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  从2007年11月28日首家银监会批准的金融租赁公司工银租赁成立开始至今,整整五年,银监会监管的金融租赁公司数目已达20家,至2012年9月末,其中的19家金融租赁公司资产总额已达7300多亿元,注册资本金超过500亿元。然而,对于已经积累了逾7000亿规模的金融租赁行业来说,融资渠道狭窄、融资方式单一的问题仍十分突出。 From November 28, 2007 first approved by the CBRC financial leasing company work since the start of the silver lease was established,Exactly five years,The CBRC supervision of financial leasing company number has reached 20,And at the end of September 2012,One of the 19 financial leasing company has total assets of more than 7300 yuan,Registered capital of more than 50 billion yuan.however,To have accumulated more than 700 billion scale for financial leasing industry,The financing channel is narrow/Financing single problem is still very prominent.


The whole financial leasing businesses,More than 80% of the capital source are bank loan,Financing way to trade borrowing/mortgage/Factoring and bank credit product mainly,More time in a year of less than.but,Lease finance company in the capital have the long-term use of nature,This kind of capital source way lead to the assets and liabilities on the time limit does not match.


According to the promulgated in 2007[Financial leasing company management measures]On the financial leasing company business scope regulations,In addition to the capital,The capital source theory also includes absorption non-bank shareholders one-year(contain)Above deposit/Accept the tenant rental deposit/To the commercial bank transfer accounts receivable of lease/Issuing financial bonds/Interbank lending/Borrowing from financial institutions/Foreign exchange loan, etc.


But in fact,Deposit is only holding a bank other than the small shareholders,Small shareholders obtain deposit income,And rental income and deposit income difference between the more profit by holding bank acquisition,For small shareholders lack of effective incentive.


Issuing financial bonds can also full of worries.For financial institutions to identity accept supervision of financial leasing companies,Financial issue of bonds threshold high,Need accumulated three years of business performance indicators,Issue conditions are very strict,And to get the issue of line is extremely limited,Even if can issue,The amount of money used by/Time is also very limited.


Work silver lease finance marketing director general manager ZuoXingHua explained,"Financial bond market development itself QiYeZhai lag behind,QiYeZhai market three channel:People's bank channel,Exchange channel and development and reform commission (NDRC) channel,Now make flawed.And financial bond,Especially for financial leasing companies FaZhai channel is relatively closed,There exist many obstacles.For example,threshold,FaZhai financial leasing companies must meet the profit level/Net capital, and other business index is higher than the average of all the condition such as level,This most financial leasing company is difficult to achieve;For another example,The people's bank of FaZhai face/The CBRC two regulators separately for examination and approval,The examination and approval period may have to a year,Time cost is too high;In addition,FaZhai line co., LTD.,,The most issue to the size of the capital,This to lease the rapid development of the business is far from enough."


In August 2009,People's bank of/The CBRC issued financial leasing company is to issue the relevant provisions of the financial bond,Allow financial leasing companies issuing financial bonds.Since then wisewin lease/Pay silver lease respectively in May, 2010 and July in the national inter-bank bond market issue 1 billion yuan/2 billion yuan financial bond.There are several house financial leasing company were put forward FaZhai plan,But so far it delayed.


Some financial leasing companies, on the other hand, none FaZhai overseas,If ZhaoYin lease is planning to issue in Hong Kong 3 to a $500 million bond,Used to buy aircraft ship and large equipment, etc;By the end of November, 2011,Work with silver lease SPV abroad(Special project company)For the issuer,Release the $750 million dollar bonds abroad.


The above a few financial leasing company is to issue bonds, total amount of about 6 billion yuan,Relative to the rapid expansion of the financing lease total assets,Its size is rather than for small.Some of the leasing company is also seeking listing,But in general,Bond market/The capital market financing gate did not get through.


[Financial leasing company management measures]provisions,Financial leasing company capital adequacy ratio of not less than 8%;In the interbank lending scale,Financial leasing company trade borrowed inter-bank funds balance shall not exceed the financial leasing companies 100% of the net capital.


