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“Inclusive growth”Need to productive employment equality of opportunity and an effective government

  ■ 周建军

S ZhouJianJun


Inclusive growth,The Chinese context is not common vocabulary,In the fifth apec ministerial meeting on human resources development,Draws the attention of all circles from home and abroad and many hot debate。The so-called“Inclusive growth”,Is to make the economic globalization and economic development benefits all countries and regions、Benefit all the crowd,In sustainable development realize the coordinate development of the economic society。

  “包容性增长”(Inclusive Growth)概念的产生是发展经济学领域的新进展,与联合国秘书长潘基文等政治领导人的关注密不可分。包括联合国、世界银行、国际货币基金组织、亚洲开发银行等全球性或区域性组织的领导人,在多个场合倡导社会包容或包容性增长。这种宣传攻势很容易让人联想起20多年前指引拉美和前苏联等国进行私有化改革的“华盛顿共识”。从某种意义上来说,“包容性增长”正是西方机构对“华盛顿共识”的自我修正。

“Inclusive growth”(Inclusive Growth)The concept is an economics field development new progress,And the United Nations secretary-general ban ki-moon and the attention of political leaders are inseparable。Including the United Nations、The world bank、The international monetary fund、The Asian development bank and other global or regional leaders of the organization,On many occasions advocate the containment or inclusive growth。This campaign is easy to associate with more than 20 years ago in Latin America and the former Soviet union to guide and other foreign countries for privatization of the reform“The Washington consensus”。In a certain sense,“Inclusive growth”What western institutions to“The Washington consensus”corrections。

  全球面临包容性挑战 The global challenge facing inclusiveness


Although the world is in advocate inclusive sustainable economic growth,But nothing is further from the truth。As some seriously,Not equal to the history of the human society is as old as the history。reality,Some economies almost no economic growth,Or economic growth often unsustainable,Harder to talk up the economic growth of inclusiveness。Nobel economic prize winner spencer, led the world bank《Sustainable growth and inclusive development》The report says,Since the 1950 s to the present day,Only 13 of the global economy with an annual economic growth rate achieved 7% above,And lasts 25 years。The 13 economies is Botswana、Brazil、China、Hong Kong, China、China's Taiwan、Indonesia、Japan、South Korea、Malaysia、Malta、Oman、Singapore and Thailand。Among them,Only Japan、South Korea、Singapore、Malta、Hong Kong, China and Taiwan, China,Continued economic growth and realize the per capita income of high income level。Remove the Japanese,Only in South Korea and China Taiwan this's two super thousands of economy,Across the so-called“Middle-income trap”Into the high income level economies ranks。

  据世界银行的2005年购买力平价统计数据,截至2005年,全球尚有14亿人生活在每天1.25美元的国际贫困线以下。这虽然比1981年的19亿贫困人口的数据有所下降,但基本上是中国贫困人口减少的原因所致。而除中国外的其他地区,形势则不断恶化。2005年,生活在中国以外地区的贫困人口,较之 1981 年时至少增加了1个亿。

According to the world bank 2005 purchasing power parity statistical data,By the end of 2005,There are 1.4 billion people living in the world every day of the international poverty line of $1.25。Though this than the 1981 1.9 billion poor population data fell,But basically is China the poverty reduction caused by the reasons。And in addition to the other parts of China,The situation is deteriorating。2005 years,Life in the outside China of the poor,Compared to the 1981 has increased at least 1。

  全球最贫困的40%人口,其收入只占到世界收入总量的5%;而最富裕的20%人口则占到了总收入的75%。到1999年,世界上最富有的475位亿万富翁的财富总额已经超过了所有人口中较贫困人口中一半人(约30亿人)的收入总额。2015年将是千年发展目标的截止年限,但是千年发展目标的实现困难重重。就中国自身而言,除了广为人知的贫富差距、地区差距、城乡差距问题,代际传递问题也正在引发人们的担心和忧虑。中国学者蔡洪滨曾经从社会流动性的角度,进一步区分了“静态的不平等”和“动态的不平等”,相对于“静态的不平等”,“动态的不平等”侧重强调社会流动性低、社会利益结构的固化。值得注意的是,有研究指出,2000年之后中国家庭代与代之间收入的相关性在上升,社会流动性在下降(详见2010年Khor和Pencavel 在亚洲开发银行的工作论文)。

