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As China's economy keep liquidity faucet for ten years,Coulee Sir Is 65 years old,This year"lianghui"He will be the outgoing dry 10 years of central bank governors.In recent years as China's financial reform important designer,Zhou xiaochuan movements are very global market focus,Words and deeds are fully mining reading it,This is not only because he is the central bank governor,More because he is important economies China's central bank governor.On the occasion of the former,Foreign media highly,Say it is China's most ability technical bureaucracy.


indeed,Zhou xiaochuan technology ability is very high,In dealing with the financial crisis/Management inflation that show the superb technical level.but,Also because of this decade, the central bank balance sheet expansion,Monetary super hair push up inflation and questioned and criticized.


  饱受争议的行长 Controversial President


Zhou xiaochuan is the longest term since the founding of the central bank,Is a Ph.D. Degree of central bank governors,The central bank is controversial.In his 2002 dai xianglong from hand over at the beginning of the central bank,China's M2 is 18.3 trillion yuan,10 years broad money to upgrade a roll over,By the end of January 31, 2013,Total for 99.2 trillion,Especially after the financial crisis in 2008 China's currency credit amount once stall,M2 / GDP ratio was close to 2.recently,Famous entertainment star and economists lang larry is through the micro bo cannon says"China is the world's largest of 2012 the crown of the managers".


But liquidity is,And like honey.Too much money in the economic body migration,As long as it flows through the place will take a parcel,The end result is caused by the rise of water level.The result is,Common people hand money to the hair!With a soaring house prices!In 2005,,Zhou xiaochuan in the bank of China(601988,guba)Home on the BBS once said,Don't let common people hand money to the hair,But the results or the hair.From the historical statistics to see,Although zhou xiaochuan watch ten years is China's inflation moderate ten years,But in 2011 the way high inflation,In July to hit a record high of 6.5% three years.Every month to zhou xiaochuan had to raise deposit reserve rate,The highest commercial bank deposit reserve ratio at an astonishing 21.5%,It finally tamed inflation of the tiger.


so,People have to complain about rising prices to zhou xiaochuan head,The notion,Estimates zhou xiaochuan also feel a little injustice,After all, the central bank's capacity limited range,And China's monetary targets is multiple,Not only to keep inflation low,To maintain employment to promote economic development,To maintain the balance of international payments.At the same time to meet these goals,Faith is the fairy also difficult to do."Monetary super hair this statement,Close to the s on the so-called‘Non-economic issue’concept,The real economy is more than the amount of money supply.But the fact is that the money supply is not only meet the needs of the real economy,Still need to meet the needs of the service and financial markets."In March 2011, and day,Zhou xiaochuan in central bank an academic lecture tour on,He thinks to control money supply and the central bank to keep prices stable and no necessary connection between.He thinks that every medicine 3 minutes poison,Take the medicine must have side effects,After the financial crisis on China's economy takes the lead in recovery,The monetary policy callback for neutral or normal,"General action or faster".


In fact,Fear in the debt crisis spread,Zhou xiaochuan pull the trigger interest rates of speed or a bit slow."I now in retrospect,If we can do it again a bit faster,Maybe better."Zhou xiaochuan didn't mince matters when monetary policy lag,But for economic crisis prospective judgment is not easy,That he black hair dye cream."Can say,The central bank's work or a work of."In 2009"lianghui"on,Zhou xiaochuan talked about in the process of coping with crisis,Every day after the information is increased several times,And it is difficult to use the experience of the past/Analysis framework to treat this time problem,Great challenge.And he's the silver-haired has become the focus of media attention.


  爱绕弯子的行长 The governor of love beat about the bush


Zhou xiaochuan when young once in heilongjiang 852 working on the farm,It did not learn a bit of northeast roundly,"Zhou xiaochuan speak love beat about the bush".This is the reporters to his consistent impression.This point with federal reserve chairman Alan greenspan, a bit like,Capital market once according to his briefcase to determine investment mystery,Zhou xiaochuan also is such,Care were,Especially mentioned deposit reserve ratio and interest rate these important policy,Reporters from his mouth is hard to set a few words."As a teacher in the face of the final exam to sets the topic the student,Stern and cunning."Reporter so evaluation central bank news conference zhou xiaochuan performance.


Zhou xiaochuan is the most difficult to understand of the President,Last year"lianghui"period,Zhou xiaochuan in central bank held a news conference,In the face of"The appreciation of the renminbi is end"The problem,Answer two paragraphs.He concluded,"I think it depends on the relation between market supply and demand,Won't be so simple".This comment was interpretation became two conclusions different version - Britain[Financial times]Published titled[China suggests that the yuan may stop up],And the United States[The Wall Street journal(blog,Micro bo)]Title is[Beijing hinted that the rise in the yuan is not over],It was a Thursday.The same things and oolong,In 2010 two meetings,Zhou xiaochuan smiled at the reporter than a"six"gestures,Meaning is 6 conference to answer this question,Results after a few minutes,Spread online"Zhou xiaochuan suggested that interest rates in June",This makes A share in the tail plate was also scared to jump A launching.


