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Interest let Wang Tan around the asset pricing the core content of the financial markets,Striving for twenty years.To set right place, right time and with SAIF,Wang Tan is full of hope,Hope it shoulder the responsibility of the lead Chinese financial education and research.recently,[The international financial report]Reporter had an interview with Shanghai jiaotong university, Shanghai institute of senior financial(SAIF)Finance long-term distinguished professor Wang Tan.
与金融学结缘 And finance become attached to
How to finance the Buddhism?Wang Tan summarize interest in 4 words.During the university of Waterloo in Canada as a teaching assistant,Wang Tan professor appreciated by a very negative reputation,And guide his interest shifted to the financial sector,At this point,Research from Wang Tan"wide"/"bo"To the heavier application of financial economics,To realize the"generalists"With the"know-how"The balance.
“那位教授叫Phelim Boyle,是金融界蒙特卡罗方法的奠基人。他为我打开了一扇大门,让我萌生了对金融学研究的浓厚兴趣,他对我来讲是一个真正的mentor。”王坦告诉记者,当年,Phelim Boyle给了他很大的鼓励,“他常常鼓励我做些金融研究,他还让我教金融学的一些课,在教学过程中我渐渐就对金融有了兴趣。”
"The professor told Phelim Boyle,Finance is the founder of the monte carlo method.He opens the door for me,Let me got the strong interest in finance,He was a real mentor to me."Wang Tan told reporters,That year,Phelim Boyle gave him great encouragement,"He often encourage me to do for financial research,He also let I teach finance some of the lessons,In the teaching process I gradually have the interest on financial."
Come back to China,Wang Tan on China's proportion of the equity division reform compensation factors were analyzed and studied,He explained that the,"The north American market is not a similar problem.In the United States,Any company listed are not immediately implement the full circulation,A considerable part of the founder of the stock in hand.China's non-tradable shares and the north American market has a fundamental difference,That is in the United States was to allow these stock circulation,Founder just choose not to circulate,In China are not allowed to circulate."
so,With liquidity explain China's problem is not the best way,May be to build a model.Wang Tan told reporters,"We consider that it is a real non-tradable shares,When it is lifted the ban on the flow of government decision-making,Once in the decision making,The price should be decided according to the financial theory.On the basis of,We built a model again."
Under the environment of the downturn in the world,China's economy is going through a critical period,Financial system reform,Wang Tan like many scholars pay close attention to the change of the market and the hidden risk,"I care about most is the reform of the Chinese financial institutions,Special mechanism and historical background in China,The mechanism of financial institutions should be how to operate?How to adjust?How to adapt to the market?These are worthy of attention."Wang Tan pointed out.
At present,Wang Tan has a research interest on China's shadow banking,He hoped that by studying could answer, where is the bank of China's shadow?Its risk management mechanism is how?He stressed that,China's financial reform not only mechanical copying others,Making its own mechanism is particularly important.
做中国金融研究引领者 Do China financial research leader
Study of the job,Wang Tan is a tourists love mountain water,He love feel natural,Also love social experience.Each to a place he would like to stay for a period of time,Understand the local cultural environment/The local people's way of thinking and living conditions."To different parts of the world to stay,Look at all kinds of people live together,Is very meaningful.Open a lot of vision for you,Thought that the question will also be different."Wang Tan back to taste.
作为SAIF长期特聘教授,也是SAIF的早期筹建人之一,王坦将一大部分时间用于教学、研究和管理工作上,可以说,他见证着SAIF 3年来的成长。在他眼里,SAIF的诞生积聚了天时地利和人和,“就好像一个孩子要生在一个非常好的时间,生在一个很好的家庭一样,中国经济发展到今天需要SAIF这样的机构,而SAIF也是在上海建设国际金融中心的进程中应运而生。所以,我对SAIF的期望还是很高的,希望他不简简单单做一个平庸的孩子,能为上海或者国家作出点贡献。”王坦满怀期待地说。
As SAIF distinguished professor in the long run,It is also one of SAIF's early preparation people,Wang Tan will a most of the time used for teaching/Research and management work,Can say,He witnessed the SAIF growth in three years.In his eyes,SAIF and right place, right time and the birth of the accumulated,"As if a child is born in a very good time,He was born in a good family,China's economic development to today need to SAIF,And SAIF also is in the process of construction of Shanghai international financial center arises at the historic moment.so,I expect of SAIF was very high,Hope he is not simply to do an average children,Contribute to Shanghai or countries."Wang Tan anticipation.
Wang Tan hope,SAIF can become China and the world first-class financial future teaching research,Bore the burden of leading the Chinese finance research,Will China's financial mechanism in the field of research,At the same time, combined with domestic and foreign leading financial literacy and education mode to set up the course characteristic and has international view,In order to attract outstanding students from all over the country and all over the world,Cultivate high-end financial talent.
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- 出台扩大股转系统试点范围方案--亲稳网络舆情监控室
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- 专家称银行应适应互联网需求--亲稳舆论引导监测室
- 理顺机制尤为重要(明星教授)--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- 假新闻袭击金融--亲稳舆论引导监测室
- 支付行业快速扩张--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- “三马”闯两江--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- “金融创新不足”致结构调整举步维艰--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- IMF:中国内需支持亚洲经济--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
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- 一季度北京金融业增加值619亿元 同比增长11%--亲稳舆论引导监测室