omissions,The director directly responsible/Senior management personnel and other persons directly responsible,Can be given a warning/Serious warning or denounced,Can be imposed shall be ordered to correct or deemed inappropriate candidates.

  公司正有序完成重整计划 The company is ordered to complete reorganization plan


On March 9, according to the * ST in the announcement,Companies are working in order to complete the execution of reorganization plan.Up to now,In addition to the three creditors apply for escrow,In cash to repay creditors debt part has been completed.


In addition,According to the company's announcement on December 1 last year,As of November 27, 2012,A total of 33 creditors to managers to declare the creditor's rights,The claim filing amounted to RMB 3.56 billion.Among them,Confirm for the total amount of the claims 3.197 billion yuan.


New base in short financial debt in its largest shareholder NongLiuShi state-owned assets management company with the help of the payment on schedule.


Dealers association is not the earliest found its financial data is not real.In March 2012,On suspicion of violation of securities laws and regulations,The China securities regulatory commission in xinjiang authority decided to new base for investigation.Since then,Financial data/Executives have left/The phenomenon such as major shareholders holdings eventually cause the credit rating agency, to its credit rating downgraded all the way.On October 12, 2012,Ccxi to rating from A base in the new subject to CC,And will be"11 in the new base CP001"The debt rating by A cut to 1 B,Are included in the continue to downgrade.


Since then,At the request of the association of dealers,Based on October 16, in new announcement,Unveiled its four Banks loans totaling 8 overdue loans of 526 million yuan,Account for 251.29% of the company's latest audited net assets of the truth.


yesterday,A base in new loans of state-owned Banks to local branch staff[The daily economic news]reporters,The new base loan management work has been taking in the branch.In this,Reporters call the local branch of the relevant departments,But did not get through.


"Association of the punishment is responsible for the market's behavior,"A bond market participants said,Even though the new payment as scheduled,But its financial false false/Information disclosure, etc are still not in time to harmed investors.The punishments for violations, head of corporate executives will warning more bond issuance subject strict self-discipline.
