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  专访英国ICB主席约翰·维克斯爵士 Interviews with British ICB President John d sir alex

  [ 在维克斯看来,银行需要一个“双保险战略”:在拥有更安全结构的同时,还要强调资本充足率和杠杆率的重要性。但安全的银行结构,并不意味着“全能银行”的终结——对于对“全能银行”一直心存芥蒂的中国银行监管者而言,这不失为一个值得倾听的角度 ] [in the d cox opinion,Banks need a“Double insurance strategy”:Have more security structure in at the same time,We should emphasize capital adequacy ratio and the importance of the leverage ratio。But the security bank structure,Does not mean that“Almighty bank”-for the end of the right“Almighty bank”Always be bad feelings of bank regulators in China,This can yet be regarded as a worth listening to the point of view of the]


In the Atlantic ocean(600558,Shares it)Both sides in the two-decade-long banking regulatory reforms,The United States“Volcker rule”And British“D cox framework”Seems to be uphill。but,In the famous“Volcker rule”The continuing delay the implementation,Very low-key“D cox framework”On the other side of the Atlantic has entered“Solid exercise stage”。

  “我并不希望这个建议被称为"规则",其实它更像是一个框架。”在英国政府公布其实施框架的第二天,英国独立银行业委员会(ICB)主席约翰·维克斯爵士(Sir John Vickers)在法兰克福接受了《第一财经日报》的独家专访。

“I don't hope that the proposal is called"rules",Actually it is more like a framework。”In the British government announced its implementation framework of the second day,British independent banking commission(ICB)President John d sir alex(Sir John Vickers)In Frankfurt accepted《The first financial daily》The exclusive interviews with。

  由维克斯爵士提出的所谓“维克斯框架”,与限制自营交易的“沃尔克规则”有同样的初衷,但英国走的是一条不同的道路:竖起“藩篱”(ring fence),将零售银行业务与其他业务隔离开来。

Sir alex put forward by d of so-called“D cox framework”,And the limit of proprietary trading“Volcker rule”Have the same purpose,But Britain is on a different path:Perked up“barriers”(Ring fence),Will retail banking business and other business isolated。


In d cox opinion,Banks need a“Double insurance strategy”:Have more security structure in at the same time,We should emphasize capital adequacy ratio and the importance of the leverage ratio。But the security bank structure,Does not mean that“Almighty bank”-for the end of the right“Almighty bank”Always be bad feelings of bank regulators in China,This can yet be regarded as a worth listening to the Angle。


Interesting is,The former central bank chief economist and created the monetary policy committee members,And in the Oxford University nearly 20 years of d sir alex,Obviously has the academic type of super strict-he put forward the view of this paper English draft。so,Published in before,In addition to English translation of the specified,We also experienced the dictation of English any experience。


 自营交易难界定 Proprietary trading difficult to define


The first financial daily:You mentioned the d cox rules and volcker rule difference,The two rules which one banking and real economy brings more of the cost?


D cox:It's hard to say,The proposal of the ICB in some degree on further than the volcker rule,Because the ICB suggested retail bank off-limits requirement in the scope of business of more widely;But from another perspective,It is not like volcker rule so radical,Because we think some financial activities can be in the whole banking's other departments,As long as the bank is not in the retail sector。Our proposal in many ways to strengthen financial stability has a bigger role,For more extensive helps to avoid the risks。


But both which costs higher question is difficult to answer,You must be in the us banking system background down understand volcker rule。The United States has to bank on the structural oversight,If only executes volcker rule and not supporting system as a starting point,Is there may be a problem。


daily:Are you saying d cox to the market and banking rules of influence may be even greater?

  维克斯: 我只能说英国的起点和问题都与美国不同。英国银行业的资产负债表比GDP大整整5倍,但美国银行业的这一比例差不多是1。我们有些银行的资产负债表甚至超过了英国GDP,但在美国,即便是花旗银行也只有GDP总额的1/8~1/7。尽管不再执行格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案(Glass-Steagall Act )已有10年多,但美国还是有一些监管条例的,而沃尔克规则、多德-弗兰克法案等都是监管体系的一部分。

D cox: I can only say that Britain's starting point and questions are different from the United States。Britain's banking industry, the balance sheet of GDP for five times more than large,But the us banking that number is almost 1。We have some bank balance sheets and even more than the British GDP,But in the United States,Even if is citigroup also only 1/8 ~ 1/7 of the total GDP。Although no longer conduct glass-steagall(Glass-Steagall Act )For 10 years,But the United States still have some regulations,And the volcker rule、Chris dodd-frank bill is part of the regulatory system。

