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China's economy is one of the world's economic growth


There is no dispute"stabilizer"


Former world bank chief economist Justin yifu Lin said,The future of China's economic growth is still in need of investment to pull

  ■本报见习记者 徐 科

S the trainee reporter xu family


In the world economic structure evolution happened depth today,Countries economic relevance greatly strengthen,Facing the world economic growth lack of power/The debt crisis ups and downs/Global financial turmoil/International trade growth the background of the decline,In the global economy status of China's economy plays an important role in the international financial crisis on China's profound influence of constantly appeared,How many growth potential/Will continue to be the world economy"stabilizer"Become the focus of the world widely.

  8月的一组数据显示,拉动中国经济的三驾马车:出口、投资和消费均没有明显回暖的迹象,国内经济依然步履蹒跚,外需萎缩,内需不足,劳动力成本上升,资源类产品价格上涨,以及房地产市场调控所引起的相关产业收缩等等都给各地经济发展带来严峻挑战 国务院总理温家宝在刚刚结束的天津夏季达沃斯论坛上明确表示,经济增速仍保持在年初确定的预期目标区间内,并已经呈现出缓中趋稳的态势。随着近期密集出台的政策措施落实到位并发挥作用,中国经济有望进一步趋稳。

8 months of a set of data display,Pull the Chinese economy troika:export/Investment and consumption are no obvious signs of warmer,The domestic economy is still teeter,Overseas market demand atrophy,Domestic demand shortage,Rising labor costs,Resource products prices,And the real estate market regulation and control caused by the related industrial shrinkage and so on to the local economic development has brought serious challenges the state council premier wen jiabao at the recently ended tianjin summer davos BBS on made clear,Economic growth remain in the beginning of the year to determine the expected target interval,And has presented in slow stabilised the situation.With the recent intensive policy measures put in place and play a role,China's economy is expected to stabilise.


In view of the recent slowdown in China's economic growth momentum to speed up the phenomenon,Dahua bank group chief economist and investor relations and research department director XuZhou DE recently when accepting a reporter to interview said,By comparing the 2008 to 2009 during the economic crisis and China's GNP relative to the electric power production/Railway freight volume and steel index data change,Is not difficult to find,China's economy is achieve a soft landing.


Also in davos in the BBS,Former world bank chief economist Justin yifu Lin said,The 4 trillion yuan of infrastructure devotion to help China out of the crisis,Last year China's inflation relative global is also lower.


Justin yifu Lin Suggestions,China can consider to a new round of economic stimulus,Investment in the short term still is to stimulate the economy/Get rid of the crisis of the important tool,The future of China's economic growth is still in need of investment to pull,China's economy at present are faced with the problem is mainly export weakness,At the same time,Four trillion yuan project also mostly to tail period,In this case,China can consider to a new round of economic stimulus.He said,New infrastructure construction plan mainly depends on the fiscal expenditure,Rather than credit.


Not long ago,The national development and reform commission within two days intensive issued a written reply to a subordinate body of the 60 infrastructure projects,The total investment of over one trillion yuan.this,HSBC greater China region QuHongBin chief economist said,Step up relevant construction project approval rate show that the policy level fully aware of the ascending infrastructure investment in steady investment/The key role and steady growth.The future a large number of infrastructure projects to start concentration,Need to finance and financing level support.


Economists LiDaoKui also said,China's infrastructure investment is far from enough,The people's livelihood investments even every penny is useful,Are worth.The future should also be large-scale launch people naturally infrastructure construction,Suggest that the government should issue by some national debt to direct investment.


Cicc release the latest macroscopic analysis report,The expansion of the future fiscal policy larger space.At the same time in this year is expected to the rest of the time,The government fiscal expenditure will be greater than income is 2 trillion yuan,Means that the government department to the private sector net put their money,Fiscal policy reflects obvious expansion effect,To promote the development of the infrastructure project investment, etc.


Just at the end of the summer davos BBS released[Global competitiveness report]display,China's competitiveness rankings of the previous year drop three to a 29,But is still far higher than other nuggets countries.


Many economists said,The world economy sustained downturn,China's economic growth slowed,But the crisis,China to implement the steady growth of consumption to promote a series of plan,Make for China has been ensure stable growth,Is the world economic growth without controversy"stabilizer",The international monetary fund ZhuMin says vice President,China's economy is a soft landing,Overall development is stable.now,Firm growth is China's top priority,Is the world economy.