40% of the world's poorest people,Its income account for only 5% of the world total income;The richest 20% of the population is accounted for 75% of total revenue。By 1999,The world's richest 475 billionaires have more than the total wealth all of the population in the poorer people in half of the population(About 3 billion people)Gross income of。2015 will be the millennium development goals by fixed number of year,But one thousand years to achieve the goals of difficulties。Will China itself,In addition to the well known to the gap between rich and poor、The regional gap、Gap between urban and rural problems,Intergenerational transmission is also the problem by people concerned and worried。Chinese scholars from CaiHongBin once the point of view of social mobility,Further distinguish between the“Static inequality”and“Dynamic inequality”,Relative to“Static inequality”,“Dynamic inequality”Focusing on emphasis on social mobility is low、Social benefit structure of curing。Note the,Studies have pointed out that,2000 years after China's family and the correlation between income and generation is on the rise,Social mobility in the fall(As shown in the 2010 Pencavel Khor and in the Asian development bank, working paper)。


Even those who realize the sustainable economic growth or across the so-called“Middle-income trap”Into the high income level economy,Also also faces the challenge of tolerance。For example in the United States,Whether income or wealth inequality are amazing:The top 1% of the rich have assets more than 40% of total assets,After 80% of the population has only 17% of America's wealth,This is since the 1920 s the most unequal distribution of wealth。2003 ~ 2005,The United States 1% of income before revaluation of more than 20% of the poorest people in total income。The United States a new study says,In 2010 the United States the highest income of 100 chief executives,25 annual salary of more than they pay in the enterprise of the federal income tax。The census bureau says the results of the survey,The United States in 2010 to the historic poverty population of 46.2 million people,Compared with 2009 new poverty population of 2.6 million,Reach 52 years of high;Poverty population proportion of up to 15.1%,The equivalent of 6.6 people to have a poor,For the highest level since 1993(The so-called poverty population,Refers to the family of four cash income tax the year before last less than $22314 or two home under 14218 dollars)。In Japan this developed countries,Every year because of the economic difficulties people have committed suicide for 12 years to reach 30000 people,In Japan, more and more people can not find a steady job,Under the income of the decline of the facts。In South Korea,Continuous decades of rapid economic growth has also brought not social integration,The government and the private enterprise is the plutocrats whether enforcement“Sharing type economic growth”And the debate。obviously,In the context of economics“Trickle-down effect”(Economic growth is the dividend will be through the market mechanism to each class automatic leakage),In the reality is not sufficient。


Yale university political science professor lane's empirical research said,Economic growth、Income level and the happiness of the people there is no simple are related。On the market in a democratic system, the study of happiness,Ryan stressed the economic growth and the economic growth of the difference between income increase brought,And points out the possible economic growth process“Not happy”,And after economic growth and income level“happiness”The complex relationship。His research showed:In addition to economic growth process of may“Not happy”,Income level and“happiness”Is curve relationship than linear relationship。Income level and“happiness”The curvilinear relationship is not denying that income level to“happiness”The importance of,Especially for the poor is concerned,Income level have“Extremely positive role”。But he also noted,In his cognitive market a democratic system,Once a man made the minimum level of income level,The income level to improve“happiness”She became very limited。Especially in the developed countries,The relationship between income and happiness close to zero or sometimes is negative(The wealthier,Is not happy)。He claimed that he,Capitalism has made to create the material prosperity of high achievement,But failed to build a harmonious society and to ensure the integrity of the family。

  教条化的“平等”缺乏可操作性 Of dogma should“equality”Lack of maneuverability


obvious,To realize the truly inclusive growth,Social equality is key premise。Which not only contain through the redistribution of the realization of the equal results,More important is the equality of opportunity。American political philosopher rawls think:“All social value(Including freedom and equality、Income and wealth and the personal and dignity of the basic)Should be equally,Unless the value of a or all of the not equal distribution can make benefits all people。”


however,The results of equality and the equality of opportunity is often hard to distinguish。The famous British political philosopher Cohen points out,To promote equality of opportunity is not only a kind of equality of the policy,And it is a redistribution of the policy。Chinese scholars WangShaoGuang summary said,Rawls and Cohen, the essence of the scholars equality of opportunity theory has a major premise,That is in some key areas(Of course not all fields),The results must be equal,Only these findings in the field of equality,People in the opportunity is truly equal。