But interbank lending only as position adjustment temporary tool,From the deep to solve financial leasing funds problem.moreover,Liquidity refers to not only fast financing convenience,More important is the leased asset liquidity,That recovery rent security or transfer of the leased asset securitization of convenience.The current factoring/Asset securitization/Real right transfer of the channel is not smooth,For asset scale rapid expansion of bank system for financial leasing companies,Liquidity is not enough.

  对融资渠道的持续探索 On the financing channels of continuous exploration


The lease is a typical capital intensive industry.Financial leases after 3 to 5 years,Even more long time to recovery capital.Leasing companies to raise money from outside,Especially to raise the most important long-term capital difficult/High cost,Restrict the company of the enlargement of scale and in the international leasing market competitiveness.At the same time,The high cost of financing lease companies face make business high risk and low income serious mismatch,Leasing company to the sustained and healthy development.Thus the financing channels from financial leasing company since birth,Almost is one of the most core problem.


The developed countries in the leasing industry capital source may become a reference and reference.


Such as the United States professional leasing company financing channels are mainly:Commercial Banks/Insurance company/Institutional investors investment;As a joint stock company form stock issue;Issuance of corporate bonds;Issued short-term commercial paper;Issue special fund,, etc.


The United States leasing industry is very developed,Lease permeability of more than 30%,One important reason is that the government give leasing industry many preferential,Such as rent into cost/Investment tax cuts/Such as accelerated depreciation.


Japanese leasing funds sources include:Big enterprise/The bank/Insurance investment;Bank loans;Insurance money;Fund loan;Issue bonds and listed.And China's financial leasing company similar,Bank loans account for a considerable proportion Japanese leasing company 90% of the capital source on bank loans.Corporate bonds accounted for 1.1%,Capital accounts for 2.5%,In addition,Leasing company can also send commercial paper.


And South Korea leasing company 70% of the capital from the issuance of corporate bonds,And circulation can be self-capital is ten times,This makes the leasing company with a long-term capital guarantee.


China's leasing company on the financing channels of exploration and never stop.A banking regulatory commission under the supervision of financial leasing company,The ministry of commerce under the supervision of the manufacturer is leasing company/Independent third party leasing company in the market financing channels on development go further.


Such as bohai lease(000415,guba)Through the lease industry fund/Overseas leasing funds way into the private equity market,And to borrow shell listed way opened the public offerings right financing channels;Xin bridge joint financing lease mainly adopt ABS(Asset-backed bonds)And private industry fund financing;Bank of China aviation leasing through the export credit/From the international market that bond financing;The far east international leasing company is in March 2011 in Hong Kong listed officially,Become China's first IPO issue of financing leasing company.


For today's 20 financial leasing companies,Long-term capital source at present mainly rely on capital supplement/factoring/FaZhai three sources.FaZhai not into industry climate,The importance of the former two more so outstanding,In all capital source for than almost 90%.


Capital is added to the original shareholders directional shares,Or to absorb new shareholders.For example,Silver lease work respectively in September 2009 and December 2011 twice won the big commercial bank of shareholders(601398,guba)The 3 billion yuan endowment,At present registered capital 8 billion yuan;The people's livelihood lease in the end of 2011 through to absorb new shareholders increase endowment spread will increase the registered capital 5.095 billion yuan.


Financing lease factoring means,Through the transfer leasing company financing lease contract rental receivable,The bank to provide financing leasing company accounts receivable rent/management/Collection and the lessee credit risk guarantee, and other financial services.


Have to say,Leasing company,Bank system leasing company this special camps because back on bank shareholders,Has the obvious advantage of money,On the one hand capital source stability and low cost,On the other hand, facilitate with bank expansion factoring cooperation.


As early as in 2009,Work silver lease successively and icbc k, private jointly launched a personal finance products,And China merchants bank(600036,guba)Joint selling the credit loan type trust financial products,The success of lease receivable factoring innovation,For the first time into the dollar funds.

