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陆家嘴2012年7月刊 In July 2012 the lujiazui monthly


 上海:梦想与现实 Shanghai:Dream and reality

  文/本刊记者 杨斯媛 肖妍茹 詹晨

Wen/this reporter YangSiYuan XiaoYan ZhanChen radha


(The financial crisis a profound influence on the global financial architecture and economy,Shanghai construction international financial centre has also attracted DaiHong like has the same international background of high-end financial talents to work in Shanghai。)


DaiHong now get up every morning then,7:00 read the son of kindergarten with half an hour to read books,And then from the big cedar house near the start。As traffic bank(601328,Shares it)The head office chief market risk management,He will before 9 o 'clock on time in the silver hand in silver tower of cheng zhong rd.。


Two years ago,He also works in New York,Because the house is not New York,Back and forth to work to spend five hours。Shanghai subway let DaiHong impressive,And New York had,Here's the subway obviously modern many。


April 2010,Should make the covenant of,DaiHongLai Shanghai interview,And in the same year in July to return。

  谈及2008年的金融危机,戴宏依然唏嘘不已。2008年3月,贝尔斯登倒闭次日,当时还在摩根士丹利工作的戴宏收到了时任摩根士丹利董事长兼CEO麦晋桁(John J. Mack)的群发邮件,“最艰难的时刻过去了,我已经看到了隧道尽头的阳光……”

About 2008 financial crisis,DaiHong silently still unceasingly。March 2008,Bear stearns collapse the next day,Still be in at that time the work of Morgan Stanley DaiHong received as chairman and CEO MaiJinHang Morgan Stanley(John J. Mack)Mass email,“The most difficult times in the past,I have seen the end of the tunnel sun...”


Facts prove the,Most Wall Street financiers for crisis judgment is wrong,The crisis of the extent of damage and affects more than the original of the most pessimistic expectations。


September 2008,With Wall Street financial storm,DaiHong fought barclays,As barclays risk management strategy decision, director of the division。December 5, 2009,In the United States DaiHong attended the steering committee of Shanghai's financial organization“The overseas high-level financial talent recruitment”,In the first contact。

  一年后,戴宏来到上海参加交行的面试。彼时戴宏手头已经有美国CIT集团(CIT Group)亚洲区首席风险官的Offer。没多考虑,戴宏婉拒CIT,于2010年7月回国,加盟交行。

A year later,DaiHong came to Shanghai for the in the interview。Back then DaiHong have American CIT group in hand(CIT GROUP)Asia area chief risk officer's Offer。No more about,DaiHong declined CIT,In July 2010 to return home,To join in the。


“To the individual character,Domestic development opportunity more。”DaiHong said。


The financial crisis a profound influence on the global financial architecture and economy。


In the European and American countries experience to leveraged、Adjust the scale and adapt to the process of regulatory reforms:On the one hand the global economic focus and capital market began to transfer from the west direction east;On the other hand,China's economic and financial activities on the influence of the global economic pattern is increasing。These two factors are for construction of Shanghai international finance center provides the opportunity,Also attracted like DaiHong has the same international background of high-end financial talents to work in Shanghai。


In recent years,Shanghai's financial industry is to attract overseas education background of about 3000 people。In 2008 and 2009,Shanghai has two organization recruitment group,To the New York、Chicago、London, England、Toronto, Canada, and other financial talent quite centralized international financial center city financial talent recruitment high-end。July,Shanghai will officially released to the overseas high-level talents needs directory,And to launch a new round of overseas financial talent recruitment。


Cathay Pacific fund an assistant to the general manager zhang people had to study in the United States live for 21 years,Successively in jpmorgan chase、French industry and commerce credit bank and other financial institutions,After returning to China in 2007,He first as the French Paris bank(China)Co., LTD. Fixed income department supervisor,July 2009,He joined cathay Pacific fund。

  “上海非常国际化,基本上没有什么特别需要去适应的。上海建设国际金融中心,不能简单地去和纽约、伦敦、新加坡或者香港等地去比,要用发展眼光看。比如国内财富管理规模只有差不多GDP 的60%,美国、日本都已是好几倍了,未来发展空间很大。”张人蟠说。

“Shanghai very international,Basically nothing special need to adapt。Shanghai construction international financial centre,Can't simply go and New York、London、Singapore or Hong Kong, than to go to,Want to use development vision to see。Such as domestic wealth management scale only about GDP 60%,The United States、Japan already is several times,The future development of the space is very large。”Zhang man said an。


