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When the incumbent the United States a new round of quantitative easing policy after the dust settled,Global hedge funds have AnDuChenCang,Risk assets exit tide quietly on.if,Some habitual thinking still makes many people bigotry,so,Now is the time,Get rid of the media and some irresponsible analysts stir up trouble,recent,Is the comprehensive risk from the final chance to market.


 供需拐点来临 Supply and demand inflection point coming

  投行暗度陈仓 Investment Banks AnDuChenCang


Since QE3 after launch,Global financial markets and do contrarian,Dollars not as expected, continue to fall,Contrary to the beauty in the performance of the currency more strong.The us stock market high stagflation,Although the U.S. economic data constantly quoted bullish,Not only greatly improve the non-farm employment data,The unemployment rate for the first time in three years dropped to below 8%,Recent data released by the strong growth in retail,The property market further milder,But the dow Jones index fell more than 2.5% in October;International resources product market more than the cash,Signs of capital withdrawal is more obvious,Since then,The international crude oil futures prices have shut down for two months,Fell more than 12%.LME copper prices fell this month has reached 5%.Even agricultural products market is from the tight supply situation out,The Chicago mercantile exchange soybean contract price two months of the padt drop 15%.obviously,Prices fell back,Money is the massive evacuation,According to the CFTC weekly published by the number of position,Fund in crude oil futures and options on the position to reduce more than 20%.


similarly,Global commodity supply and demand cycle are faced with an important moment of important inflection point.The last five years,Global into resources product production supply funds attain the highest possible perfection in it,These investment have been or are about to enter the peak output.Iron ore prices drop is due to the result of a number of output.Even if has always been considered supplies of copper and crude oil,With the increase of the supply,Has entered the era of excess supply.The fourth quarter of the year,Global oil supply will more than demand about 60 more than barrels,As the U.S. will become the world's largest crude oil output countries,The nissan out to 10000 barrels,2012 annual output will be increased by 10%,Plus the unconventional natural gas greatly increased,To the world energy supply situation brought historic change.In 2013,,Also will usher in the climax of the copper supply.Along with the big mine production in succession,Copper mine supply will be excess amounts to 450000 tons,This is ten years there has never been a scene.

  沃尔法则完成去杠杆化 Volcker law complete de-leveraging

  风险产品前景暗淡 Risk product outlook

  沃尔克法则的实施是银行业撤离风险交易市场的最根本背景。2010年1月21日,美国总统奥巴马宣布将对美国银行业做重大改革,前美联储主席保罗·沃尔克的建议得到采纳,因此其方案被称为“沃尔克法则”(Volcker Rule)。这个法案的严厉程度仅有1933年的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》可以类比,在美国经济大萧条后,此法案将投资银行业务和商业银行业务严格划分开,这个法案对打击金融市场的投机行为起了极为重要的作用。具有讽刺意味的是,1999年这个法案被废止,其后却是新一轮大宗商品暴涨的开始,极有可能的是,替代这个法案的沃尔克法则将终止这个暴涨的十年。

The implementation of the law of the volcker panel is banking evacuation risk trading market of the most fundamental background.On January 21, 2010,President Obama announced that the United States banking to make major changes,Former federal reserve chairman Paul volcker suggestion was accepted,So the plan is called"Volcker law"(Volcker Rule).The bill severe degree of only 1933 years[Glass-steagall]Can analog,In the American economy after the great depression,The bill will be investment banking and commercial banking strictly divided open,The bill to crack down on financial market speculation played an extremely important role.Ironically,In 1999 the bill was abolished,Behind it is the beginning of a new round of commodities boom,Very likely,Replace the bill law of volcker will terminate this jump ten years.


Volcker rule to the risk influence it has on the market will be through the two most basic principle to reflect,One is to limit bank USES its capital for proprietary trading.The second is to ban bank owns or aid to private equity funds and hedge fund investment,Let the bank in the traditional lending business and high lever/hedge/Private and high risk investment activity a clear line between.The future will no longer allow commercial Banks have launched or hedge funds,Also can't have private equity investment fund,Cannot be engaged in relevant with their profit and service to the customers and independent of proprietary trading business.For private equity funds and hedge fund proportion of the investment limited to 3% of the primary core capital.


S&p said Monday by way of a public announcement,If regulators to limit their proprietary trading to adopt strict stand,Volcker rule to the influence of the bank profits than previously estimated more than doubled.According to s&p estimate,Volcker rule can lead to the United States 8's biggest bank, a total of $10 billion a year to reduce profits,Rather than originally expected two years ago of $4 billion.The s&p at the report says,Goldman sachs and Morgan Stanley will suffer a greater degree of loss,Compared with other bank because,They come from proprietary trading income accounts for more than.


The capricious international big investment Banks although by QE3 crazy prediction commodities and golden bull trend,But in fact,They have from this field greatly evacuation,layoffs/sell/stripping,All these reflect the market is no longer so attract them,And over the past ten years than the golden age,The next few years commodities trading will eclipse.


Goldman sachs discuss stripping the commodity trading department has had many years,But recent like real entered the stage of essence.And the large recent is also ready to one part of the commodity trading department sold to Qatar sovereign wealth fund,From 1999 to 2000,The big commodity trading department for the investment Banks contributed about 20% of the profit source.But in the past two years,Investment Banks trading profits decline significantly,In the first half of this year,The world's largest 10 big investment Banks in the commodity market net $3.5 billion,But the data was 20% lower than the same period last year,Than market the best 2009 lower about 56%.In addition to market itself,Strengthen supervision/The rise in the cost of capital is the main causes of the decreasing trading profits.


Throw behavior from commodity department's strategic retreat is to be comprehensive,Nearly three years,Although the overall employees investment Banks increased by 1%,But in commodity trading department but the number of cut by 6%.

  风险资产的等比例贬值 Proportion of risk assets devaluation


If the volcker panel law finally to obtain the full implementation of words,May historic changes to the global financial market operation pattern.Volcker rule is trying to reduce financial market leveraged proportion,It will lead to end is,Due to the absence of the big bank funds,Risk assets especially derivatives market position will reduce,This will in general to reduce capital market speculative atmosphere.because,No big investment Banks push,Speculative forces will greatly atrophy.Derivatives scale reduction,Also can reduce the number of broad money supply on the market,Although the fed ease policy,But the market the demand to capital is lower,Because of the money withdrawal,The market various risk assets will equal proportion impairment,This in turn will decide and financial market liquidity situation,obviously,The future financial territory has substantial be changed.