  新命题:提高资金利用率、 The new proposition:Improve the utilization rate of capital/

  加强流动性管理 To strengthen liquidity management


To bank system financial leasing companies,Source of fund not sorrow,But the cost of money but must consider.Lease finance company wants to expand the operation scale lease,In addition to increase endowment spread and increase the bank loans,More should be from within the company,To reduce the dependence of capital,In improving capital utilization rate fluctuation kongfu.


ZuoXingHua put forward,In the actual operation of,By adjusting the capital structure,To improve the utilization ratio of capital way,To improve their financial strain status.Especially can through the control risk capital occupancy ratio,Will lease the project need actual occupancy wrongdoing,Control in a lower level.


In 2012,,Work is proposed by silver lease"Debt financing type"to"Assets investment"transformation,And the"Capital consumption"to"Capital economical"The change of the two development thought,This reflects,Asset management has become a leasing company structure adjustment and profit model transformation is one of the important channels.


"Debt financing type"Refers to the lessee to provide financing as the main business model,Profit mainly comes from rent and interest rates and the spreads between the financing cost,Competitive advantage is embodied in financing ability strong or weak."Assets investment"Refers to operating assets as the main business model,Profit mainly comes from assets investment/Trading and disposal,Competitive advantage reflected in the asset valuation/management/Investment and disposal.


Based on the above two transformation,Work to develop the silver lease the leased asset transfer business.The business development not only in scale under the control requirements for the new project transfer to other use a space,There are conducive to revitalize the low income of the leased asset,Active allocate overall assets structure,Reduce capital occupancy,Improve the return on capital.


And realize"Capital economical"development,For leasing company liquidity management ability level.This means that one is in the occupied capital changeless circumstance,Try to improve the income level;On the other hand is in income level under the condition of constant,Try to reduce capital occupancy.


Solve path is,Increase customer structure adjustments,Such as the positive development of large and medium-sized private clients,To improve the customer's bargaining power;Gradually adjust to industry,To emerging strategic industry/High-end equipment manufacturing industry and the innovation science and technology enterprise tilt;Increasing efforts to sell assets,Will low income/Lease long lease assets,Through the sell off type factoring/Leased assets transfer/Activate asset securitization, and other ways,So as to release the capital occupancy and asset scale;In addition,To make full use of the overseas capital market,Play the role of overseas platform.


Silver lease is expected to work,By 2017 the company can realize foreign leasing business is 60 billion yuan.


With the continuous development of financing leasing company,The need for the funds to expand.Financing the leasing company will have to continue broaden the source of fund,In the financing way further innovation,Especially according to financial leasing in long-term and investment function to determine stable feasible capital source channel.


Asset securitization is the current financial reform a big trend,Financial leasing industry must also to use financial market financing,The leased asset securitization is through financial leasing companies and financial market a channel.


Vigorously promote asset securitization to become the industry consensus.Work with silver lease as an example,The company carries out the asset securitization project including foreign platform plane capital projects and overseas ship asset securitization project;Domestic inter-bank market securitization project;Securities market asset securitization project.


It is understood,Work silver lease the securitization pilot projects are in the stable in advance,The securities market asset securitization project has been on November 12, the CSRC for approval,In accordance with the relevant regulations, the timing will complete the issuance,This is the first branch of financial leasing industry asset securitization product.


In addition,Some experts suggest,Can introduce similar insurance/Fund such non-bank financial institutions into the leasing industry.At present by the policy,fund/The insurance company is not the leased asset investment.But the fund/The nature of the insurance funds and leasing company's assets to match most properties,Such as insurance funds is long money with short,And the lease is currently short of money long use,If insurance funds can invest leasing industry,Perhaps can form a win-win situation.




Capital source problem is the financial leasing industry long renewal development must be around the past"candy".


At present financial leasing company's financing channel is the main shareholder capital increase and bank loan two,The latter account for more than 80%,Simply rely on bank financing easy leasing company assets and liabilities caused serious time limit does not match.Although there is some leasing company is to issue or are preparing to issuing financial bonds,But subject to various reasons,FaZhai financing not into scale,At present financial leasing company all outstanding bonds less than 1% of the industry total asset scale.


