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文/特约记者 嵇晨
Wen/stringer JiChen
Someone asked,Do you often come to China?Evelyn rothschild to such"Stupid question"smiled,In recent decades,This is famous for its quiet mystery Europe established financial family,Core members have visited China,Its rothschild investment Banks in Hong Kong is involved in several cases of Chinese large trading company, overseas mergers and acquisitions,In the financial/car/communication/Education and other fields,Has set up a invisible online.
Lady Evelyn rothschild synergy, rothschild came to Shanghai to attend the senior financial institute of Shanghai jiao tong university EMBA celebrity lecture activities,Lin called for in the public speech,To get destroyed by the financial crisis of trust and dream back,"The so-called American dream and Chinese dream is the same,It is hoped that as long as you work hard and obey the rules,Can dreams come true".
The financial crisis in 2008 broke a lot of people dream,"Hard work can dream come true"The universal
Rules in a sense,Wealth is monopoly in the hands of a handful of people.
Mrs Rothschild reference data,From 1979 to 2009, the American middle class income increased by 40%,The lowest income increased by 18%,And in the wake of the financial crisis,Between 2009 and 2010,The richest 93% of the wealth growth is 93% in America people.
As a private sector business leaders,She thinks that this kind of inequality"Has a great destructive to the social development",A so-called is put forward"Generalized initiative of capitalism",Called for rebuilding trust between citizens and government/Social wealth distribution mechanism of fair return,And worries about financial industry excessive abnormal prosperity.
In the dream-seeker initiative,Lynn rothschild private business people can from in the reality to build more effective social education system/Supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and encourage long-term capital/To aim at long-term development to reform management and corporate governance, etc. Three main aspects.
这是近年来伊夫林·罗斯柴尔德爵士和琳·罗斯柴尔德在全球多个顶尖商学院巡讲时推崇的“广义资本主义”项目研究成果,也是其共同创立掌管的E.L. Rothschild LLC公司启动的“亨利·杰克逊包容性资本主义倡议委员会”(Henry Jackson Initiative for Inclusive Capitalism)的核心主旨。
This is in recent years Sir Evelyn DE rothschild and Lynn rothschild many top business schools worldwide tour is recommended"Generalized capitalism"Project research results,As well as the co-founded the e in charge of the Rothschild LLC company launched"Henry Jackson inclusive capitalism initiative committee"(Henry Jackson Initiative for Inclusive Capitalism)At the heart of the theme.
从2002年6月起,琳·罗斯柴尔德一直担任E.L. Rothschild LLC的总裁,这是一家面向国际的私人投资公司,投资领域包括媒体、信息技术、农业和房地产,旗下持有经济学人集团(The Economist Group)股份,和大量消费品、房地产和金融领域资产。
Since June 2002,Lynn Rothschild has been e Rothschild LLC President,This is an international private investment company,Including media investment field/Information technology (it)/Agriculture and real estate,Owns the economist group(The Economist Group)shares,And a large number of consumer goods/Real estate and the financial sector assets.
布局中国 The layout of China
Regardless of initiative affectionate,But mention the rothschild family,People first think of is that the storm financial giants.As early as in 2010 when giovanni cobolli gigli acquisition Volvo,The layout of the rothschild family in China has emerged,In Hong Kong/Has offices in Shanghai and Beijing,In several cases of Chinese large enterprises multinational acquisition plays a very important and active role.
"Our family came to China in 1838,At that time management is one of China's silk/Tea and silver."Its history dates back,With bankers intelligent temperament Sir Evelyn DE rothschild"Has a long history"Describe a family inseparable relations with China.
"I'm 26 years old to join the family business,And bank of China(601988,stocks)Dealing with gold trading,At the time or(In the last century)The fifties and sixties,We believe that Asia is on the rise,Will be the future of the world,In Singapore/Malaysia and Japan conducted business,Doing business with China at the time is very important strategic significance."Evelyn rothschild said.
In 1973,,Evelyn first came to China,Even if China has been through some turbulence and difficulties,He has never doubted the ancient civilization of the soil will be spawned a better future,"From then to now,I'm glad I can bear witness to China's growth and expansion in decades."
The rothschild family,Always be as is"Because of the conservative"The characteristics of the,But in front of the Chinese economy booming and the huge financial markets,The experienced mature market baptism of Europe in one hundred established financial family are in the layout,Show some adventurous spirit.
In some available information,The rothschild family direct investment in China only hold 4.98% stake in Qingdao bank/With citic east China (group) co., LTD., a joint venture here on Monday the baron rothschild citic industry co., LTD,But Evelyn said,"Hope cooperate with Chinese Banks to achieve more."He said,The development of China's banking industry has a great imagination,There may be more and more bank privatization phenomenon,Which contains a lot of business opportunities.
长盛不衰的基因 Longevity genes
Both dream and dream weaving,The rothschild family in wealth management and inheritance,Are adhering to the"Take a long-term view/Invest for the long term"The idea of,Shows a mature investors generally have patience.
It seems to Evelyn,After the second world war, the British government put the railway/Many private companies such as gas nationalisation,Now that China is facing the opposite trend,"Looking forward to the future 20 years later,May have a lot of China's state-owned enterprises to sell to the private sector,Such as railway system now/School of education/Hospitals and other public sector needs to reform,Would not rule out the possibility of privatization reform."
obviously,The rothschild family is waiting for this opportunity,The cooperative idea may not be in the hands of a receiver,Is the rothschild family with generations of patience to wait in China,A new opportunity and the world.
Evelyn and his wife, lynne is the fifth generation descendant of the rothschild family,Even experienced two world wars and economic/The financial crisis,Family wealth inheritance and management is still in an orderly way,On a stable growth of value of channel.Talk about one of the methods,Evelyn said,The most important thing is have to morality/cautious,With a long-term perspective,Do not rush into any decisions.
"The first world war is the rothschild relation with original partner end phase,Followed by the great depression made deutsche bank business ground to a halt,All business must start all over again."Evelyn recall father presided over family business in 1930,Difficult to insist to the end of the second world war,And then the business is based on family and mutual trust between the customer relationship,Now, the rothschild family businesses growing,There are 13 offices around the world,Including China.
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