Will the equality of opportunity in itself,Whether theorists or society in general has not the same understanding and the understanding。On this point,Cohen to the equality of opportunity from three administrative levels further distinguish:Asset class the equality of opportunity、Left-wing liberalism of equality of opportunity and socialist equality of opportunity。According to Cohen's point of view,Asset class the equality of opportunity aims to eliminate since right distribution and for eigners and other harmful social ideas to be caused the limits of the opportunity,Expand to people the opportunity。Left-wing liberalism of the equality of opportunity is beyond the bourgeoisie of the equality of opportunity,Aims to break of the bourgeoisie, the equality of opportunity not covered by the social environment by restrictive results。Once the left-wing liberalism to fully realize the equality of opportunity,The destiny of people and talent to the choice by their decision,so,It is not by their social background had decided。


With left-wing liberalism compared to the equality of opportunity,The equality of socialism is a step further。Not only should correcting social disadvantage,Still trying to correct the talent was born or adverse conditions,Realize the ideal of socialism“Are created equal”。Once the socialism can realize the equality of opportunity,The results reflect the differences of the hobby and choice is the difference,And no longer is natural and social ability and power of the differences。


No matter which kinds of types of equality,All is unlikely to be fully realized。As is called economic liberalism benchmarking characters of American economist Milton friedman said:“The truth-that the so-called equal opportunities‘equal’Is not possible......Like every kind of ideal,Equality of opportunity is hard to fully implemented。”so,If governments to“Equality of opportunity”For the principle policy,There will be many difficult or excessive demanding place。In this case,“Inclusive growth”Perhaps more than the concept of pure“Equality of opportunity”More feasibility。

  应重视生产型就业机会平等 Should attach importance to the equal employment opportunities and production


The world bank about tolerance of the growth of the study says,“Inclusive growth”,and“The growth of broad-based”、“Share type growth”、“Close the poor growth”Often interchangeable,But is there a difference between them。Its main features include:


The first,Inclusive growth is different from traditional definition,Emphasize the speed of economic growth also emphasize the way of economic growth,They interact with each other and common emphasis on contact。The speed of economic growth is the essence of the poor to reduce undoubtedly is important,but,In order to economic growth in the long-term sustainable,Economic growth is widely and inclusive basis to the country's most most labor population growth。The definition of inclusive growth,The growth is implied macro and micro factors to the direct link,And the economic diversification and competition expression of the economic structure of the importance of transformation。


The second,Inclusive growth,Investment and increase in manufacturing employment opportunities for guidance,To speed up the economic growth and expansion of the size of the economy growth。That is inclusive growth through increased more inclined to manufacturing employment opportunities rather than direct income distribution to achieve its employment type of economic growth。In particular,The employment of the type of economic growth,Through the different types of enterprises or seek a way out of the salary of employment(Usually miniature enterprise),To create new jobs and personal income。


The third,Inclusive growth,Should make people equal、Widely participate in the process of economic growth and benefit from it。The world bank emphasize,This aspect,The equality of opportunity for inclusive growth is very important。


In manufacturing employment opportunity, not to direct the distribution of income emphasize is important,This emphasis on both in order to realize the possible employment type economic growth,In order to avoid the distribution is on income and ignore create income“Welfare disease”,So that economic social system lack of energy。The United Nations secretary general Joe's assistant pointed out,Although China is faced with the income distribution, and other aspects of the great challenges,But productive employment opportunities and the increase of the fast growth of the economy,Make China's poverty reduction in achieved great success。


Corresponding to the manufacturing employment put forward,There're a lot about“No job growth”discussion。McKinsey, a research institute named《Employment creation and the American future》The latest report,The U.S. economy in the past 20 years experience more and more long after the recession“No employment recovery”dilemma;In the 1980 s in the recession,Employment need about six months time to recover to levels seen before the recession,1990 ~ 1991 and 2001 years of recession,The recovery respectively for 15 months and 39 months;Job creation from recent speed look,From December 2010 count,Employment recovery needs more than 60 months,That is 2016 years to may recover in 2008 to 2009 during a recession lost 7 million jobs。No employment economic growth or no employment of the economic recovery,Is our understanding of the important problems related to the manufacturing employment background。


Similar to the growth of the world bank inclusive explanation,The Asian development bank 2011 years of research report and its former chief economist ali's research,Advocate from create new productive employment and economic opportunity、Of equal opportunity for broaden the channels(In education such as、Health care and other social services to expand the human ability,Eliminate market failure、System failure and social exclusion)、A safety net and perfect springboard role of social protection three aspects to reconstruct the inclusive growth strategy。Ali also stressed:Inclusive growth is not the means of redistribution for foundation to solve the inequality,But focus on creating an opportunity and ensure that you get the chance to fair。At present,The Asian development bank are developing a more practical and guiding index system,8 categories including 35 events,To measure and guide the practice of inclusive growth。The index system including 8 categories:(1)Poverty and inequality,(2)Economic growth and employment,(3)The major infrastructure resources,(4)Get education and medical approach,(5)Get the infrastructure and the path of service,(6)Gender equality and opportunity,(7)Social safety net,(8)Good management and system。