But for many years engaged in risk management of DaiHong also recognizes come back to work after some of the aspects of the need to adapt to。

  戴宏认为,纽约和上海的信用体系有很大区别。美国每个人都有 社会安全号SSN(social security number),这个号几乎可以把个人所有信用记录串在一起,银行账号、税号、信用卡号、社会医疗保障号都与之挂钩,把某人社会安全号码输入全国联网的计算机,任何人均可查到自己的背景资料,教育背景、工作经历,与税务、保险、银行打交道时的信用状况、有无犯罪记录等等,银行则可根据申请人过往信用记录,确定其贷款风险。

DaiHong think,New York and Shanghai credit system have very big distinction。All people in the United States have Social security number SSN(Social security number),This number can almost put personal credit record all string together,A bank account、grows、Credit card Numbers、Social and medical security no. And the hook,Take sb. Social security number input nationwide network computer,Any person can find his own background material,Education background、Work experience,And tax、insurance、When dealing with the bank credit conditions、Have a criminal record, and so on,The bank may be past credit records according to the applicant,Determine the loan risk。


Daniel founding Partner QianXueFeng han capital is a real from Shanghai,He grew up in luwan district,Now already merged into new huangpu district。QianXueFeng back to Shanghai has more than 10 years,After graduation from Yale law school,As a lawyer,He had been in Wall Street experience 7 years,Although the change law firms,But do is more relevant business with China。In 1999 the Internet era is gold,Risk investment arises at the historic moment。QianXueFeng back to Shanghai,In the new rich founded softbank risk fund company as a legal director,Since then began his career investment。


“Just return the,Pudong many corner all have the shadow of the 1990 s,There is a way,Meet the rainy day is very muddy road。”QianXueFeng recalled,“Now, with the lujiazui tall buildings,The road overpass crisscross,In the shadow of the century and where?”


10 years,QianXueFeng also independent from softbank started a slice of heaven and earth。

  上海的PE(Private Equity)发展很快,去年在上海登记注册的就有1200多家。上海建设国际金融中心的内容中有一个新提法就是“上海财富与资产管理中心”,并正式写入“十二五”规划当中。为了吸引更多的PE入驻,去年上海推出了QFLP,截至去年底,包括黑石、凯雷、3i等在内的14家机构获得资格。

Shanghai's PE(Private Equity)Development soon,Last year in Shanghai registered to have many 1200。Shanghai construction international financial centre in the content of a new formulation is“Shanghai wealth and asset management center”,And formal written to the“1025”Planning of。In order to attract more in PE,Last year the Shanghai launched QFLP,By the end of last year,Including blackstone、Carlyle、3 I, 14 agencies for qualification。


QianXueFeng like lujiazui,“Here the atmosphere are forming financial,Not only was the hardware improve significantly,Capital and talent can be found”。

  让钱学锋担忧的是前期PE征收 “浮盈税”的传言,“这让很多PE合伙人LP(limit partner)以及GP(general partner)不淡定起来,上海如果能够在此方面建立良好的绿色税务通道,打消大家的顾虑,将能吸引更多PE来上海。”

Let QianXueFeng concerned about is the PE collection “Float surplus tax”rumors,“It makes a lot of PE Partners LP(Limit Partner)And GP(general Partner)Not calm up,Shanghai if in this aspect can establish good green tax channel,Let everyone's concerns,Will attract more PE to Shanghai。”


(Shanghai international financial center of the swimmer and evolution path more clear:Strive to basically established Shanghai 2015 global RMB product innovation、trading、Pricing and liquidation center position。)


The high-end financial talents came in Shanghai in recent years have also benefited from the development of the financial industry。

  上海金融业联合会和罗兰贝格咨询公司年初发布的“上海金融景气指数”显示:自2006年以来,上海金融业复合增长率为19%,远快于上海市GDP12%的复合增速,指数相对2006年增长了近1.5倍。今年3月发布的2011年度“伦敦金融城全球金融中心指数”(GFCI)最新排名中,上海位居全球金融中心第八位。而去年7月发布的“新华-道琼斯国际金融中心发展指数”( IFCD)最新排名,上海居第六位。近年来,上海在这两个排名中均稳居前十。

