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ChinA's finAnciAl institutions overseAs m&A Activities completed does not meAn thAt the success of the merger And Acquisition,This is only the first step in the long mArch,The more importAnt question is strive in the strong competitors in the cruel competition not fAilure.overAll,ChinA's finAnciAl institutions"Go out",Risk AwAreness not missing.


经营风险 Business risk


ChinA's finAnciAl system is built on the bAsis of the plAnned economy in trAnsition period"Chinese"FinAnciAl institutions,MAnAgement system is still not fully conversion come over,FinAnciAl institutions still exist heAvier dependent psychology,LAck of enthusiAsm.Will hAve them in overseAs especiAlly full of mArket economy,It is to be in AccordAnce with internAtionAl requirements,In AccordAnce with the principle of mArket operAtion,OperAtionAl risk cAns be imAgined.


 整合风险 IntegrAted risk


TArget finAnciAl institutions And mergers And Acquisitions huge finAnciAl institutions of the two countries,In the mechAnism of culture mAnAgement mode must exist the bigger conflict,And finAnciAl institutions internAl Abide by rules prActice with strong stAbility,It is difficult to be Altered,NAturAl he will reject foreign culture.If the tArget is stronger finAnciAl institutions,Will not eAsily Accept the merger of finAnciAl institutions in the culture,"WeAk finAnciAl institutions to AdvAntAge finAnciAl institution identificAtion is A combinAtion of strength merger And Acquisition cAn be the key fActor to success".


市场风险 MArket risk


Is mAinly due to the tArget country's interest rAte And exchAnge rAte chAnges cAused by the risk.In the merger And Acquisition of,If tArget finAnciAl institutions of the country in which the currency relAtive to the AppreciAtion of the renminbi,ChinA's finAnciAl institutions to reAlize the merger will be spending more yuAn,Responsible for the loss of the fluctuAtion of exchAnge rAte.Also in the merger And Acquisition,TArget finAnciAl institutions of the country in which the currency interest rAtes fAll,The stock of the tArget of finAnciAl institutions/Bond prices will go up,ChinA's finAnciAl institutions Also need to pAy more money implementAtion of merger And Acquisition.So whether the cAsh purchAse/In stock purchAse or comprehensive securities the Acquisition of finAnciAl institutions in the form of Acquisition,Are supposed to mArket risk.


 法律风险 LegAl risk


Although most countries to mergers And Acquisitions domestic finAnciAl institutions not A speciAl lAw,But from"outside"Mergers And Acquisitions will be Affected by other relevAnt lAws And regulAtions of the limit.if:


LAbor lAw:Countries bAsicAlly on the lAbor of the minimum wAge stAndArd/LAbor time/Employee employment And JiAnCAi etc to mAke the rules.Due to the lAbor rights And interests of the development of the finAnciAl institutions And profit goAls will hAve some conflict,If ChinA's finAnciAl institutions blindly pursue the development of this institution And ignore the rights And interests of the employees,MAy fAce the risk of lAwsuit in violAtion of lAbor lAw.


Antitrust lAw And relevAnt lAws And regulAtions of the merger:LegAl monopoly is the inevitAble result of the competition.Under the Action of the competition,ChinA's finAnciAl institutions overseAs m&A results mAy hAve A legAl monopoly,BecAuse of some countries Anti-monopoly system is too hArsh,ChinA's finAnciAl institutions legAl monopoly might become Antitrust goAl.

  限制金融机构并购方面的法律法规:金融机构是一种特殊的企业,各国都对金融机构的兼并格外谨慎,制定了限制金融机构并购的法律法规予以限制。如美国1993财年《国家防务授权法案》(National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year of 1993)第873(a)段规定,收购者受到外国政府的控制,或者代表外国政府进行活动,要受到调查。此外,各国的公司法、证券法也规定了企业并购的相关程序。

Limited finAnciAl institutions merger lAws And regulAtions:FinAnciAl institutions is A speciAl kind of enterprise,All countries to the finAnciAl orgAn merger pArticulArly cAutious,FormulAted the limited finAnciAl institutions merger lAws And regulAtions to limit.Such As the United StAtes in fiscAl yeAr 1993[NAtionAl defense AuthorizAtion bill](NAtionAl Defense AuthorizAtion Act for the FiscAl YeAr of 1993)873(A)Period of provisions,Foreign investors is the control of the government,Or on behAlf of the foreign government Activities,Are under investigAtion.In Addition,Countries the lAw of corporAtion/Securities lAw Also stipulAtes mergers And Acquisitions relAted progrAm.


反收购风险 Owns risk


ChinA's finAnciAl institutions overseAs finAnciAl institutions to implement mergers And Acquisitions,Merger And Acquisition meAns thAt ChinA did representAtives will enter the goAl done mAnAgement,Get to be bought control wAys.The originAl mAnAgement for their own interests mAintenAnce And to foreign enterprise culture to resist,MAke A vAriety of Acquirer efforts.For exAmple,Lobbying AgAinst monopolies stop m&A Activities,Collect A possible violAtion of compAny lAw/Securities lAw/Antitrust lAw And other relevAnt lAws And regulAtions of evidence to the court, etc,Or improve the potentiAl Acquisition cost,At A high price A tAkeover offer, etc,People increAse the difficulty of the Acquisition.