To the zhou xiaochuan labeled as difficult to understand label and"pool",This is he in November 2010 in a speech at Peking University thrown out of the formulation --"Pool off hot money",He said"Short-term speculative capital came in,I hope to put it in a pool,Not in the whole of China's economy to.And it needs to be retreated,From the pool will be put out,Let it go.This can be in the macroscopic reduce capital flow on the impact of China's economy."Zhou xiaochuan watch in ten years,Our country foreign trade to keep double surplus situation,Hot money on China's eye covetously,Especially after the crisis of China's strong recovery.In order to avoid the hot QianDaJin big causes economic fluctuations,Zhou xiaochuan decided to put the hot money put into"pool".What is the specific"pool"?The capital market and media are scratching their heads,Until 2011, the central bank raised for save quasi,They have take a tumble - originally week President heart pool is save quasi ah.


To have been emphasized countercyclical regulation for zhou xiaochuan,Open market operation and save the accuracy is his most handy two magic weapon,Liquidity tight,The valve will loose a pine;loose,Then a tight tight.After the financial crisis he seldom use interest rate the heavy weapons,Have been using repurchase and save quasi to carefully control liquidity.This is the creation of with Chinese characteristics,Foreign central Banks are generally single target(CPI)And single tool(Interest rates),And in under zhou xiaochuan,Goals and tools are many.


  灵活创新的行长 Agile innovation of the President


so,If you don't give the world's most agile innovation prize awarded to zhou xiaochuan,In principle also said not the past.From 2000 to 2002 in securities regulatory commission chairman office since the central bank governor,Zhou xiaochuan has always been a innovate officials.After he was appointed chairman of the fourth day of the CSRC,Shanghai and shenzhen stock market with considerably high open the state to meet the new officials.Although the two years in office,His bad luck,Catch up with the stock index impact against done ice age,But stock market three important event dates back to zhou xiaochuan:One is the QFII;Secondly, the reform of non-tradable shares;The third is to the CSRC.The marketization reform for China's capital market for health development has laid a foundation,But also because"From the current situation of the development of the securities market reform and accept ability"And let him on the back"Stock market killer"The name of.


For these zhou xiaochuan not moved,Just as he had dominant state-owned commercial bank joint-stock reform,At that time the market continuously came"Offering theory"And opposition,But zhou xiaochuan insist on"Joint-stock reform and listed"Reform path.In 2002,,Overseas media criticism of China's financial system is a big time bomb,Also someone says,China's financial system technology is bankrupt,Then banking bad loans as high as 25%,Due to the statistical caliber actually DaBuZhu 25%.It is against this background,Zhou xiaochuan began to dismantle to play,In January 2004,State-owned commercial bank capital injection plan surface - the use of the foreign currency reserves,Rather than previously rumored the ministry of finance FaZhai 130 billion yuan direct capital injection.For this blockbuster move,Market participants said evaluation"Capital injection in the reform of state-owned Banks is difficult task of a bone.But zhou xiaochuan bypass the financial this ring,In foreign currency reserves capital injection.This reflects his flexibility.He is a very practical person".


The reality is very bone sense,In 2005 the central bank start"Remit to"since,Zhou xiaochuan have been faced with various challenges.1998 years after the Asian financial crisis,Soros to emerging economies have an exchange class,Various countries increased foreign currency reserves,But for China in terms of the elephant,A single rate tool obviously not enough.In 2005, domestic investment overheat, be suppressed,The federal reserve hikes in the interest rate of a favorable environment,July this year the central bank launched by change,Implement based on market supply and demand/With reference to a basket of currencies regulation/A managed floating exchange rate system,And the dollars a one-off revaluation of 2%,The RMB exchange rate began to float up.


"Remit to"Zhou xiaochuan political career is absorbing,So he was called the international media"Mr Yuan"."I don't like this call."Zhou xiaochuan said clearly,"If because I speak to RMB have influence,Just call me Mr. Yuan,I think this call don't fit.But if it's because of the RMB exchange rate reform,That's no reason why not."Since then,the"Mr Yuan"Top the domestic and international public opinion pressure,Agile promote"Remit to"To move on.In recent years,With the rapid development of foreign exchange market,The RMB exchange rate floating range from 0.3% to 1% and expand,The market supply and demand in the exchange rate has played a more and more important role."Fixed exchange rate is like hand a shield,To take hold still,Otherwise they will be affected and impact.And floating exchange rate as a sponge cushion,Do you want to come in,can,But don't let you hit me,From you when I'll clip your."Zhou xiaochuan said.Floating rate to cope with external impact China provides a buffer.


Zhou xiaochuan also put forward the innovative with Special Drawing Rights(SDR)To replace the dollar reserves status,And vigorously promote market-oriented interest rate reform.The currency/Bond market/Financial products and domestic foreign currency interest rate marketization is gradually,Especially in the last two cuts were not asymmetric,This is an important step towards free interest rates.but,What about these things,Has been elected as the 12 members of CPPCC of zhou xiaochuan maybe don't have to worry about the,Sixty years has he might really want to have a rest,Although the medium legend he will also let CPPCC vice chairman of the central bank and concurrently,But this is only keep one of his mood just.
