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任先芳:QE3推出后 中国货币政策少动为宜--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  每日经济新闻(博客,微博)实习记者 张茜 发自北京

Daily economic news(blog,Micro bo)Internship reporter Wilcox j from Beijing


The United States local time on September 13,The federal reserve launched the third round of quantitative easing(QE3),The previous week the European central bank announced new not set limit to buy debt plan was interpreted as"Article 3 the quantitative easing road",The bank of Japan the central bank announced on August 19, the expanding scale of quantitative easing,In the current 70 trillion yen adding 10 trillion yen.


The people's bank of China how to anchor the wheel currency"drain"?Three global economy's central bank collective breaking will of the monetary policy of China and entity economy produce what kind of impact?[Daily economic news]The reporter interviews with the theme of the world's leading information and data company IHS senior economist as first aromatic.


QE3对中国实体经济没有影响 QE3 on China's real economy has no effect


NBD:Although senior dispute continuously,But a week before the fed or announced the launch of QE3,The China's real economy/Financial market and monetary policy have what effect?


As first aromatic:We think QE3 to China(entity)Economy have no effect on,Because it has no effect on the economy also.QE3 maximum negative influence embodied in commodity prices,Positive reflected in housing(loan)Interest rate cuts 20 basis points,Little impact.In addition,The United States housing market loan supply still partial tight,Positive and negative balance,The influence of QE3 on the U.S. economy is weak.


But QE3 on the financial markets and commodities have influence,To the Chinese market influence is mainly reflected in the monetary policy of China and the influence of the exchange rate policy:Must be in the exchange rate stability and price stability one of two things.We estimate that over the next year,Policy priority will be given to guarantee stable exchange rate.

  QE3势必会增加人民币汇率升值的压力,进一步打压中国出口。为避免QE3对汇率造成冲击,央行的干预可能会加大。未来一年,人民币汇率可能再次回到与美元 “软挂钩”以保出口。虽然被动投放货币会加大通胀风险,但牺牲价格保增长是更可能的选项:很多工业品已经出现了通缩。加之出口锐减,政府不得不接受容忍范围之内的通胀。

QE3 will increase the pressure on the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate,To further crack down on China's export.To avoid QE3 impact on exchange rate,The central bank intervention may increase.Next year,The exchange rate for the renminbi may once again return to against the dollar "Soft hook"In order to protect the export.Although passive on the currency would increase the risk of inflation,But sacrifice price the growth is more possible options:A lot of industrial products have appeared deflation.Together with sharp export,The government has to accept the tolerance range of inflation.


NBD:Dynamic quasi or dynamic interest,Do you think the bank will be how to deal with QE3 of China's currency system the impact?


As first aromatic:Less dynamic best.After QE3 the monetary policy to recalculate risk.In view of QE3 release liquidity,China faces the pressure to raise deposit reserve rate.


ECB(The ECB)It may cut rates further,China cut interest rates and space,But the exchange rate may cause inflation risks,If again cut interest rates,Budget can be formed.


 短期和中长期风险叠加体现 Short-term and long-term risk stack reflect


NBD:"reduction"and"crisis"This year, China's economy has become of the high frequency words,Do you think China's economic risk mainly in where?


As first aromatic:The biggest problem is that the risk of long-term and short-term risk overlap together embodiment.


Long-term risk lies in the readjustment of the economic structure bring structural growth central glide,We predict the future 20 years China's economic growth will remain at around 7%.


Short-term risk lies in China now rapidly to lever process and the deterioration of the external economic environment.


After two or three years China lever process too fast.By the end of 2011,56 billion amounted to RMB credit of half the is in 2009 to 2011 during the issue,The lending is leading.


Now go to lever speed is nearly 10 years of the most violent one.In recent years, money supply M1 hit 40% year-on-year growth once,Now about 4%,M2 year-on-year growth was 30%,Now less than 14%.In the internal and external pressure under alternate,China in the initiative/Passive to leverage,And the process is very severe.


Now the challenge is can go to lever process control(Economic growth)stall.


At the same time,External economic environment greater uncertainty.Export downturn severe be obvious to all,In addition,Peripheral economic deterioration/Capital inflows to accelerate contraction M1/M2 down serious.The market fall is also part of the reason.From June 2011(The United States)After the end of the second round of quantitative easing,Peripheral risk aversion rise,Capital from emerging markets escape.After emerging markets, including China, began to stall.


NBD:recent,The local government and shouted out one trillion"Blacksmith base"Investment stimulus plan,How do you evaluate?


As first aromatic:We estimate this year local government launched the infrastructure of the total investment plan in 10 trillion yuan.But the so-called"A new round of stimulus plan"Perhaps is a kind of illusion,More than half of which may is"1025"Part of the plan.

  此轮计划反映地方政府的 (投资)意愿,他们愿意花多少钱,最终有多少项目能实现还是由金融市场拍板。从去年下半年到今年上半年,市场避险情绪蔓延,资金撤出。现在贷款增长率维持在16%的低位,银行惜贷明显,2009年高峰时期,信贷增速在30%左右。

This wheel plan reflect local government (investment)Intend to,They are willing to spend how many money,The number of the project can realize or the financial market clappers.From the second half of last year to the first half of this year,Market hedge mood spread,Funds out of.Now loan growth rate stays at 16% of the low,Bank arisen obvious,2009 peak period,Credit growth at around 30%.


NBD:Do you think,Massive stimulus plan and bad bank assets rise any contact?


As first aromatic:The scale of the credit binge later all bank assets will be worse,China should is no exception,But at present still not appeared.According to the international experience,Assets will suffer a loss,Need a lot of years digestion.


1998 years of bad bank loans to nearly 30%,Now the bank of China(601988,guba)Industry not face the danger.In 2004,,Major Banks balance sheet got cleaning.We now enjoy 2000 bank reform bonus,In this premise,The situation is not poor in 1998.
