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Recently the state council Wednesday presided 20 million-plus,Clear requirements"The scheme of the operation of the RMB capital account convertibility".This highlights the central determination,Capital account convertibility can be finally period in key areas.
Capital account convertibility is establishing the open economy system and deeper into the institutional basis of globalization.Than horizontal or vertical,China's foreign trade dependence is very high,But rarely is considered to be an open economy.Is the main trade and use of foreign direct investment on China's way of participating in globalization,Foreign investment in recent years to grow,At a lower level.Promote the reform of capital account convertibility,Implement reasonable orderly cross-border capital flows,In the global configuration/Use a variety of resources,Will significantly improve the degree of integration with the world,Help to build upgrade version of the Chinese economy.
Capital account convertibility will bring fundamental change economic system and operation mechanism,Assigned to the foreign and domestic investors in investment destination choice of greater autonomy,Capital is intrinsically requires the free flow of economic system.The system convergence effect of capital account convertibility,Help to push forward the reform of the original system is not reasonable/No part of the efficiency,To promote institutional change and innovation,Prevent the market-oriented reform of nominal and backwards.The potential threat from capital can vote with their feet,Also prompted the government to adopt responsible macroeconomic policies.
Capital account convertibility reform social phenomena.China's economy has many segmentation and protection,Due to low efficiency.Reform has also entered the deep waters,Facing huge resistance of vested interests,Whose interests are difficult to move.Capital account convertibility,Itself is open and the contents of the reform,Activation can also/Reversed transmission reform in other fields,Inhibition of rent-seeking behavior and arbitrage space,Eliminate excessive protection and monopoly.
The current capital account convertibility reform differences is an important reform of the order problem.In theory,,General should be domestic reform and opening to the outside world.however,That doesn't rule out at a particular time period and operating level,Start the reform in the field of foreign.Such as the,Capital account convertibility and interest rates/Exchange rate marketization mutually conditional,Start the who/After start the who,Is more a technical problem.The current situation,Relax too strict management and control of cancel the invalid,Not cause excessive capital account convertibility.
Cross-border capital flow risk awareness is another important differences.Capital account convertibility,Reminiscent of the hot money easily/The impact of the idle fund the international capital flow,Bring all fear and doubt.Take wide into severe out over a long period of time in our country foreign exchange management mode,Management of capital inflows to loose,The management have strict capital outflow,Especially the country's capital outflows,Has brought a series of problems.Reform will focus on the future a period of time to relax/Cancellation of domestic enterprises/enterprise/Individuals hold control of overseas assets,Change the past wide into severe out mode,Basic risk is controllable.The state department Wednesday presided specifically proposed system of overseas investment of individual investors,Shows the orientation.
For the risk of capital account convertibility should cause enough attention.With the development of convertible,Large capital flows into the larger/Reversal potential risk, etc,The possibility of potential risk to real risk also increases.The right choice not to return to capital controls,But to manage risk,Keep the macro economic and financial stability to enhance ability to resist risk,Hold good degree of reform and implementation degree of convertibility and bear ability is quite.
During the 12th five year China's ability to make the RMB convertible under capital project basic.Capital project convertible market segmentation and difference at home and abroad.As a developing country,In China for a long time still can't put the wall completely dismantled.The management of cross-border capital flows are necessary,In the international community has reached a consensus.With the passage of time,Exchange link restrictions and administrative controls,Unlimited or reasonable cross-border capital activity is limited to less,Keep control is mainly in view of the risk management of cross-border capital flows,China announced it would make the RMB convertible under capital accounts.
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