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孙建波:发挥市场机制作用 因地制宜扩大投资--亲稳网络舆情监测室


China's stock certificate report showed · nets xinhua net


Joint report group


Galaxy securities chief strategy analyst SunJianBo accept interview said,The traditional economic growth mode meet bottleneck,Economic transformation can't urgent in the;Investment should give full play to the function of the market mechanism,The financial system needs the positive exploration"Support the innovation and transformation".


 经济转型不会一蹴而就 Economic transformation will not be accomplished overnight


Joint report group:The current macroeconomic"difficult"where?China's economic growth is slowing of what be the reason?


SunJianBo:macroeconomic"difficult",Reflected in the traditional development model of bottleneck met after the stability of growth and transformation to the difficult.


There is no doubt that,Drive China's high-speed economic growth of infrastructure construction/Real estate construction/Processing manufacturing exports have encountered bottleneck,This means that rely on the traditional model of economic growth will slow,At this time,To steady growth is necessarily difficult.


When the traditional economic growth mode when encountered bottleneck,Economic transformation mainly depends on two aspects:One is the manufacturing technology upgrade transformation,This is the foundation;The second is all kinds of consumer goods quality change the brand,This is the key to upgrading of domestic demand.however,The transformation of manufacturing technology to technology and process of the long-term accumulation,Consumer goods brand need more long-term accumulation,All is not achieved overnight.This is the difficult transformation.


Joint report group:Economic can quickly out of"difficult"Stage??


SunJianBo:China over the past 30 years development achievement has drawn the attention of the world,The improvement of the quality of growth and the ascension of the domestic demand is a long-term slow process,Can't urgent in the.We must from the big historical dimension to look at the long-term nature of the transformation.


Joint report group:In order to deal with economic downward pressure,The central proposed"To be firm growth on a more prominent place".This one is different from before"The growth",Do you think"stability"Word should be how to reflect?


SunJianBo:"stability"Words reflects the central to"employment"and"Social stability"attention.The traditional economic mode on the decline,But the basic processing manufacturing and construction absorbs a large low employment group,Their employment policy stability is the inevitable option.


Joint report group:How to look at present the employment policy?The future will be issued what policy"Steady growth"?


SunJianBo:Rely on traditional economic stimulus to the employment is timeless.The old industry bust for emerging industrial the development to provide the rich high quality manpower resources.When the old industry scale serious when excess,Often means that the training and employment of laborer quantity beyond the reasonable scale.When the bubble burst,Industry scale when atrophy,Will release the laborer of mature.At this time,The development of new industry can get rich high-quality workers support.If there is no industry foam,High-quality workers in the old industry can get good returns,New technology and new industrial development will be very difficult to obtain the rich high quality manpower resources.


The relevant departments to do,Is to establish the perfect social security system,Easy to meet and deal with the traditional industry down which caused by the employment problem.I think,Support traditional industries,Is actually hampering the labor to emerging industry flow.If the traditional industry to the unemployed community relief,It has not served to bring them bound in the old industry,This part of the group will be the economic transformation of the positive forces.


 “三驾马车”需发力 "troika"Need to send force

  联合报道小组: 刚刚公布的8月各项经济数据不容乐观,中央高层也曾多次提出要实现经济由政策刺激向内生自主增长的转变,尤其强调扩大内需的重要性。在当前环境下,你认为驱动中国经济的“三驾马车”该如何发力?

Joint report group: just released August the economic data is not optimistic,The central high-level also has repeatedly put forward to realize the economy by policy stimulus to the change of endogenous independent growth,Especially emphasizes the importance of expanding domestic demand.In the current environment,Do you think that drive the economy of China"troika"How to send force?


SunJianBo:In the traditional sense"troika"Is pointed out that the mouth/Investment and consumption.obviously,Now ZhongDiDuan product export has been difficult to growth,Extensive domestic investment and meet the bottleneck,Domestic consumption also meet income distribution constraint.


A detailed look at the"troika",Export to need to rely on upgrade products to gain greater international value distribution;Investment should focus on solving the bottleneck of the social development,For modern urban lifestyle offer quality infrastructure and public supporting;Consumption depends on further the reform of domestic income distribution and social security mechanism,Let people have the ability to consumption,Have the confidence consumption.


