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A fair


In 2012,,The bank of China(601988,guba)Chief economist CaoYuanZheng/The Chinese academy of LiYang and the vice President of the lead respectively the three group is China's national balance sheet released three reports.[The first financial daily]XuYiSheng editors, will this three copies of the balance sheet are compared,And pay special attention to three subject report the estimate of the net worth of the balance sheet size differences.

  根据本课题组报告的估算,2010年政府净资产为38万亿元, 曹远征的报告对2008年政府净资产估算为17万亿元,李扬的报告对2010年政府净资产估算约为70万亿元(宽口径,包括了国土资源性资产和行政事业单位资产)和20万亿(窄口径,不包括国土资源性资产和行政事业单位资产)。本课题组估算的政府净资产高出曹远征版本和李扬窄口径版本的主要原因,是在资产方包括了政府持有的十几万亿的上市公司股份市值,远低于李扬宽口径版本的原因是基本上没有包括“国土资源性资产(尚未开发的矿产和未出售的土地)”。

According to our estimate of the report,In 2010 the government net assets for 38 trillion yuan, The report of the CaoYuanZheng 2008 government net assets estimate for 17 trillion yuan,LiYang report of 2010 the government estimated net worth about 70 trillion yuan(Wide caliber,Including the land resource assets and administrative institutions assets)And 20 trillion(Narrow diameter,Do not include land resource assets and administrative institutions assets).Our estimate of the net worth more than the government CaoYuanZheng version and LiYang narrow diameter version of the main reasons,Is in the asset side including the government hold tens of thousands of shares of a listed company market value,Far below LiYangKuan caliber version of the reason is basically not included"Land resource assets(Has not yet developed mineral and unsold land)".

  关注此话题的人提出了两个十分有意义的问题:一是既然各个研究成果的估算结果都是政府净资产为正,为什么本课题组和曹远征的报告比李扬的报告更担心债务可持续性所面临的风险?换句话说,净资产为正是否可以成为判断是否存在债务风险的主要标准?二是如果将 50万亿的国土资源性资产和行政事业单位资产纳入资产负债表的统计,是否表明政府资产负债表的健康程度得到大幅度的提升?下面将分别讨论这两个问题。

Attention to this topic people put forward two very significant problems:One is that each research results of the estimation results are government is net assets,Why our and CaoYuanZheng report than LiYang report more worried about debt sustainability facing the risk?In other words,Net assets is whether can be judge whether there is the main standard debt risk?The second is if the 50 trillion land resource assets and administrative institutions assets into the balance sheet of the statistics,Is that the government balance sheet health degree get greatly improve?Below will discuss these two problems.


Net assets is no debt risk as a judgment whether the main standard?


Many people's visual conclusion is,If the government balance sheet shows is net assets,It shows that the government balance sheet is healthy.We answer to the question is,The current net worth is whether or not,To judge the current balance sheet health degree have certain help,But not as a judge whether there is the main standard debt risk.Especially for the future balance sheet health degree of judgment,More can't just look at the current net worth is whether or not.From the theoretical perspective and in the bond market for judging the debt risk,A series of other more meaningful index,Discussed as follows.


The first,A government is the net assets,Not that the government did not credit risk.because,At any one time,Whether there is credit risk not only depends on whether the net assets is,Still depends on the asset can be converted into cash ability and the assets and liabilities of the matching of time.If a large number of assets can be realizable fixed assets,Once the concentration or selling can make the substantial depreciation of assets,The book even in a positive net assets may also face the risk of default.This is China's local governments are faced with the problem at present.Our study found,Local government is the net assets,But financial net worth is negative,Show that the local government while holding a lot of infrastructure and other non-business assets,But in part of the assets can be converted into cash(If the listed company hold stocks and cash)Co., LTD.,.In this case,If some local government debt maturity structure be too short end,May appear breach of contract.


Russia is"Net assets is"However, there was the typical cases of breach of contract.Russia is a natural resource is very rich countries,According to the Russian academy of sciences institute of social and political estimate,Russia has proven mineral reserves accounted for 21% of the world;The country's scholars estimated in 2006 of these resources worth about $30 trillion,It is almost equal to that of the total GDP 30 times.


Such a huge"Net assets"Country actually happened in 1998 foreign debt default,And event of default of the fuse and international commodity prices fall,Lead to economic stagnation/Fiscal revenue decline/Often project from surplus to deficit.In turn to IMF and not after the tide,Russia's choice of the foreign and domestic debt default together,And the rouble devaluation.


The second,Even if a country the government's net assets is negative,Also may not show that the country's current debt crisis will appear.Such as,If a nation can be sustained in a very low interest rates to get financing,Interest spending accounts for the proportion of its fiscal spending so can control in the lower level,Debt to GDP or the proportion of fiscal revenue can remain stable,Can not be solvency crisis.The most typical example is Japan.The Japanese government for a long time for negative net assets,Such as the end of 2008 the Japanese government net debt for 300 trillion yen.Even so,We haven't seen the Japanese national debt crisis happened,This of course should be attributed to the Japanese national debt buyers and holder(Including more than 90% of Japan's domestic Banks and residents)Would like to very low interest rates to hold the Japanese government bonds.

  第三,以“当前净资产为正”为理由更难以得出未来没有债务风险的结论。我们研究中国国家资产负债表的目的,如果只是停留在判断今天中国政府是否会违约这个问题上是没有太大意义的 (谁都知道不会)。真正有意义的问题是,将目前的资产负债表作为一个基础或起点,预测和判断未来的资产负债表所面临的风险。

The third,to"The current net assets is positive"For reason more difficult to draw the conclusion of the future no debt risk.We study the purpose of China's national balance sheet,If only stay in China today judgment whether the government will default on this issue is not too big significance (Who know not).The real problem is meaningful,Will the current balance sheet as a base or starting point,Forecast and the balance sheet of the judging of the future of the risks they might face.


