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macroeconomic/Reform bonus/currency/New urbanization/Satellite navigation/Wisdom city nine positive factors such as power a-share reversal,Stocks soaring like a bull market

  理财周报记者 张伟贤/广州报道

Financial weekly reporter ZhangWeiXian/guangzhou reported


The first roots Yin line finally appeared.


On January 11,,On Friday,Boomed down 40.66 points,Is this quotation of 346 points since the first in the root of Yin line.Crazy long mood obviously in cooling,But in the longer period to see,Many people think that A share is now showing an unprecedented opportunity.


These opportunities,From many positive factors.


From the macro economic/Dividends and currency reform,To the new urbanization/Industry planning/Satellite navigation/Wisdom city and high to turn.


From domestic to international,From macroscopical to microcosmic.


Last December 2012 month,Rose 14.6% boomed.In January 2012,Boomed continue to make a good beginning.Last week,Although the market change,But many active subject,Stocks full flowering.


Behind this,Is more and more positive factors,Support the A shares to go on.


More and more signs,A share of the market not so fast over.Short after adjustment,Will continue to better off.


This is not a simple rebound.


This or a more than July and November 2010,Rival in November 2008 to July 2009 super market.


Subsequent reform bonus opportunity


recently,The national bureau of statistics has issued a series of December 2012 macroeconomic data.


On January 11, foreign trade data display,Last December the export the year-on-year growth rate from 2.9% to 14.1% in November,December import the year-on-year growth rate from 0.0% to 6.0% in November,Significantly more than the market expected.Previously published PMI also continuous march higher than vicissitude line.


This is the macro economic appear strong rebound strong signal.


"The economy continues to recovery trend."Cicc PengWenSheng pointed out.


The macro economic recovery,No doubt for A shares bounced into the shot.Real estate/Home electrical appliances industry as early period,Is called plumbing duck prophet.


According to the statistics,Since December 2012 to April started to rebound on Thursday,Real estate plate an average increase of 22%,And home appliance plate or is up to 38.2%,List all of the plate.


In the premise of macro economic recovery,Reform dividend and stock market supply of capital,Is the basis of stock market rebound.


The first is in the stock market system reform.Since GuoShuQing since taking office,From the investor to the issuer/Aspects of governance of listed company conducted a series of system construction,Including IPO reform/Delisted system/Reduce trading day/Lead long term capital listed/Encourage the listed company share out bonus, etc


The personage inside course of study thinks,The system reform of a-share market is going well for A long time to lay the foundation.


secondly,In the economic fields,Reform bonus can be seen everywhere.


Eighteen pointed out in the report,to"Improve the modern market system,Speed up the reform of the fiscal and taxation system,Deepening the reform of the financial system,Perfect financial supervision,Financial innovation,Maintaining financial stability."


To financial reform as an example.


2012 on September 17,,The central bank issued[The financial industry development and reform"1025"planning],Clear financial reform goal is financial structure adjustment achieved significant progress,Direct financing accounted for the proportion of social financing scale increased significantly.The market in the allocation of financial resources to further strengthen the basic role,Interest rate marketization reform made obvious progress,The RMB exchange rate mechanism to further improve,RMB capital account convertibility gradually realize,Multi-level financial market system to further improve.


The bank/Insurance brokers and financial industry benefit directly.


ShenYin WanGuoSun Christine thought,"Asset market reform will give brokers bring strategic investment opportunities.Brokers will be in three directions a significant development:One is the asset management business;The second is capital intermediary lending business;The third is marketmaker and class marketmaker business."


In September last year financial since late performance,Confirm the above viewpoint.


Since late September start,In the banking industry on behalf of the financial industry began bull market journey.Industrial and commercial bank of(601398,guba)Rose to 3.6 yuan from January 7, 4.25 yuan,Increased by 18%.Minsheng bank(600016,guba)More from 5.39 yuan rose to 8.35 yuan,Or as high as 55%.The bank plate rose more than 25%.


