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In this century,Mobile terminal/Sensor and other modern communication equipment comprehensive popularization,e-commerce/Social networks and so on the new network application vigorous development,The modern information processing technology is widely used,Human society is entering a new era of big data.Data has become the enterprise internal and material assets and human capital in the important strategic assets,The information dimension is huge and use value to mining...

  大数据、大知识,如何挖掘、启迪品牌建设的新智慧? 大分析、大智能,如何构建以客户为中心的品牌建设新平台?如何把握机遇实现金融品牌大发展?

Large data/Big knowledge,How to dig/Enlightenment brand construction new wisdom? Big analysis/Great intelligence,How to build up to the customer as the center of the brand construction of new platform?How to grasp the opportunity to achieve financial brand development?


Discussion the financial brand in the rapidly changing world of big data age,Brand marketing valuable experience,2012 China financial brand BBS will be held on December 9, held in Beijing the millennium hotel,Together, let us look forward to this event!


The telephone and cooperation:The 400-652-6882


2012 China financial brand BBS activities agenda

  (主持人嘉宾以实际出席为准 )

(The host/The guest to the actual attendance shall prevail )


theme:The big data age financial brand innovation


time:On December 9, 2012


site:Beijing. The millennium hotel(The middle section of the chaoyang district no. 7)




The host:CCTV host

  08:30-09:00 论坛签到

08:30-09:00 BBS sign in

  09:00-09:10 主持人宣布论坛开幕,介绍到会嘉宾

09:00-09:10 BBS announced the opening,Introduction to the guest

  09:10-09:20 开幕演讲

09:10-09:20 opening speech

  演讲嘉宾: 招商银行(600036,股吧)行长 马蔚华

Speakers: China merchants bank(600036,guba)President MaWeiHua

  09:20-12:00 主题演讲

Very 09:20 lecture

  演讲嘉宾: 中国银行(601988,股吧)行长 李礼辉

speakers: The bank of China(601988,guba)President LiLiHui

  中信银行(601998,股吧)行长 朱小黄

Citic bank(601998,guba)President zhu yellow

  北京银行(601169,股吧)行长 严晓燕

Beijing bank(601169,guba)President YanXiaoYan

  泰康人寿保险董事长 陈东升

Taikang life insurance chairman dung-sheng Chen

  国泰君安证券董事长 万建华

Guotai junan securities WanJianHua chairman of the board of directors

  微软大中华区董事长兼首席执行官 Ralph Haupter

Microsoft greater China region chairman and CEO Ralph Haupter

  中央电视台广经中心副主任 何海明

CCTV the deputy director of the center HeHaiMing widely

  中国经营报(博客,微博)社总编辑 李佩钰

China business newspaper(blog,Micro bo)Club editor in chief LiPeiYu

  腾讯网络媒体市场部总经理 韩志杰

Tencent network media marketing general manager HanZhiJie

  IBM大 IBM中华区咨询服务金融服务部总经理 Rohitha Perera

IBM in large area of IBM consulting services financial service department general manager Rohitha Perera

  12:00-13:30 自助午餐

Wanted - caleb buffet lunch

  14:00-15:00 实战案例分享

2 - to practical case sharing

  主持嘉宾: 南开大学教授 白长虹

Host guest: Nankai university professor BaiChangHong

  主讲嘉宾: 湛江市商业银行董事长 韩春剑

Keynote speaker: chairman of the board of directors HanChunJian zhanjiang commercial Banks

  天猫运营总监 徐嘉鼎

Day XuJiaDing cat director of operations

  可口可乐互动营销总监 陈慧菱

Coca-Cola ChenHuiLing interactive marketing director

  15:00-15:15 金融机构权威排名发布

To - financial institutions "issued by authoritative ranking

  主持嘉宾: 南开大学教授 白长虹

Host guest: Nankai university professor BaiChangHong

  主讲嘉宾: 华通明略品牌资产研究客户群总监 尚直虎

Keynote speaker: China is lit brand equity research director of customer base is straight tiger

  15:15-15:30 2012金融品牌研究报告

"News - 2012 financial brand research report

  主持嘉宾: 南开大学教授 白长虹

Host guest: Nankai university professor BaiChangHong

  主讲嘉宾: CTR央视市场研究总监 占向东

Keynote speaker: CTR CCTV market research director of the east

  15:30-17:00 腾讯广告饕餮盛宴

Large - HRS tencent advertising gluttonous feast


Select creative at home and abroad and media advertisement article nearly 200,With LCD screen on shock,Advertising feast,Sensory share.The experts group comment on,Real-time interactive forum guests.

  点评嘉宾:南开大学教授 白长虹

Guest comments on:Nankai university professor BaiChangHong

  腾讯广告部副总经理 栾 娜

Tencent's deputy general manager Luan advertising

  CTR媒介部经理 赵 梅

CTR media manager zhao mei

  17:00-18:00 自助晚餐

HRS - PM buffet dinner

  20:10-22:00 2012财智嘉人总决赛

When to 22:00 2012 smartfortune fine people finals