Joint report group:When it comes to investment,Recent from guizhou to changsha,And then to Shanghai,The local government a series of expanding domestic demand/Steady growth PinChu policy,Some local investment plan even achieved one trillion yuan scale.How look upon this phenomenon?


SunJianBo:Local investment impulse to a certain extent, fully embodies the parts of the world"Urban construction"Still lag,Reflected in the past export-oriented development mode urbanization lags behind the reality of the industrialization.


I think,These investment projects social pull effect appears some shortage,Way because the economy is still in the basic state of excess capacity,Secondly the current economic outlook more complicated and confusing.


Joint report group:In this case if practice"Local edition four trillion"Stimulus plan,How will bring influence?


SunJianBo:"Local edition four trillion"If the area of investment is not reasonable,Project implementation opaque,May further increase the unfair distribution.


Urban construction is different from the past the national traffic aorta construction,Local economic investment and construction need more respect for public opinion,Adjust measures to local conditions,Careful argument.Promote the transformation of the investment more not by administrative support can solve,We should give full play to the function of the market mechanism,Let the market to choose.


 尽快完善房地产税制 Improving the real estate tax system as soon as possible


Joint report group:Property market"Adhere to the regulation not be moved",But some places are in constant test"Policy fine-tuning"Bottom line.Do you think the property market will be the future direction?


SunJianBo:From the economics theory to see,Industry foam means output rise and enriched,This is the fundamental objective of the social development.Take for the real estate industry,The housing assignmentcurrency since the reform price bubble,Promoted the rapid growth of production.The current,Chinese housing industry has been in a marginal capacity exceeds the marginal demand sensitive stage.


When social potential total demand after satisfied,Construction bubble will burst.In 2011,,China finished building complete a building area of 2.92 billion square meters,The completion of the housing construction area of 1.83 billion square meters,For the population, respectively 2.17 times and 1.36 times,Such construction progress is unsustainable.Although the quality of urban infrastructure is still to improve,But the speed can not be and rapid extension type expansion fitting compared.


Joint report group:The future may also come what regulation and control measures?


SunJianBo:The property market regulation and control the urgent task is to perfect the real estate tax system as soon as possible,In the existing deed tax/On the basis of trade income tax,Come as soon as possible the comprehensive housing property tax scheme,Too much to possession of the housing resources shall levy.


Real estate tax system design should respect the two basic principles:One is the right to live,Should strictly distinguish between the basic survival needs of the property and survival needs of outside housing;The second is development,The real estate value have regional development of factors,Legal Angle should define the ownership of the development and tax burden.Comprehensive to see,Transaction link income tax and property tax(Property tax)Cannot confuse STH with STH else,Because of more can't protect minority interests and influence tax system design,That will eventually backfire.


鼓励非银行金融机构发展 To encourage the development of non-bank financial institutions


Joint report group:The current economy exist a pair of contradiction:Difficulty in financing and investment difficult.On the one hand a lot of small and medium-sized enterprises and the lack of financial support,On the other hand the loan to the bank appear"Credit not go out",In resolving the enterprise financing difficulties you have what good method?Financial system reform need to do how to adjust to power?


SunJianBo:Financing difficult because of the prospect of the project will not be the management value,Investment is difficult because no good economic opportunity,The fundamental reason for this is consistent,The economic outlook is the embodiment of the downturn,The lack of new vitality lies in the economy,Instead of the financial system.


In this economic downturn moment,The financial system needs the positive exploration"Support the innovation and transformation"change,This obviously cannot rely on the traditional bank,But to actively encourage the development of all kinds of non-bank financial institutions,The transformation of the support of all kinds of financial innovation in risk assessment,When there is no significant risk society under the premise of support all feasible financial innovation.


 股市反映经济转型方向 Stock markets reflected the direction of economic transformation


Joint report group:The stock market is a barometer of economic,Why the us stock/A shares of the reaction difference so big?How to see?


SunJianBo:The stock market is a barometer of economic,The Chinese stock market too.Not A share cannot reflect the economic,But the market value of the A shares structure and economy is not matching.If the branch line of breaking down to see,A shares is still A barometer of economic.


Over the past five years,The bank/Real estate/coal/Iron and steel/Building materials/The traffic transportation as a representative of traditional industry go from bad to worse,This reflects the Chinese old development model unsustainable;And medicine/Food and beverage/Technology manufacturing as a representative of all kinds of company is out of the different market,These precisely reflects China's transformation direction.