In addition,On December 4, began to rebound in the last week,The small dish stock brokers GuoHai securities(000750,guba)Xinhua insurance and insurance stocks(601336,guba),More increase 106% and 76% respectively.


"The follow-up there will still be other reforms bonus,Such as land reform/Reform of the household registration, etc,A-share market related stock has opportunity."Shanghai name yu assets WangYiCong said the chairman of the board.


Quotation of another base,Is monetary.


First of all,Huijin is increasing and QFII massive copy the bottom as a representative of capital inflows.


January 8, issued by the commercial bank announcement,Last year, four quarter huijin total icbc around 207 million shares,Now huijin accounted for 35.46% of the total equity of the icbc.


This is huijin fifth consecutive quarter increasing bank shares,For the second big strength increasing quarter.Continuous increasing also make bank shares hand over hand.


Analysts believe that,Increasing shows huijin to bank shares confidence,At the same time increase the funds to do more confidence.


Another positive do many signal,From the QFII.


In 2012, speeding up the QFII approval rate,By the end of November,For 199 overseas institutions approved QFII qualification,QFII a total of nearly 200,All the QFII investment quota amount to 33.568 billion dollars.At the same time,On November 14, 2012,Securities regulatory commission announced that an additional 200 billion yuan RQFII investment quota,So far,Pilot ZongEDu amounted to 270 billion yuan RMB.


Ubs securities analysts ChenLi WangChao think,"QFII audit after open active model fund will be a large number of inflow,Then passive money will follow,A positive role in the market."


See from the money supply,Also worth optimistic.


According to the central bank 1 October, data released by the display,In year 2012, an increase of 8.2 trillion yuan RMB loans,Year-on-year increase more than 732 billion yuan.the,December 2012 m2(M2)Balance is 97.42 trillion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 13.8%.


"With the enlargement of A share money effect,There will be more and more money from back into the stock market."Shenzhen a private person in charge said,"From the capital level,A shares is not lack of money."


主题投资接力炒作 Theme investment relay hype


Put forward the eighteenth big reports,Adhere to the industrialization with Chinese characteristics/information/urbanization/Modernization of agriculture.


From investment to consumption,The new urbanization can stimulate economic growth two carriages,The more involved in real estate/Rail transit/Energy conservation and environmental protection/Medical service/Culture media, and many other industries.


And the new urbanization,This is no doubt rallies the biggest investment theme.


From real estate,To building materials/Energy conservation and environmental protection/Culture media,The new urbanization themes of the plate or a wave after wave.


According to statistics found that,Since December 4, 2012 rebound so far,Or the first half of the stocks and urbanization related,The energy conservation areas(300343,guba)/Qinling cement(600217,guba)/Reach just road machine(300103,guba)/HuaShu media(000156,guba)Increase, etc have been doubled.


Cicc research points out,Existing urban population has settled type needs and floating population urbanization needs bring investment opportunities.In the market promotion and policy escort double push down,Urban rail transit/Architectural decoration/landscape/Building energy saving/Wastewater treatment/Solid waste treatment and covers financial wisdom/Intelligent transportation/security/Medical information/Electronic government wisdom city,And medical care/Culture media industries will be the first choice of recommended.


Another frequently detonate industry of theme,Is the industry"1025"Planning rules.


The above bank shares,From the central bank is released[The financial industry development and reform"1025"planning]After they soar.


Last week there is another fresh example.


On January 6,,Promulgated by the state council on printing and distributing[Biological industry development planning]notice,And puts forward the biological medicine industry long-term goals:By 2015,Biological industry in our country formed distinctive characteristics of industry development ability,In economic and social development and contribution to the enhancement effect significantly,In the global industrial competition pole position.By 2020,Biological industry development become the pillar industry of national economy.


On January 7th after opening,Biological medicine nearly ten company almost all harden,Other pharmaceutical shares rose followed.


After a few days,The main item stock Rhine biological(002166,guba)Continue to harden.By 1 October,,Rhine biological 5 days and harden,Rise as high as.


