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Refined oil pricing mechanism reform conditions has been more and more mature,The reform plan is expected to launch,This program will shorten the existing price adjustment period.Experts say,Shorten the cycle to control the consumer price index?Hole CPI?Snow too fast rise will have obvious effect.The current product oil price forming mechanism is,When the international market price of crude oil continuous 22 days moving average price changes more than 4%,The domestic refined oil prices may be adjusted.People familiar with the matter say,Since the implementation of the current price mechanism,To ensure the normal supply of refined oil market.But in the operation process,Also exposed price adjustment period is too long/Problems such as transparency is not enough.([Shanghai financial report]On October 9,)


Since the first half since last year,Refined oil pricing mechanism about further reform is hugely unpopular.With the recent collapse in international oil prices,Reform time to come again.In fact,Last round of refined oil pricing mechanism reform is in the 2008 financial crisis/International oil prices collapsed under the background of the fire out.now,For consumers more is the price adjustment and the long period"4%"threshold.For example"4%"threshold,According to the current refined oil pricing mechanism,Due to rise 4% ratio is low,And falling to 4% ratio is high value,Objective to lead to rise,Fell more difficult.

  因此,有必要进一步完善现行的成品油价格机制。 随着国内原油对外依存度不断提高,石油消费持续高速增长,使保障国内石油稳定供应的压力日益加大。受伊朗核危机等因素影响,近期国际市场油价居高不下。为缓解国内石油供应压力,按照国内现行的成品油价格形成机制,适时适度提高国内成品油价格,也未尝不可。但现在问题是,政府价格主管部门在决定提高成品油价格时,也要充分考虑到国内石油行业缺乏竞争机制的实际情况,着力提升成品油价格形成机制透明度,事先征求社会各界的意见,在听取民意基础上进行一些科学论证。

therefore,It is necessary to further improve the current oil price mechanism. Along with the domestic crude oil external dependence continuously improve,Oil consumption sustainable growth,To ensure the steady supply of oil pressure rising.By the impact of factors such as the Iranian nuclear crisis,The recent international market oil prices high.In order to alleviate the domestic supply of oil pressure,According to the current domestic refined oil price formation mechanism,Timely moderately increasing domestic prices of refined petroleum products,Also have not cannot.But now the problem is,Government price departments in the decision to raise the prices of refined petroleum products,Also should fully consider the domestic oil industry of the actual situation of lack of competitive mechanism,To improve the transparency of refined oil price formation mechanism,Solicited in advance from the views of the community,Listens to the public opinion based on some scientific proof.


For such Chinese oil consumption power,A large number of by the state financial subsidies to maintain low oil prices is not realistic,But beyond the social tolerance rise in price no matter for economic or social stability have risk."Two barrels of oil"As China's oil(601857,guba)industry"Big MAC",Monopolistic strong,They with government is almost image binding relationship.Now the social public to their discontent,No doubt there will be a big part of transfer to the government body.Now the problem is,High oil prices manufacturing inflationary pressure,Is almost and high food prices grudge.And grain and other agricultural products bullish bearish,He is can't decide their own destiny,And petroleum products is not the same,First of all it is not only an important industrial raw material and production material,And is still a very important strategic materials,So prices go up drop not supply and demand relationship of decision,Especially the key is to control the oil is not the general enterprise.No matter in oil or sinopec,The head has obvious GuoZiHao crown.Not the general enterprise control not general products,The price rise and drop natural have no general rule,perhaps,Oil prices rose more fell less also accomplished"Oil firm"reputation.


China's oil prices was economic problems,Now has gradually mixed with a large number of class sexual interest mood,Including part of the political mood.To resolve this problem,If only from the economic level to explain to the public,Probably won't have the effect.therefore,In this era of rising oil prices,The government must let the social public believe that,Their consumption of petrol,It is the cheapest"Conscience price",The government ought to from this price,Twist off and public interests all have nothing to do"self-interest".


Needless to say,In the long run,Can deal with rising food prices of refined petroleum products,To realize its stable situation,This is China's economic and social comprehensive considerations.although,With the international market price of crude oil than market,At present domestic refined oil price adjustment has the hook,But do not be equal to the formation of the domestic refined oil prices also have the market.Because and competition of the international market price of crude oil fully compared,Domestic oil market monopoly big alligator,Will be out of their own interests and use its monopoly market status and discourse right,On domestic product oil price forming mechanism of the market make revolt.this,After repeatedly in the domestic market closet"Oil shortage"Had powerful proof this"Don't market"The existence of facts.


therefore,The formation mechanism of China's oil prices to adapt to social and economic development must be adjusted,Should let oil prices from ensure oil enterprises must profit scale,To use it balance in the interest of the whole society,More to increase transparency,Let the oil price formation mechanism to get most of the social public recognition and authorization.So will lift the oil price unceasingly rose to social stability of the potential threat.


(By our reporter ChangYin pay finishing)