China's leasing company market financing way is still not fully get through.Commercial bank vice President/Work LiXiaoPeng silver lease the chairman pointed out,Leasing industry funds,In the asset securitization/The establishment of an asset investment fund/Asset transfer transactions, etc,For leasing industry still has some admittance threshold,This is leasing company in the development in the common problems,Need to lease company oneself further strengthen investigation and study,Puts forward solutions,And actively cooperate with relevant government departments to study and solve.


In recent years,Financial leasing company in to broaden the financing channels/Solve the liquidity made various attempts and hard work,Such as increase endowment spread/Expanding line of credit/Make full use of interbank lending channel/Expand overseas financing, etc.


especially,Some financial leasing companies are actively trying to through the way of asset securitization in the capital market financing.


The latest news show,On November 12,,"Work silver lease special asset management plan"Has obtained the China securities regulatory commission approval through the,This is the domestic financial leasing companies won the first branch of the wholesale done asset securitization product,Thus made financial leasing company in securities market special plan issued the first step.


In fact,In the source of funds in the short term will not quickly let go of realistic conditions,Financial leasing companies to sustainable development,Stock assets to strengthen management and abundant liquidity becomes even more urgent.


How to rely on the development of the capital out of the way?This is the financial leasing industry generally need thought.this,Work is proposed by silver lease"Debt financing type"to"Assets investment"Change requirements,To realize the leasing company"Capital consumption"to"Capital economical"To speed up the transformation of business.

  首创保税租赁、跨境租赁 工银租赁探索航空租赁新模式

First bonded lease/Cross-border lease work silver lease explore aviation leasing new mode




In early November 2012,Work silver leasing company and Laos airlines signed two frame airbus A320 aircraft leasing agreement,This is Laos air for the first time in the lease ways of introducing the plane,Create the Lao aviation aircraft introduce new mode.


The two frame A320 aircraft is working silver lease to airbus the first order of 42 frame A320 series aircraft orders second in the frame and the third aircraft,Plan will in December 2012 and March 2013 delivery Laos aviation.


In June 2011,Work silver lease and airbus A320 aircraft signed 42 frame order agreement,Realized directly to the aircraft manufacturers batch ordering the important breakthrough.The buyers in the leasing company directly into the government buying machine plan/Directly from foreign batch purchase of aircraft/With foreign companies for the same buying machine condition, etc are"first",For the development of China's financial leasing companies to explore a new way.In August,Work silver lease and $3.5 billion to airbus A320 aircraft revised 50 frame.


According to the working silver lease aviation financial department director general manager JiangBo revealed,For the first time to buy in 42 plane,For 20 frame with the client agreement signed intention,Paid the deposit.


Since its start,Work silver lease will set the"professional/marketization/internationalization"Development strategy,Adhere to the"business/Big market/Big customer"Market positioning,Outstanding plane/The ship and large equipment business characteristics,At present already in these areas in the market leading position.


This benefits from work in the implementation of silver leasing industry many mode innovation.

  航空租赁市场前景看好 Aviation leasing market has a good prospect


At present the global aviation transportation used 2/3 of the aircraft is through leasing way of receiving,China is no exception.According to the statistics,China's civil aircraft has 60% is by the airlines through a financing lease or an operating lease way of receiving.


China's aircraft leasing market is still huge potential.According to Boeing prediction,From now until the next 2030 years of nearly 20 years,China will need to introduce 5000 new aircraft,Value of $600 billion.


According to the civil aviation administration of"1025"Development planning,In 2015,,China's transportation fleet number from 2010 in 1597 to 2015 years of frame increase 2750 frame,General aviation fleet in 2015 will also be increased to 2000 rack above.