  另外,沃尔克规则很难执行。保罗·沃尔克最初提出的建议其实在一定程度上已经被国会弱化。其后的问题是:如何执行? 这里有个很难划清的界限就是“自营交易”。在某种意义上,做市(Market Making)行为本身就是自营交易,尽管在很多情况下做市是替客户所做。如果在银行集团内禁止所有的自营活动,那会非常激进。所以将来可能出现的一个情景是,监管者对巴克莱银行说:“不行,你的零售银行不能做这项业务,但在整个集团你可以做。”这不同于沃尔克规则的“不行,你完全不能做”。

In addition,Volcker rule is hard to do。Paul volcker first proposed suggestion in fact in a certain extent has been weakening congress。Subsequent problem is:How to implement? Here is a difficult to make clear the limit is“Proprietary trading”。In a sense,Do city(Market Making)Behavior itself is proprietary trading,Even though in many cases do city for customers do is。If the bank group is prohibited in the proprietary all activities,That's a radical。So the future could bring a scene is,Regulators in the barclays bank said:“no,You can't do the retail banking business,But in the whole group you can do。”This is different from the volcker rule“no,You completely can't do”。

  日报:的确,界定“自营交易”并不容易。我问过沃尔克先生本人,他说:“银行家自己应该明白哪些是自营交易,而哪些不是。” 尽管他的回答很聪明,但我赞同你的观点。

daily:indeed,define“Proprietary trading”Is not easy。I asked Mr Volcker himself,He said:“Bankers themselves should understand that what is proprietary trading,And what is not。” Although he said was very clever,But I agree with your point of view。

  维克斯: 其实我很赞同沃尔克规则的精神。但很明显,有些交易的确处于自营和非自营的灰色地带。我们不妨回头看看亚当·斯密在这个问题上的看法,他曾探讨过为客户和自己盈利两者的关系。即使银行家自己很清楚两者的区别,但监管者却很难确定。以摩根大通的对冲为例,我并不是这方面的专家,但这是个很好的例子:这是自营交易,还是对冲?从根本上而言,这很难界定。

D cox: Actually I do agree with the spirit of the volcker rule。But obviously,Some deals have indeed been a proprietary and the proprietary grey zone。We might as well look back in Adam Smith views on this problem,He had discussed his earnings for customers and the relationship between the two。Even if the bankers himself very clear the difference between the two,But regulators but it is difficult to determine。To jp Morgan's hedge for example,I'm not an expert on this subject,But this is a good example:This is proprietary trading,Or hedge?Fundamentally speaking,It is difficult to define。

  关注杠杆率指标 Attention leveraged index


daily:You seem to be just released to implement results of some unpleasant,Because the implementation process not have some compromise,Such as leverage。


D cox:I didn't feel unhappy,The British government announced that the implementation of the scheme, a large part is no doubt we retained the original proposal。Of course also made some changes,But I think this can understand。We set the 15 months time of consultation,The government further extended the nine months time to collect opinions。For example,We will ask:“The smaller Banks is need some exemption?”We will consider setting will bring the exemption of advantages and disadvantages,Then the balance,But in the end we thought it would be better not to establish exemption。And the government will consider more,This looks more criticism。


but,In the two issues we(ICB)And the government's proposals really different:One is leverage,Our advice is,Large retail banking in the basis of the Basel agreement to achieve higher capital ratios,That is 10% instead of 7%,And at the same time we suggest correspondingly tightening leverage。For the global system bank in importance,To the capital requirements should also be based on further improve in Basel,For those large Banks,Should be in the 9.5% on go up 1%。The British government announced that capital adequacy ratio actually and our proposal quite similar。


Financial crisis brought two big lesson is:A bank's capital too little,Risk weighted and no play its role。Risk weighted now have improved,But we think that completely dependent on risk weighted is not a choice。Therefore, we suggest that the risk weighted and leverage in in both。In Basel agreement,Request risk weighted assets ratio of 7%,Leverage ratio is 3%。Here is the lever of the core capital level,Shareholders' equity plus several other is and interests similar tools。So in our system of,3% will become 4%,Also is 25 times,Rather than 33 times。I think,For global systemic important bank,The Basel if can leverage and risk weighted in capital requirements on further improve will be better。


daily:According to the British government execution plan,Retail banking department can use derivatives to hedge interest rate and exchange rate fluctuations。


D cox:Here are two concerns。The first,Whether to allow retail Banks do hedge,Our answer is yes,But limited to hedge purpose。The government on this issue and we remain the same。The second,Retail bank whether can sell derivatives,The different aims and hedge。Our advice is to be able to pass an agency model to do。This means that the retail customers can buy foreign exchange through an agent hedge products or options,But the bank itself would not risk。


The government has said retail Banks can strict definition in the conditions to provide customers with derivatives。At this point,I'm not very support,We think,The best is through the agency model,Ensure that retail bank does not sell direct this kind of derivatives。I think,As soon as you start to allow for their own supply derivatives,Supervision will be tough。But the bank will also save and reduce the cost for fee。To me,This is not a fundamental problems。If word of lax supervision,So the retail bank derivatives risk exposure is likely to increase,This obviously is unfavorable;But if supervision strength,And no loophole,So the effect also can is the same as。


daily:The government seems to pay more attention to the cost and benefit。In the long run,You think d cox rules and volcker rule whether the efficiency of the banking industry and profitability has some negative consequences?


