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Real estate loan growth rebounded/Small micro enterprise loan lead,The overall growth of RMB loans is slightly higher than expected...These became the 2012 China credit availability outstanding window.
The people's bank issued yesterday[In 2012 financial institutions loans to the statistical report]display,By the end of 2012 the financial organ renminbi loan balance year-on-year growth of 15%,The increase of 8.2 trillion yuan.
This number is higher than the expected,In early 2012 when people in the markets has been generally expected annual credit growth around 8 trillion.
中长期贷款增速放缓 Long-term and medium-term loans growth is slowing
Although loan growth reflects the supply increased slightly,But the data also shows that only short-term loans and bill financing is growing rapidly,The enterprise loan growth is slowing,Especially the industrial and service industry long-term and medium-term loans growth slowed significantly.
从期限看,年末金融机构本外币企业及其他部门中长期贷款余额全年增加1.63万亿元,同比少增5554 亿元;短期贷款及票据融资余额全年增加4.47万亿元,同比多增1.55万亿元。
See from time,By the end of the financial institutions and other departments of local enterprise long-term loan balance annual increase of 1.63 trillion yuan,Year-on-year increase 555.4 billion yuan less;Short-term loans and bill financing balance annual increase of 4.47 trillion yuan,Year-on-year increase more than 1.55 trillion yuan.
Look from the use,At the end of major financial institutions and industrial LTD long-term loan balance year-on-year growth of 3.8%,More than 1.3% lower at the end of the quarter,the,Light industry/Heavy industry/Service industry long-term and medium-term loans balance year-on-year growth than the last quarter were 0.9% lower/1.3%/1%.
Central university of finance and banking research center director guo TianYong pointed out,Long-term and medium-term loans growth,Mainly is the bank"4 trillion"The investment period on the quantity is larger,Now Banks realized this kind of long-term and medium-term loans risk is bigger.
“2011年、2012年从商业银行的地方融资平台向固定资产投资投放贷款,普遍控制得比较严,这也是导致地方政府发债增长迅速的一个原因。” 郭田勇说,“所以说,这主要是银行从本身的风险管理角度而做出的一种调整”。
"In 2011,/2012 years from the commercial bank's local financing platform to fixed asset investment on the loan,Common control more strictly,This is also led to the rapid growth of the local government FaZhai one reason." Guo TianYong said,"so,This is mainly Banks from the Angle of risk management in itself make a adjustment".
"Short term loan growth is faster,The main or reflect the enterprise business vigor is increasing,And from a bank loan to intend to see,Also don't tend to support the investment in fixed assets,Or a simple the investment-driven mode."Guo TianYong said.
房贷增速回升 Mortgage growth picks up, enquiries will revive.
Data also shows that,Real estate development/Real estate development loans and the overall present accelerating trend.
According to the statistics,The end of the year real estate development loan balance is 863 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 12.4%,Growth in the second quarter than the high 5.1%;Real estate development loan balance is 3 trillion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 10.7%;Personal housing mortgage balance is 8.1 trillion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 13.5%.
Guo TianYong pointed out that,Real estate loan growth need to segment to see,On the one hand is dweller buys a house or mortgage class demand is relatively strong.On the other hand,The bank will also think that part of the real estate project risk from the point of view,Have enough means to control risk.
"Don't like local government loans,The bank risk control means is lack of power.Real estate will have some land and buildings for mortgage."Guo TianYong said,"overall,Bank judgment real estate risk isn't big".
2012年末,主要金融机构及主要农村金融机构、城市信用社和外资银行人民币小微企业贷款余额11.58 万亿元,同比增长16.6%。
By the end of 2012,Major financial institutions and main rural financial institutions/Urban credit cooperatives and foreign Banks RMB small micro enterprise loan balance is 11.58 trillion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 16.6%.
Although this growth,More than 4.1% lower at the end of the quarter,But still the same period were higher than the big/Medium-sized enterprise loan growth of 8% and 1% higher,The loan growth and higher than 1.6%.
Look from the proportion,By the end of the small micro enterprise loan balance accounts for 28.6% of all business loans,The RMB business loans an increase of 4.75 trillion yuan,The small micro enterprise loan an increase of 1.64 trillion yuan,All of the enterprise loan increment of 34.6%.
Guo TianYong pointed out that,Small micro enterprise loan growth and the policy guidance of our country in recent years is concerned,Countries have been encouraging Banks to small and medium-sized enterprises to provide financial support;On the other hand,From the view of the bank,For small micro loan bank business transformation of the future is a very important direction are generally formed a consensus.
"so,Banks are to small micro enterprise loans as a key field to do,So that the small micro enterprise loans get faster growth."He said.
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