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In general,The The PMI is one of the international macroeconomic monitoring index system of general,The PMI is higher than 50%,Manufacturing economic expansion;Less than 50%,Reflect the manufacturing recession.
We have learned,Since last August,Manufacturing The PMI for five months,In November/12 monthly 50.6%,1 this year/A small drop in February,Picked up in March,And April fell back again.
Look from the sub-index,Constitute the five classification of manufacturing The PMI index 1 4.Among them,Production index was 52.6%,Slightly down 0.1% from march,Manufacturing enterprise production continue to increase,At a slightly slower growth,New orders index also fell back from march of 0.6% to 51.7%,In addition staff index/Supplier delivery time index also have varying degrees of narrowing,The raw materials inventory index was 47.5%,In march, though with flat but have three consecutive months less than 50%,Manufacturing raw materials inventories continued to decrease.
专家观点 Experts view
经济回稳基础未巩固 Economic basis of stabilising solidifying
"April The PMI index slipped a bit,Show is not consolidate the foundation of the economy stabilizes",Macroeconomic research department under the state council development research center zhang liqun said,On the demand,The new orders index in April/Export orders index/Backlog of orders index are in decline;On the inventory,The descent of the finished goods inventory and purchase quantity index,Orders decline began to make inventory to inventory.In addition,In April, purchasing price index is greatly reduced,Also reflects the enterprise expected to negative change,Future economic growth slightly downward."The future should focus on the stability of domestic demand,The sustainability of improving economic stability".
It seems to anz bank greater China chief economist liu ligang at anz,Outbreak of avian flu outbreaks may also affect the performance of the economy as a whole.
经济运行转向结构性调整 Economic operation to structural adjustment
Federation of logistics and purchasing the panel report said,Since this year the The PMI showed,Economy is driven by relying on scale expansion speed type depending on the structure transformation and upgrading to support efficiency.The equipment manufacturing industry/High and new technology industry actively good,Structural adjustment is to speed up the step by step,Proposal should focus on control of excessive release of capacity,Expanding consumer demand,Stable price level,Focuses on the guide and promote the adjustment of economic structure upgrading and enterprise business model transformation.
Liu ligang at anz told reporters,From the current situation,Fiscal spending and investment is relatively slow,The most important reason is the economic slowdown,But it is also China's official change has been centered on investment in economic policy,More consideration to solve structural problems of a signal.Liu ligang at anz said,In order to prevent the occurrence of serious decline in the economy as a whole,China's official should introduce detailed steps of urbanization as soon as possible,Also introduced structural tax cuts are needed to reduce the burden of small and medium-sized enterprises and service industry,And promote the progress of marketization of interest rates more quickly.
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