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  脱胎于《经济学人》的智库机构,则凭借广泛的国际视野和独立性原则,收集有效数据并进行建模和分析,为世界各国的政治、经济和营商环境持续开展评估和预测。因此,智库所提供的各类信息报告已成为众多机构和组织的“水晶球”,帮助他们进行决策和判断。对此,《经济学人》智库国家分析部门亚洲和大洋洲地区总监Simon Baptist接受了我们的专访,就其提供的数据、分析和预测服务以及未来在新兴市场的发展战略等话题进行了交流。

Based on a[The economist intelligence unit]The think tank,For a wide range of international vision and independence principle,To collect valid data modeling and analysis was carried on,As the world's political/Economic and business environment continues to carry out the assessment and prediction.so,Think-tank report provided by all kinds of information has become numerous agencies and organizations"The crystal ball",Help them to make decisions and judgments.For this,[The economist intelligence unit]Think-tank national analysis department in Asia and Oceania region director Simon Baptist accepted our interview,With respect to its data/Analysis and forecasting services, and in the future development strategy for emerging markets such as topic.


[The 21st century]:In April 2012 Clearstate to Singapore enterprise after m&a,You buy again in February Bazian London medical information leading enterprises,The acquisition of significance?

  Simon Baptist:我们认为医疗行业在未来有着巨大的发展空间,而这也是全球性趋势。如今,美国20%的GDP花在医疗方面,在中国的数据是5%,面对医疗费用越发昂贵,老龄化等问题的出现,在新兴市场国家,医疗行业的发展也非常迅速,人们需要更多的信息咨询内容,我们希望在这方面增强我们分析和信息提供能力。Clearstate对于新兴市场像亚洲市场的需求都非常了解, 而Bazian专长于医疗服务、治疗和医疗技术临床证据分析及提供,让决策者可以评估临床疗效及性价比,我们可以把这些和我们的国别GDP,价格,收入等方面信息整合成一个关于医疗市场以及国家信息的强大报告。

Simon Baptist:We believe that the health care industry has huge development space in the future,And this is also a global trend.now,20% of U.S. gross domestic product spent on health care,Data in China is 5%,In the face of increasingly expensive medical costs,Such as ageing problems,In emerging markets,The development of medical industry is very fast,People need more information content,We hope to enhance our analysis in this respect and information ability.Clearstate for emerging markets like Asia, the demand of the market is very understanding, And Bazian expertise in medical service/Treatment and medical technology clinical analysis and to provide evidence,Make decision makers can evaluate clinical curative effect and price,We can make these and our country's GDP,The price,Income aspects such as information integration into a strong report on medical market and the state information.

  《21世纪》:《经济学人》杂志是一本具有全球影响力的刊物,而旗下Economist Intelligence Unit(以下简称智库)则向全球企业、政府部门、金融和学术机构提供研究、分析和预测服务,两者的关系是怎样的?能否描述一下智库的业务定位及盈利模式?

[The 21st century]:[The economist intelligence unit]Magazine is a journal of global influence,And, Economist Intelligence Unit(Hereinafter referred to as the "think-tank)To the world/The government department/Financial provide research and academic institutions/Analysis and forecasting services,What is the relationship between both?Can describe a think-tank business positioning and profit model?

  Simon Baptist:《经济学人》和智库同属经济学人集团,而智库是B2B功能,对商业合作伙伴负责,拥有350多名分析师,分析信息所依据的数据源于世界银行(World Bank)、IEA、国际货币基金组织(IMF)、欧盟、经合组织和联合国等,通过这些基本数据填入到经济模型当中产生经济预测及相关信息。

Simon Baptist:[The economist intelligence unit]And belong to the economist group, a think-tank,The think-tank's B2B capabilities,Responsible for the business partner,With more than 350 analysts,Analysis of the data which is the basis of the information comes from the world bank(World Bank)/The IEA/The international monetary fund(The IMF)/The European Union/Such as the oecd and the UN,Through these basic data to fill in to generate economic forecasts of economic model and related information.


Magazines and remain independent think-tank,We will share some data,There will be mutual cooperation.About profit model,Country report we offer our customers/Industry report and according to different risk reports, etc,Pricing depends on the customer purchase report,Can buy alone or in combinations,Or annual subscription,Another is customized,According to the requirements to provide the information they need in making decisions.


[The 21st century]:From the information services that perspective,Think-tank with other consultancy services provided by the have what different?Technology development is upending traditional business models,At the moment,Related to enterprise customers/Suppliers and business operations is constantly produced hundreds of terabytes of information,As a professional information provider, a think-tank,You how to filter for the customer the most effective and crucial information?

