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Financial observation
Wenzhou gold the overall direction of change,In form should be devoted to solve two questions,One is the excess of the folk capital where to go?The second is small micro enterprise financing difficulties how to solve.
a,Wenzhou gold change"Article 12 provinces"Rules published,Mainly reflects two aspects perfect.On the one hand,In the legal system of further refinement,For the folk capital"name"Lay the foundation.Such as clear to boost wenzhou folk financing management regulations/Carry out folk loan service center pilot/Improve the folk financing monitoring system,And introduction of wenzhou rate index, etc.
On the other hand,In the development of non-governmental investment financing channels to refining.Such as in promoting folk indirect financing issues,Promote professional folk small fund management institution development,Actively carry out folk capital management company pilot, etc;In the folk in direct financing,Promote including bonds, all kinds of new product development.
overall,The rules for support folk financing health/Standard development have a greater role in promoting.but,Due to the lack of top-down top design supporting propulsion,Such as lenders regulations such comprehensive standardized folk lending rules has not introduced,At the same time still not break through the existing financial system frame,so,The significance of the rules is still produce demonstration effect and the spillover effect.
Wenzhou gold the overall direction of change,In form should be devoted to solve two questions,One is the excess of the folk capital where to go?The second is small micro enterprise financing difficulties how to solve.
Wenzhou gold for change,"Research in the overseas investment of individual pilot,Exploring to establish a standardized convenient direct investment channels"The most breakthrough,Also relax capital project control of important steps.In fact,At the beginning of 2011 wenzhou once want to pilot,But then have been stopped.The significance of the reform,One is to expand the individual in the global wealth management and asset allocation of the channel;The second is help individual enterprise and small micro enterprises better go out;The third is means that capital projects open to try something new,In order to promote the internationalization of RMB to provide support.
If from wenzhou gold to change in the whole country in the process of financial reform play the role and effect to see,We think we can play 60 points.Is to pass the exam,Because it plays a important demonstration effect,Also means bottom-up reform officially recognized;No marking is too high,A because they lack the top system propulsion safeguard,The second is the core in condensed reform direction/Specific implementation rules and shortage,principle/Fuzziness description or a little more.
Is the perfection of wenzhou gold change direction to see,One is the policy should be resources have to be focused on folk financial reform,avoid"Without sauces and"Type dispersion;Second, in the folk capital institutions access a breakthrough for real;3 it is to want to clear and moderate transferred to local government in a reasonable financial management authority,At the same time avoid excessive administrative intervention,What make with the corporation become reform leading role,Don't make gold to become the local government"Alone spectacle".
Yang tao(By the Chinese academy of social sciences financial have financial market research director)
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