Shanghai's financial industry association and LuoLanBeiGe consulting company released early“Shanghai financial confidence”shows:Since 2006,Shanghai's financial industry is compound annual growth rate of 19%,Far faster than Shanghai GDP12 % of composite growth,Index relative 2006 increased nearly 1.5 times。March this year by year 2011“In the city center of global finance index”(GFCI)The latest rankings,Shanghai global financial center in the eighth。And last July release“Xinhua-the dow Jones international financial center development index”( IFCD)The latest rankings,Shanghai in sixth。In recent years,Shanghai in the two ranked in the top ten are comfortably。


HSBC(China)Co., LTD administrative President and President HuangBiJuan think,“Begin from 2008 of the global financial crisis is speeding up the global economic barycenter and capital market direction east from west of the transfer of the process,China's economic and financial activities on the influence of the global economic pattern is increasing,These changes for Shanghai construction international financial centre provides opportunities。”

  上海金融办主任方星海和黄碧娟看法相似,“ 2008年后世界主要的经济体增长比较乏力、增长缓慢,给上海建设国际金融中心提供了弯道超车的机会,上海有可能迅速发展,然后在量和质方面迅速接近世界一流国际金融中心。”

Shanghai financial do, a HuangBiJuan and a similar view,“ 2008 years of the world's major economies is weak growth、Slow growth,For Shanghai construction international financial centre provides the opportunity to overtake corners,Shanghai is likely a rapid development,And then in the quantity and quality of the world first-class fast approaching international financial center。”


Party also has a professional studied abroad and work background,1986 years after graduating from tsinghua university in the United States at the university of Pittsburgh is economics。In 1993 he transfer to the economics department at Stanford university and doctor's degree。Doctor after graduation,Party first job was working in the world bank,After returning home once successively in the construction bank and ShangJiaoSuo work。


Mr Fang is a native of wenzhou。so,When asked why make financial reform in wenzhou pilot,He said,“The essence of wenzhou reform is to establish an open and free financial system,A large number of private wealth for wenzhou pilot to create the best conditions,But financial reform usually occur at the national level,Test is not likely to be restricted in a certain area,Because money is flowing。”


In addition to the wenzhou,Including shenzhen、Tianjin city, in the financial innovation to promote。Mr Fang think,There is competition is a good thing,All over the country the financial industry development faster,Help to Shanghai international financial center construction of push forward。Everybody can get the financial industry,Shanghai international financial center construction can do more。

  2009年3月25日,国务院常务会议审议并原则通过了《关于推进上海加快发展现代服务业和先进制造业 建设国际金融中心和国际航运中心的意见》,要求2020年基本建成与我国经济实力以及人民币国际地位相适应的国际金融中心,上海国际金融中心建设的国家战略定位正式确定。随着国家发改委今年发布《“十二五”时期上海国际金融中心建设规划》中明确 “力争到2015年基本确立上海的全球性人民币产品创新、交易、定价和清算中心地位”,上海国际金融中心的发力点和演化路径也越发清晰。

March 25, 2009,The standing committee of state council review and principles through the......《On promoting the Shanghai to speed up the development of modern service industry and advanced manufacturing industry Building an international financial center and international shipping center opinion》,For the 2020 year basic built and China's economic strength and international status of the adapt to international financial center,Shanghai international financial center construction of national strategic orientation officially decided。Along with the national development and reform commission released this year《“1025”Shanghai international financial center during the construction plan》Clearly in the “Strive to basically established Shanghai 2015 global RMB product innovation、trading、Pricing and liquidation center position”,Shanghai international financial center of the swimmer and evolution path more clear。


Shanghai university of finance MBA, dean of the college of DaiGuoJiang 60 years old this year,He is the first international financial center in Shanghai construction of one of the professional scholars,He said,“Shanghai as the yuan product center,The product is the renminbi as currency valuation and of the design,First the RMB of spontaneous products to demand,Domestic and foreign investors to buy the product,The premise of the free exchange can buy,It depends on the extent of the RMB internationalization。Both have the,Volume will be large,liquidation、trading、Pricing on natural form。”


New York review、London the development track of the international financial center,Is not difficult to find,Their common point is local currency assets transaction、liquidation、Pricing center。Leading the global nearly years of New York,Although not all American asset management agency headquarters are located in this,But these financial institutions deal、Pricing and liquidation almost all in the Hudson River sea-going outlets“rally”complete。


A state-owned bank traders say,The last two years,Shanghai in the RMB products in advance than ever faster。Because before four state-owned commercial bank's headquarters in Beijing,Product innovation decisions,Want to rely on Beijing。But things are changing,Such as bank of China this year(601988,Shares it)Choose RMB established in Shanghai trading business headquarters。Other Banks,Industrial bank(601166,Shares it)ZiJinBu in Shanghai,China merchants bank(600036,Shares it)Also plan to move to......