Each industry"1025"The power of planning is obvious.


""1025"Industry planning rules have been out much,With the approach of the CPPCC,Then may also have."Shanghai name yu assets WangYiCong said the chairman of the board,"Can focus on other strategic emerging industry planning rules."


May 30, 2012 issued by the state council["1025"National strategic emerging industry development planning]in,Points out that the energy conservation and environmental protection/A new generation of information technology/biological/High-end equipment manufacturing/New energy/The new material and new energy automobiles seven big industry development the important direction.Then released in the strategic emerging industry specific planning,Become the market chase do many another positive factor.


Satellite navigation/Wisdom city and high to turn,It is nearly two weeks of continuous active in several other theme opportunity.


recently,National beidou satellite navigation system formal service,The forecast to 2015 industry output value of more than 200 billion yuan,A related concept stock a boom.


The main item stock dipper pass(002151,guba)Since December 25, 2012 to 2013 between January 10,11 trading days harvest seven harden board,Jump from 17.08 yuan to 37.75 yuan,Rose more than 121%,Is suddenly tongue.


Data display,During this period the plough through seven times the billboard,Buying and selling all seats for hot money.the,Guotai junan Shanghai da pu road securities sales department/ShenYin universal Shanghai lujiazui(600663,guba)Loop of the securities business and everbright securities(601788,guba)Shenzhen mei gold of the securities business in this period were list four times,Five times and 4 times;Clinch a deal amount is over one hundred million yuan,Respectively for 219 million/197 million and 183 million,Is the main force of hype dipper pass.


Last week, another theme - intelligent city also crazy.


January 10,,The third session of Chinese wisdom city meeting.National surveying and mapping geographic information bureau director xu demin first said on Monday,China will speed up the digital city to promote urban development wisdom,For the quarter on wisdom city construction technical guidelines.


The relevant stock blowout.


The 263(002467,guba)/Neusoft carrier(300183,guba)/35 Internet(300051,guba)Many of the benefit share continuous harden,Which matters re-understanding on Friday last Tuesday first four consecutive harden,The money was mad.


Orient securities chief analyst ZhouJun communication industry has the same wisdom city theme,think"Depth of the propulsion of urbanization and pilot will ensure wisdom city investment boom of high,Suggestions focus on intelligent transportation/Medical information and security etc fine molecular industry."


The last is high to turn expected stocks continue to show.


A high potential to turn our energy saving/Kelly Thai(300326,guba)And gold shares(300349,guba)etc,Recently have been idle fund's sauteed,The energy conservation areas since December 4, 2012 to jan. 7, 2013,Or as high as 174%,For two city the first winners;On January 11, published ten sent 10 send 2 yuan plan of haida shares(300320,guba),Opening is giant single alternately raising limit.


外国股市近新高 Foreign stock market near high


On January 2,,The United States house of representatives passed the bill to avoid fiscal cliff,Financial cliff the argument come to an end temporarily.


Europe and the United States of the stock market.The dow Jones closing to 13412.55 points,Rose 2.35%,Went back to near the high.January 10,,The United States by the chamber of commerce in December employment trend index rose to four years high stimulation,The dow Jones industrial average rose 0.6% again,The highest touch 13478.20 points,From October 2007 financial tsunami before the highest level 14198.10 point only 720 points or 5.3% increase.


The eurozone January fifth consecutive month of investor confidence to improve English/Germany and other European main stock index,All have been up to history near high.


Overseas a piece of musical singer.


Securities held CuiRong think."In 2013, Europe and the United States economic growth will present low before high trend,Risk mainly concentrated in the 25th,Including the United States financial cliff solve the bill announced/Spain and Italy's political risk in the eurozone and a single bank regulation,The 25th May appear obvious slow economic growth,H2 economic growth will present a cyclical recovery."


CuiRong also pointed out that,"Financial cliff do not change the economic cycle upward.By 2013 the real estate recovery/To leverage is coming to an end and enterprise investment spending three factors may increase to promote,The U.S. economy will appear periodic upward."