  西方正在反思经济自由化理念下的政府职能 Western economic liberalization are rethinking the concept of government functions


20 years ago“The Washington consensus”Tell people,Should try our best to reduce the function of the government。So will the state-owned enterprise privatization、Extreme measures such as weakening business regulation,Had become a so-called“Non-market economies”The golden rule of reform。however,In Latin America and the former Soviet union after the painful experience,Western economics have begun to reflect on the government in the economic development of the real effect。


Of the above mentioned the world bank《Sustainable growth and inclusive development》The report concluded that,Since the 1950 s to the present day,Only 13 of the global economy with an annual economic growth rate achieved 7% above、And lasts 25 years。And these successful economies of a common characteristic,Is that they all have an increasingly capable、Reliable and have sense of responsibility of the government,That is a leadership and effective government。To succeed,Decision makers promise must be reliable、Have inclusiveness,To make people believe in yourself or his own offspring will be fully share the fruits of economic development。In this sense,The economic development of the key issues facing is not the lack of capital,But the government in economic activity in the role of the proper role。Including the authors of the report、Nobel economic prize winner spencer、The world bank's former chief economist SiDiGeLiCi and other western mainstream scholars,And the world bank and the international monetary fund, the person in charge of the people in the west,Said to have the limitations of the market and the government's role of review or reflection。


September 2010,World bank President Robert zoellick in the United States of George Washington university said in the speech:“The Washington consensus”Are faded out from the stage of history,People also could not have had a from one city to the world are applicable political economics consensus。Zoellick explained,Although the market and the government may malfunction,But the good governance、anti-corruption、The rule of such importance of the role of government management will be beyond a single economic efficiency considerations。In addition,Remove these basic principles,Experience suggests that one size fits all "mode has a problem;From different economic development stage of economic development strategy(For example is export-oriented or domestic demand oriented)To different economic development stages of the financial control measures,All may be differentiation treat。even,Zoellick also to the last several years to the developed countries of the hypocrisy(Including involved in energy、Fiscal policy、Trade policy、A series of problems, such as debt levels“As I said、Don't copy me”)And the old world economic model sharp criticism。obviously,The world bank leaders of the world economic and social development diversity、Differentiation policy and government management and the importance of the role emphasis,And in the developed countries and the world economy and the old mode hypocrisy of criticism,Some developed countries is to advocate and pushing the once、BaoDaTianXia of“The Washington consensus”denial。


April 2011,In the United States or George Washington university,The international monetary fund managing director dominique strauss-kahn more loudly publicly criticized several years ago by the international monetary fund and the world bank and other institutions of implementation“The Washington consensus”,Criticism over the past several years to economic and social policy for equality of desalination and ignored,Strength than zoellick more so。Kahn says claims privatisation、Liberalisation and deregulated“The Washington consensus”Has become history,And advocate for hot money for control,Increase social cohesion and tolerance、Ramming of sustainable economic and social development of equal basis。“The new global”、“More fair globalization”、“More human nature of globalization”、“Social inclusive growth mode”、“The government and the market complement each other、Balance each other”、“Multilateralism and cooperation”Become the key words this speech oliver kahn。Could see that,The international monetary fund to the world to the person in charge of the announcement,The world needs a new political and economic development strategy and ideology。

  世界已进入后华盛顿共识时代 The world has the Washington consensus era


Just step down the world bank vice President Lin to Chinese readers to recommend often hosted by spencer《Sustainable growth and inclusive development》report,Remind people reflection“The Washington consensus”defects,Look at the government in a positive economic development in an important role,Especially in different stage of development in economy。Justin yifu Lin in an interview said many times,Not only to realize“The Washington consensus”The inherent defect of,And even beyond the traditional Keynesian sense“Dig a hole”、“Fill holes”Fiscal stimulus,Use can increase productivity、Eliminate bottlenecks investment as a public fiscal stimulus the main object。


Justin yifu Lin inspired to summarize and emphasize that the government role in different development stages of the developing countries and developed countries of different importance。The first,Different development level of the country's economic structure is not the same,The economic structure contains the industrial structure,And financial、trade、The structure of the labor market。The second,Economic development process is a structure changing process,In different stage structure characteristics are not the same,Therefore the policy characteristics is not the same。For the developed countries of the policy,With suitable for developing countries policy are not the same,According to the different stage of development must be the characteristics of the country、The characteristics of production activity, and so on to propose the policy framework。The third,In the economic development in the process,The role of the market and the government pay equal attention to。As the past the most economic theory put forward is according to the experiences of developed countries,The structure of their relatively mature、stability,The role of government is not so prominent,so,In theory emphasizes the market,Ignore the role of government。