“RMB products to the center of Shanghai is very important,Transaction is a pricing process。The yuan has bet product pricing,Nature will have to offshore yuan market is more and more big power,Some overseas derivatives in pricing, has started to reference‘Shanghai price’。”The traders said。


(RMB must sometime in the future achieving a fully convertible,This will help to let the yuan was obtained with the China economic status of the match international status。)


About RMB products center,RMB internationalization natural hard to avoid。From London、New York and other international financial center of the form and see,With in the currency of the country in international closely related,London as the financial center is pounds become international currency,New York a financial center is dollars as the world currency。

  伦敦金融城政府政策与资源委员会主席傅思途(Stuart Fraser)认为,人民币必须在未来某个时候实现完全可自由兑换,这将有助于让人民币获得与中国经济地位相称的国际地位。值得理解的是,政府也希望逐步实现这一目标,而不是一步到位。对中国而言,可自由兑换的或有麻烦是会有热钱流入。”

The city government policy and resources committee chairman FuSiTu(Stuart Fraser)think,RMB must sometime in the future achieving a fully convertible,This will help to let the yuan was obtained with the China economic status of the match international status。Worth understand is,The government also hope to gradually realize this goal,Not one pace reachs the designated position。As for China,Convertible or have trouble is a hot money inflows。”


“RMB internationalization facing an advantage is that the global currency substitute a demand,After the financial crisis the European and American market risk is bigger,The European and American countries financial situation is not good。”Shanghai jiaotong university modern financial research center director PanYingLi said,“In this case,The dollar and the euro as an international reserve assets have some risk,future,The international monetary system also can't highly dependent on the dollar,So look for a kind of relatively safe money to replace。The RMB internationalization speaking,Is a better chance。”


The people's bank of China governor zhou xiaochuan in accept this year first financial reporter to interview said,RMB internationalization is main or comprehensive strength and the result of the development of the financial market,Can international or on the choice of the market eventually。

  自加入世贸组织后,人民币国际化进程得到了多重因素推进。中国实体经济发展迅速,对外开放日益融入到全球经济化进程中,对外关联的加快也使得货币需求量猛增。 2009年4月8日,国务院决定开展跨境贸易人民币结算试点,随后由最初四个试点城市逐步扩展至全国。今年3月,六部委联合发布《关于出口货物贸易人民币结算企业管理有关问题的通知》,放开跨境贸易人民币结算试点企业,明确所有具有进出口经营资格的企业均可开展出口货物贸易人民币结算业务。此外,境外主体在境内开设人民币银行结算账户、境外机构参与投资境内金融市场等人民币回流渠道也逐步打开。

Since joining the wto,RMB internationalization process gets a multiple factors promote。Chinese entities rapid economic development,Opening up to become more integrated into the global economic processes,Foreign related to speed up also makes money demand soared。 April 8, 2009,The state council to launch cross-border trade RMB pilot,Then the first four pilot city gradually expand to the whole country。In march this year,Six departments jointly issued《As for the export trade in goods RMB settlement enterprise on the management of notice》,Let go of cross-border trade RMB pilot enterprise,Clear all the business qualification of with the import and export enterprise all can develop export goods trade RMB business。In addition,Outside the main body in the territory of RMB bank settlement accounts open、Foreign organizations involved in domestic financial markets RMB investment channels have gradually open backflow。

  人民币的国际化进程也让一些全球性金融机构看到了机会,2012年4月18日,汇丰银行在伦敦发行了第一只人民币债券,主要针对英国及欧洲大陆国家的投资者,总规模为10亿元人民币。渣打银行则紧随其后,在 5月22日宣布,该行过去四周内在伦敦发行了总计10亿元人民币的商业票据。

The RMB internationalization also let some global financial institutions saw his chance,On April 18, 2012,In London, the HSBC bank released the first only RMB bonds,Mainly aimed at the UK and Europe countries of investors,The total scale for 1 billion yuan RMB。The standard chartered bank, followed,in Announced on 22 May,The bank around London issued within the past a total of 1 billion yuan of commercial paper。