China's civil aviation university President/Catic association general aviation committee director WuTong water said recently,At present,In China's aviation leasing business already has a certain proportion,Domestic leasing company occupies the domestic aircraft leasing market share of about 10%,The domestic general aviation leasing market also get preliminary development.but,In comparison with foreign also has the very big disparity.


The rapid development of civil aviation for aviation leasing industry provide great space,Aviation leasing and will further promote the development of the cause of China's aviation.In 2011,,Bank of China aviation leasing/Pay silver lease/Silver lease work have ShangFei and China signed the order agreement,To our country aerospace manufacturing is also greatly promoted.Such as work silver lease in October 2011 and China ShangFei signed 45 frame C919 order,Is C919 airliner maximum start one of the user.


At present,Work with silver leasing and management of the aircraft have 77 frame.In addition to create a direct batch buying machine outside,Successively in our country leasing industry has an important significance to carry out the leading of the bonded lease/RMB cross-border leasing typical innovation work.

  开创国内保税租赁模式 A domestic bonded lease mode


In 2009,,Work for China southern silver lease arranged two frame the new Boeing 777 winch bonded leasing project,The total amount of $318 million.A single project company as the introduction of the carrier,Make financial leasing company aircraft leasing programs can also enjoy and airlines plane import tax treatment.


According to JiangBo introduced,During the project,Work the silver lease arrangement of the plane to buy/Field delivery/Application for duty reduction or exemption,Organizations including the quarantine/The frontier, the joint inspection,Is the domestic financial leasing companies for the first time in the whole aircraft leasing link.The project started Chinese aircraft leasing industry bonded lease history,Is regarded as"China SPV"mode.The model is founded,To break the foreign leasing company to our country aircraft leasing market monopoly.


The business innovation has the important meaning,Bonded lease launch greatly improves the lease in the company's ability to compete,Compared with foreign leasing company,A tax advantage;In terms of relative loan business,But also has the advantage of cost.

  探索境外飞机租赁 Explore overseas aircraft leasing

  业务模式 Business model


In June 2010,Work the parent of silver lease commercial bank of China set up in Ireland work silver international financial leasing company,Through the financial consulting/Business consultant, etc,And work silver Asia/Work silver macau/Work, such as silver doha overseas branch effectively realize the business linkage,Overseas aircraft leasing business get rapid development.


Two years,The company in Ireland have and management of all kinds of aircraft and frame,Asset scale of more than $2 billion,Is the Chinese in Ireland's largest chinese-invested enterprises.


In addition,Work silver lease actively promote the cross-border settlement business development,And successfully implemented the first cross-border RMB settlement leasing project,To realize the international leasing business to the new breakthrough,For China to explore a new way RMB internationalization.


Work silver Irish company constantly expand the European market development,Canada and the export and import bank of China export credit support finished outside the first frame executive project,For the next step into the north American market ready.


"By 2014,Work silver lease fleet size will be more than 200 frame,Fleet will be more than 300 ships,A large part of the injection Irish company,"Work silver lease President bush has said,"Icbc and future work silver lease will make full use of Ireland in the plane/ship/The advantage of large equipment leasing business,Continue to expand Europe rental market business/Actively involved in European financial market."

  调整客户结构 Adjust customer structure

  布局公务机市场 Layout executive market


commercial/Corporate aircraft leasing market is becoming a financial leasing industry new profit growth point,Work silver lease began to set foot in this field.In may this year,Work silver lease and Brazil aviation industry company signed memorandum of understanding.This agreement is Brazil airlines in China and the global market commercial and business jet aircraft created financing opportunities.According to this memorandum of understanding,The next five years plan support amount will reach $2.5 billion.


This is the first work silver lease use foreign import and export bank's low cost capital for the executive leasing project,And with Brazil aviation industry company signed 10 frame executive purchase agreement,Become the first executive production line start user.


So far this year oct.,Work silver lease and total assets of more than 120 billion yuan.In the new five-year development planning in,Strategic goal is to the end of 2017,Asset scale up to 300 billion yuan.Estimated in the future five years aviation leasing asset scale will reach 80 billion yuan.