If research concerns is the future debt risk,Whether the current net worth is,Just affect future debt paying ability is one of the many factors,The more important factor in the debt will rise sharply.Our conclusion is,Although in the short term the Chinese government did not face significant debt risk,But the risk of long-term absolutely not allow to ignore.If not reform,China in 2040-2050 will be faced with at present the American debt risk absolutely not Arabian nights.

  此外,经济增长的速度、利率的高低,也是决定长期债务可持续性的重要因素。相对一个基准情景,较低的经济增长率意味着较高的债务占GDP比重;较高的利率意味着较高的财政赤字,并会通过增加赤字融资来扩大债务风险 。但是,这些因素都无法在“当前净资产”这个指标内体现出来。

In addition,The speed of economic growth/The discretion of the interest rate,Also decided to long-term debt sustainability of the important factors.Relative to a reference scene,Lower economic growth means a higher debt as a share of GDP;Higher interest rates mean high fiscal deficit,And by increasing the deficit financing to expand debt risk .but,These factors are not in the"The current net worth"This indicator is reflected in.


The fourth,Used to judge whether the government debt sustainability of the most commonly used indicator is the proportion of debt to GDP is able to remain stable,This is the financial theory and international agency agreement.Other useful indicators include debt and fiscal income proportion/Servicing spending accounts for fiscal revenue(Or spending), such as the proportion of the.These indicators behind the meaning is economics,A government only maintain a healthy economic activity(GDP)And thus create a healthy financial income,To keep on debt ability to pay.


Will land resource assets in the balance sheet,Debt risk is reduced?


One country whether the government faces the risk of debt,Main should see its financial income can be enough to sinking.so,If the government balance sheet ChanFang both add more assets,If the government hold shares of listed companies/The administrative institutions of the assets/Countries local resource,The fiscal revenue for the government ability and debt paying ability is improved it?Our conclusion is,Some assets can increase government financial ability,Others can't.


The first,The government hold shares of a listed company can improve the government's ability to service debt.In the normal financial income(Such as revenue)Not enough to meet the payment responsibility/The government financing also are faced with a difficult situation,Can sell through held by listed enterprise(And some not yet on the market but it was easier to find buyers of state-owned enterprise)Shares to get"privatization"income,As emergency financial income supplement.so,This kind of realizable assets more,Against the risk of debt ability is stronger.


But it is important to note that,The strength of the above conclusion depends on whether the listed state-owned enterprises have to turn over to the government bonus.If they are in stock before it is sold to the government has paid dividends in a year,The one-time to the private sector after sell these shares,Although the government has will be a one-time cash income,But the future fiscal revenue will be reduced(Because the shares future dividends will return to the private sector all investors).


The second,The administrative institutions of the assets,In addition to a few other than idle,Most can not improve the government's ability to service debt.The government/The school/Public hospital building,Most is not to sell,Otherwise the government to where go to office,Where students go to school?


The third,To have proven reserves and government currently hold most of the natural resources(Land and minerals),Whether or not included in the balance sheet,Don't change the ability of government revenue,So don't change of government debt paying ability.Because the Chinese government(The central and local)In the 2011 years have from land transfer income and other state-owned land and for use of resources in the income received some income of 3 trillion yuan,These natural resources are the government in the future to maintain land and mining conditions of income,And can not improve the ability of financial income(The proportion of fiscal revenue to GDP).


The fourth,If suddenly found new/The future can get profit after mining of natural resources,That could enhance the government's future financial income ability and debt paying ability.


To sum up,Our conclusion is,Will not because a a balance sheet to expand caliber,A more than the other shows that 50 trillion yuan of natural resource assets and administrative institutions assets,The government of the future financial income ability and future debt paying ability will have to improve.


from"Assets and liabilities diameter should be matching"Angle,Also easy to understand why"caliber"Changes in net assets change often have a lot of misleading.Hypothesis by expanding"assets"The calibre of the,In the more assets(If the future earning some assets ready cash flow discount value,As the value"assets"Current valuation),So as to enhance the net assets,meanwhile,It should be many future spending is the present value of the liability into"liabilities",expand"liabilities"caliber.If will only"Or assets"into,And will not"Contingent liabilities"Included in the balance sheet,Will artificially overvalued equity,Cause the balance sheet is the illusion of good health.


Will a lot of natural resources in the balance sheet another risk is the uncertainty of the price.Generally speaking,A country appear debt crisis,It is also often economic crisis,But the economic crisis in the commodity price will collapse,Many mining enterprise will face losses,With the mining enterprise profit to estimate the resources value than normal circumstances are much lower,Sometimes even become worthless.that,In a country is in urgent need of realizable natural resources to the debt,Often is the natural resources is not the most valuable time.so,Use normal economic conditions to estimate the price of natural resources"Asset prices"Often leads to the balance sheet health degree of overvalued.


We think,Concerned about national balance sheet should be more interested in the future to study the cause of the rising debt burden and prospect,How to improve the ability of assets can be converted into cash(If not listed state-owned enterprises listed),How to increase the ability of public sector income(Such as raising the retirement age in order to increase the pension system of pay cost income,Request authority institution staff to pension pay cost,Establish mandatory long-term care insurance system,State-owned enterprises reform system in order to improve the long-term rate of return, etc),How to control spending growth(Such as the lower authority institution pension replacement ratio,Establish long-term care business insurance system).To these questions research focuses on the concept of net assets than just more meaningful.


(The author is deutsche bank chief economist in the greater China region.This paper from[China's national balance sheet research]preface.)Getty diagram