“The footsteps of RMB internationalization than everyone expected faster,Every year there are new products、The new policy out,Such as the examination and approval of the QFII to speed up and threshold low,The yuan since last December RQFII also began to pilot。”Zhang man said an,“From the Angle of the asset management,RMB internationalization is actually funds from domestic flow to overseas,Inflows into the domestic and abroad。China fund flows out on one hand is to turn completely is A shares of combination of assets,In the global capital market to spread risk,And in the equipment manufacturing、Energy conservation and emission reduction、New energy these aspects,Domestic might through the merger of the way to buy the technology、Buy products。Foreign capital into domestic? Is the investment,Of course,We know more about China market,Willing to provide consulting、Consultation and entrusted management business。”


Cicc chief economist PengWenSheng think,At present foreign to most of China's investment,Because the stock market is limited,Main or direct investment。After RMB internationalization,Especially capital account let go,A predictable result is,There will be more and more institutional investors into China,These investments will be mainly focused on China in the fixed income market,Foreign Banks、Foreign central Banks、Insurance company、Pension, and so on,These foreign institutions will be able to buy more of the renminbi bonds。undoubtedly,Shanghai would be the biggest gainer。

  作为吸引境外人民币回流的重要载体,国际板一直被视为人民币国际化进程中的最重要举措之一。2011陆家嘴论坛上,时任中国证监会主席尚福林一句“我们离推出国际板越来越近了”一度让业界对国际板推出 “预期”升温。不过,时至今日,国际板依然是“只闻楼梯响”。

To attract overseas as an important carrier of the backflow,International board has been regarded as the most important in the process of RMB internationalization one of the measures。2011 lujiazui BBS,The chairman of the China securities he a word“We were more and more closer to launching international board”Once let the industry international board to launch “expected”warming。but,today,International board still is“Smell the stairs only”。


On June 7, 2012,Mr Fang in“Shanghai, China”it《“1025”Shanghai international financial center during the construction plan》Said interpretation,Push international board was surely pilot stage,Not suddenly all the company can be listed,Have a examination and approval process。


In Mr Fang looks,China's stock market investors many,Money also many,But a lack of high quality of the listed companies。China needs into the world's best companies in the capital market,The listing of the company to be able to bring to the shareholder returns。China is still big trade surplus,Foreign exchange reserve very much,The money can be thrown to the international good company stocks。


Mr Fang said,And from the time to look,After the global financial crisis,China is the window,Some international companies to further financing development words,Very willing to come to China on the market,Add it in the Chinese market awareness,And expand its China business。


From regulators about recent international board of expression and see,The short term international board is not on the agenda。


In early June,The China securities regulatory commission in response to international board launched when rumors this statement,“Foreign enterprise in the domestic listed about legal、accounting、Foreign exchange management and so on many domains,In the frame of the existing research need basis,To further perfect the relevant system arrangement。At present,The relevant departments for the overseas enterprise is still in the territory to the issuance of RMB stock the general idea of work、System rules for research and communication。Launching international board haven't schedule。”


(Market efficiency、Regulatory framework and legal basis affects transaction cost,And to reduce transaction costs is the key to improve the business environment。)


In the long run,International board may also just Shanghai international financial center in the process of promoting a“Little episode”。As an international financial centre,People always will Shanghai as New York、London such sophisticated financial center,Although also has the disparity。


Once in Hong Kong for many years HuangBiJuan said:“Related software supporting infrastructure is also very important,For example,Market efficiency、Regulatory framework and legal basis。The factors affecting the transaction cost,And to reduce transaction costs is the key to improve the business environment。


“As an international financial centre are the elements of sex can be expected、Transparency and stability,Needs to have enough concentration degree,Stable tax and regulatory environment,Able to support the financial industry good service,And improve and perfect the legal system。This can give investors the full faith。”FuSiTu said。


Of course,Shanghai have their own advantages。As an international city and financial center,People used to front in Shanghai and a big word to emphasize its internationalization degree;2011 years,Shanghai financial market transactions amounted to 420 trillion yuan RMB,securities、stock、Futures trading in the world are already row before ten;Shanghai back against a continental economy,As the continent、Continental Europe this economy,With the development of the Chinese economy、RMB internationalization of push forward,Shanghai international financial center construction will be, too“rising”......

  对于从华尔街到陆家嘴的戴宏们来说,上海真的很值得期待。“上海国际金融中心比华尔街有更高的起点, 2020年,上海国际金融中心应全面超越东京,与纽约和伦敦呈现三足鼎立之势。”戴宏说。

From Wall Street to DaiHong of the lujiazui to it,Shanghai is really something to look forward to。“Shanghai international financial centre is the starting point of the higher than Wall Street, 2020 years,Shanghai international financial center should be full beyond Tokyo,And New York and London into an open three-horse race。”DaiHong said。