D cox:We did some cost-income analysis,This is in our final report in September last year to mention。After the government have also made the correlation analysis,Their analysis in December's report released,But more and more are written in the latest white paper。The analysis result is very consistent。In fact,Cancel the taxpayer to the bank's hidden subsidies to the bank financing costs must be improved,At the same time will reduce the government's borrowing costs,Because the risk by government transferred to the private sector,This is not a problem,Just a way out。


Of course we admit that,Our proposal for bank coordination effect can bring certain loss,But it is worth it。Will retail banking and investment banking division of the loss and thoroughly the cost would be higher。After all, we allow banking keep existing the almighty bank structure,Capital can be in the whole banking group internal flow,But retail bank's capital cannot under minimum。In the United States,If the bank group problems,The group will go to seek capital assistance retail home,this,Our advice is,“You can do so,But to ensure that retail bank meet minimum capital requirements。”So we keep many synergy effect,At the same time protect the retail banking。

  资本金与结构并重 Capital and equal emphasis on the structure


daily:You mentioned the coordination effect and the whole banking model,This is also the Chinese regulators are discussed,In China,Retail banking and investment banking business between plugging insurmountable walls,You see this pattern of China how?


D cox:I don't know much of the Chinese banking industry,But you're saying it's like and we have the initiative is similar,I believe that the bank of China's capital is also higher than international baseline。


daily:The Chinese government made the adjustment of banking regulation,In the index and schedule and the Basel agreement Ⅲ more consistent。


D cox:We are of the opinion,Banks need a double insurance strategy,One the one hand, to ensure adequate capital,On the other hand also want to have a can make the system more secure group structure。This is not in attacking the almighty bank mode,This is just said,Let us have enough capital and the safety of the structure of the almighty bank,Such ability reasonable control risk。


daily:Some people seem to be focused more systemic risk,This point in the eu's similar rules that more in,You have put forward rules and volcker rule in the European Union rules and compared,Whether can better manage systemic risk?


D cox:I don't hope that the proposal is called“rules”,Actually it is more like a framework。Although we are very focused on the banking sector we are good at,But we to the financial system is also focus on problems。I put our work more as banking avoid systemic risk in long-term part of the solution,And at the same time, to bank itself trigger either minimize the likelihood of the systemic risk。overall,Our proposal is largely in the system within the framework of risk。Banking risk may be the world,Also may come from the national level or regional system。We can't be 2008 like that,Let the risk ultimately led to expand in 2010's debt crisis,We need a more tough financial system to deal with risk,Our proposal is part of this kind of design。


daily:If 10 years ago,The countries all over the world take your regulatory framework,If we can avoid the crisis?


D cox:This framework need in the background of the broader look down,That is the macro prudent supervision、Market infrastructure、Supervision and risk weighted, and other dimensions of Basel。We try our best to make our advice and the above factors are in agreement,We can't eliminate the risk of absolute crisis,But we can do better to curb the risk,Rather than let it enlarged。From the point of view of Britain,If the crisis took us before the regulatory framework,Royal bank of Scotland(RBS)Balance sheet would not be so quickly inflation,Also not Dutch bank mergers and acquisitions(ABN-AMRO)And through their way to obtain financing。If our framework was there,The government are better able to deal with the crisis,Won't use taxpayer so much money。Because if the bank's capital buffer more、Loss absorption ability stronger,And the structure of the bank allows more specific policy intervention,Even if the problems,Use taxpayer money to aid the possibility of bank will be reduced,Is used to,Will more targeted。so,And I can't say our regulatory framework can avoid the crisis,Because this and global imbalances、Macroeconomic policies, and many other things related。But I think at least efforts won't be so great destruction,Governments will have the tools to get through。


daily:You can turn to emergency debt capital tools(Co-Co)How to see?As to the regulatory framework is important?


D cox:We had these tools holding a neutral position,For bank guarantee rights in the basis of capital,Use other capital and debt to absorb losses is very important,Co-Co can be part of that。


daily:The Chinese leaders,How do you want to communicate the information?


D cox:I will still have a strong emphasis on the importance of bank capital,This help to absorb the losses。At the same time,Safe bank structure also does not mean the end of the almighty bank structure,Just said that improving the safety of the bank structure,Let them to risk and crisis appears when has the ability to resist the risk,Reduce the possibility of the crisis they were destroyed。
