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改革新动力——2012凤凰财经峰会顺利召开 多位政商学界精英出席2012凤凰财经峰会 Many scholars political elite to attend 2012 phoenix financial summit

  凤凰财经讯 12月16日,由凤凰网与凤凰卫视联合举办的“2012凤凰财经峰会”在北京国贸大酒店盛大开幕。峰会以“改革新动力(310328,基金吧)”为主题,来自一行三会的负责人易纲、阎庆民、姚刚、周延礼,上海市副市长屠光绍,原深圳市委书记兼市长李灝,经济学家厉以宁、张五常,企业家柳传志、王健林等政、商、学界华人精英,与会场1000余名观众一起,围绕十八大之后的中国改革路径进行巔峰对话。凤凰卫视知名主播曾瀞漪、时事评论员邱震海担任了峰会主持人。

Phoenix financial - dec. 16,,The phoenix network and the order of the phoenix satellite TV, jointly organized"2012 phoenix financial summit"In the Beijing international hotel grand opening.Summit to"Reform the new(310328,Fund it)"As the theme,From a line of three will be in charge of the yi/YanQingMin/YaoGang/ZhouYanLi,Vice mayor of Shanghai TuGuangShao,The shenzhen municipal party committee secretary and mayor LiHao,Economist li yining/Even when walking,Entrepreneurs liu/WangJianLin government such as/business/Chinese elite academic,And the more than 1000 audience together,The eighteenth big around after China's reform path for peak dialogue.Phoenix TV famous anchor has 瀞 yi/QiuZhenHai commentators in the summit host.


The phoenix financial summit at the central economic working conference held,Thus issue has a strong policy orientation and pertinence.The famous economist li yining/The purpose to do even when walking speech,They were in the past thirty years China's reform experience and future ten years reform direction,Published a wonderful view.The attendees also around the new urbanization investment opportunities/Fiscal reform and income distribution/Transformation of the commercial Banks/Open markets and enterprise equal opportunity on a heated discussion topic.It is generally believed that,After reform and opening up 30 years of development,China into high speed development channel,Economic construction outstanding success.however,Along with the reform into the deep water area,China's economy not only faces the development mode in urgent need of transformation question,At the same time also faces some people hold"The Chinese model",Development blind-sided problem,Development are looking for a new source of power(600405,guba)spring.


Just the end of the communist party of China put forward the eighteenth big,To speed up the transformation development way,Speed up improvement of the socialist market economic system.Vice premier li keqiang has also pointed out in his speech,China's economic reform is the biggest bonus,China's reform and a lot of space and potential.Not long ago,Xi jinping, general secretary of guangdong,ChongZou deng xiaoping NaXun road,This shows that the highest decision-making has fully understand to make China's reform out of deep water area,Must deepen the reform of the market economy system,Only by market forces to inject new to China's economic growth momentum,The social from all walks of life to continue to deepen the reform of the consensus has been formed.


On the day of held on"New Deal full moon"Closed door lunch meeting,Jiang ping, a famous scholar/survival/Mr Wu and also is the new collective leadership after the reform of the office a fresh air launched a heated discussion.And prospects the future ten years of reform new path.


Summit that night,The organizers also held"Reform power"Awards dinner,Aims to the award to those in the reform and opening up has a far-reaching influence in the tide of the thought leader salute.


Phoenix satellite TV, chairman and chief executive LiuChangLe justice of the peace in the opening address said,Compared with reform stalled,Ideological stagnant more terrible,Twenty years ago,The chief architect of China's reform and opening up to Mr. Deng xiaoping made famous NaXun speech,Remove the handcuff people's thinking.The current,The social from all walks of life to further deepen the reform of the voice is becoming more and more intense,We urgently need a new ideological change,Condensed new reform consensus,Using the power of thought liberation market.


Phoenix network CEO/Phoenix TV LiuShuang vice President at the closing address said,Since this year,We and the order of the phoenix satellite TV network station linkage,Introduced to"Reform run"As the theme of the series of planning,Actively participate in reform discussion,In the lujiazui financial BBS/The summer davos in the meeting,Has held many financial salon,Called for deepening the reform,Warm response.Phoenix financial summit is the order of the phoenix phoenix TV network and joint make flagship conference platform,Through the successful summit,Hope to be able to promote the social from all walks of life to further emancipate the mind/Free market,With the aid of the phoenix nets and phoenix satellite TV, one of the world's leading mandarin all media platform,A strongest note reform/Condensed reform new consensus/Looking for the new reform!


For more information please login:http://finance.ifeng.com/news/special/2012Summit/


凤凰财经 Phoenix financial


Phoenix financial,The first time for Chinese people around the world to provide professional information and material application service,In a separate value judgment/The original report Angle,Fully cover the macroscopic/business/financial/securities/Financial management, and other fields,Become the Chinese elite at home and abroad first financial portal.


Phoenix financial,grasps"Valuable financial portal"Media mission,We will continue to provide market economy platform,And for the reform and opening up,And China grow up together with the backbone of the class,Towards a new journey!


凤凰新媒体 The new media


The new media is one of the world's leading cross-platform network new media company,Integration of its integrated gate guard and the order of the phoenix/The mobile phone network and phoenix video three platform,Adhering to the"The feelings,Global vision,Compatible open,Progressive forces"Media concept,Provide for the mainstream Chinese Internet/Wireless communication/Network of three nets fusion seamless integration of new media content and high quality service.


凤凰卫视 Phoenix TV

  以“拉近全球华人距离”为宗旨,为全世界华人提供高品质的华语电视节目。庞大的环球市场加上成功的扩展策略,令凤凰卫视得以发展为一间在国际社会享有盛誉的跨国多媒体集团。 to"Chinese people around the world closer distance"For the purpose of,For the Chinese people all over the world to provide high quality Chinese TV programs.The huge global market and successful expansion strategy,Make phoenix TV to development for a reputation in the international society of transnational media group.