And in the last several years,Especially in many developing countries and economies,For stabilization and“The Washington consensus”Doctrine of too superstitious,The role of government by a shrinking。For example,On macro stability trump the other goals(employment、Growth and development)Too much emphasis,Make the government have incentives to cut various expenses,Including infrastructure、Social security and other public investment。According to the above claim of Lin,SiDiGeLiCi in July 2011《Reflect on development economics》The paper points out:The government has not only binding effect,Also a constructive and promote the role,For example,In promoting entrepreneurial talent、Provide social and infrastructure、Ensure that education and financial resources are available、Support technology and innovation。Of course,This is not to say that the role of the government is perfect and not picky,The government will also failure、The government needs to people's supervision and participate in;but,If necessary SiDiGeLiCi pointed out that recognize,“The government has not only binding effect,Also a constructive and promote the role”,The role of the market and the government should pay equal attention to。


although“Inclusive growth”Policy ideas may still exist some shortage or defect(For instance, in not equal class root of further back),But we should see,That privatization from、Liberalisation and stabilization“The Washington consensus”To the criticism of privatization and liberalization“Washington consensus after”,To advocate productive employment and public investment、Argue that economic growth speed and the unity of the pattern of economic growth、People widely participate in equal economic growth process and benefit from it“Inclusive growth”,With the world bank and the international monetary fund and other international organizations by the ideology is occurring some degree of change。obviously,The world bank、The Asian development bank and other international organizations of the first put forward“Inclusive growth”concept,For the past is for a long time now some western countries and international organizations of implementation“The Washington consensus”The market such as the fundamentalist self local fixed。Even declared“Historical end said”The Japanese American scholars also recently pointed out that fushan,The world economic crisis highlighted the capitalist system immanent instability,American capitalism has from the shrines fall out,The world has entered into“Washington consensus after”era。

  中国经济增长离不开 China's economic growth cannot leave

  一个有效的政府 An effective government


Inclusive growth and sustainable development is not easy。Although China's economy has achieved remarkable success--according to the international monetary fund said,China's per capita income in the 2010 years up to 4280 dollars,The world bank said in the middle-income countries club。but,We don't know,Thereisnoanother a breath-taking scenery,Because China is also facing such problems remain to be solved。According to the statistics of the claim,Average after all is not the median,Us $4280 per capita income level covers the domestic development level of great differences。but,For decades of rapid economic growth, make China to be on a middle-income country's new historical starting point,We will also have more confidence and courage in the face of various kinds of challenges and difficulties。


After the research of the United States is famous for its development MIT economist summarized research on Ames says,Successful countries can always timely、Skillfully to adjust their policies in order to adapt to the changes in the environment。The current,The world political and economic situation is experiencing positive and profound changes,For China to us,In practicing the scientific concept of development、Promote social harmony of the roads,Emphasize the speed of economic growth at the same time,Also emphasize the way of economic growth;Emphasize to economic growth,Also stresses the people's equality、Wide participation of economic growth process and benefit from it;By increasing investment and production emphasis on employment opportunities,Make people's equality、Widely participate in the process of economic growth;Inclusive growth is active and in its meaning。


As national leaders and speech“1025”Planning of repeatedly:The fundamental purpose is inclusive growth of economic globalization and economic development to the benefits of all countries and regions、Benefit all the crowd,In sustainable development realize the coordinate development of the economic society;Trying to make the development for the people、Development on people's、The achievements of development should be Shared by the people。To guarantee and improve the livelihood of the people as to speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development essential starting point and the foothold。Perfect the security and improving the people's livelihood arrangement of system,To promote employment in economic and social development priority position,To speed up the development of social undertakings,Promote equal access to basic public service,Increase the income distribution adjustment dynamics,Unswervingly take the road of common prosperity,Make the benefits of development to all the people。


In order to“1025”planning、Promote eco-social development process,Based on China's national conditions and 1.3 billion population growth toleration of practice,May further enriched and inclusive growth itself beyond the connotation、For inclusive growth idea into the Chinese elements、Explore inclusive growth of China's experience。Needless to say,To realize the toleration of China's economic and social sustainable development and growth is concerned,A leadership and effective government is indispensable。