  Simon Baptist:咨询公司更倾向于提供商业发展策略、公司运作模式等方面的实践服务,我们则擅长在于宏观经济和政治方面的研究,给客户提供正确信息,让他们在这些信息基础上做出自己的决策,而更为关键的区别是,我们以提供对未来的预测而知名,能够让决策者了解未来会是怎样的趋势。在全球,我们的客户主要分为三种类型:第一是商业客户,他们在外国市场进行投资,希望了解不同国家的政策,例如通货膨胀率,工资,价格,市场投资情况等等;第二是政府组织,比如外交部、使馆以及相关经济部门;第三类是其它机构,世界银行、亚洲开发银行、大学等。对于大数据时代的到来我们感到非常振奋,客户无法阅读全部的信息,我们需要做的事情就是搜集数据,通过经济模型作出分析,将大量的信息转化为客户容易理解的内容,此外,我们还要做更多的研究和分析工作,一般来说,客户会提出对于一些问题的具体要求,我们提供研究结果。在大数据时代,我们可以扮演一个非常重要的决策者的角色,就是将“数据”变成“知识”。

Simon Baptist:Consulting firms tend to provide business development strategy/The practice of service company operation mode, etc,We are good at is macro economic and political aspects of the research,To the customer provide the correct information,Let them based on this information to make their own decisions,The difference is even more crucial,We are well known to provide the forecast of the future,Allows decision makers to understand what is the future trend.In the world,Our customers are mainly divided into three types:The first is the business customers,They are to invest in foreign markets,Want to know the policies of different countries,For example, the rate of inflation,wages,The price,Market investment situation and so on;The second is the government organization,Such as the ministry of foreign affairs/The embassy and related sectors of the economy;The third class is others,The world bank/The Asian development bank/University, etc..For the advent of the era of big data, we feel very exciting,Customer can't read all of the information,We need to do is to collect data,Through the economic analysis model,Will be a lot of information into easily understandable content,In addition,We need to do more research and analysis,In general,The specific requirements of the customers will be put forward for some problems,We provide the results.In the era of big data,We can play a very important role of policy makers,Is to"The data"Become a"knowledge".


[The 21st century]:Asian markets and China's increasingly become the focus of world attention,Compared with European and American developed countries,Emerging market countries have what differentiation of consulting information needs?Think-tank now provide what are the major categories of information service?

  Simon Baptist:对于欧美国家来说,他们在外国进行大量投资,希望了解其他国家情况,对于新兴市场国家来说,他们之前更多关注于自己经济体发展,而现在他们也在逐步进入海外市场,例如中国就有很多公司在海外市场进行投资,并购等等,希望了解更多海外市场经济情况,政策情况,产品价格、公司情况、风险等等信息,新兴市场国家也在购买大量关于其他国家的信息内容。

Simon Baptist:For the European and American countries,They are a large number of foreign investment,Want to know about other countries,For emerging market countries,They had more focus on development of their economies,And now they are gradually gaining access to overseas markets,For example, China has many company to invest in overseas markets,Mergers and acquisitions, etc.,Hope to know more about economic situation in overseas markets,Policy is,The product price/Company profile/Risk and so on information,Emerging market countries are buying lots of information about other countries.

  我们的旗舰产品是国别报告(Country Reports)和国别预测(Country Forecasts)服务,对197个国家开展政治和经济分析,还提供一揽子数据和预测服务,供客户订阅使用,其中包括风险评估、经济和市场数据、每日新闻分析、行业趋势和管理战略等;还可以提供28种商品的两年期价格预测,全面分析影响大宗商品价格的基本因素;另外,有一系列全球生活成本(Worldwide Cost of Living)、女性经济机会指数(Women"s Economic Opportunity Index)、宜居性报告和排名(The Liveability Report & Ranking)等重点专题报告推出。

Country report is our flagship products(Country Reports)And country forecast(Country Forecasts)service,Of 197 countries in political and economic analysis,Also provide package data and forecast service,Used for the customer to subscribe,Including risk assessment/Economic and market data/Daily news and analysis/Industry trends and management strategy, etc;Can also provide two-year 28 commodity price forecasts,Comprehensive analysis of the basic factors that affect commodity prices;In addition,Have a series of worldwide cost of living(Worldwide Cost of Living)/"Women's economic opportunity index("Women"S Economic Opportunity Index)/Livability and ranking report(The Liveability Report & Ranking)Key project report.
