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Jia kang


The ministry of finance financial science institute director




The development of the national development and reform commission GuiHuaSi priests




Shenzhen innovation investment group co., LTD. President


Yao YuDong


The people's bank of China monetary policy department deputy director general




The state development bank vice President of the institute




The state council development research center of the researchers




The people's bank of China deputy researcher business management


The future development of China's economy urgently needs condensed reform consensus,Also strongly call can promote the reform of the new supply economics,And in this theory framework to explore"Top design"and"System reform".


Comprehensive reform/Coordination is the future advancement will decide the fate of China's modernization center of gravity and the key.To enhance the maneuverability of the comprehensive reform,From the land system/Population flow/Allocation of public resources/Improve the livelihood of the people/Optimization of the income distribution and the important practical problems,Also need theory perspectives and guidance,Call the political economics/Institutional economics/Transition economics and fuse in a furnace of Chinese characteristics of new supply economics.


We think,China's macroeconomic regulation and control in whatever you do, what specific policy combination selection,Objectively needs to reform the basic support,China's reform crucial and supporting propulsion,The need for reform is the core of the new supply economic rational cognitive thought to lead.


基本政策主张 Basic policies


The party's eighteen big points out:"We must awake to realize,China is in long-term and in the primary stage of socialism's basic national conditions does not change,The people's growing material and cultural needs and backward social production contradiction between the main social contradiction does not change,China is the world's largest developing country's international status does not change".this"Three does not change"Reflect national characteristics as well as our country population of 1.3 billion consumer goods market supply end appears as"Domestic production primarily,Overseas import an ounce of prevention is worth a"characteristics,Decided to the Chinese in a quite long period in the field of economy is the principal contradiction in the supply end.


From the economic life of realities,In recent years, during the National Day"A train ticket is hard to find"/"CheManWeiHuan highway"/"Tourist attractions a hubbub of voices"Wait for a phenomenon,And the rent house prices rising trend/The doctor to see a doctor to you/School fees to your problems,Have made it clear that our country has great real demand,Supply shortages and structural contradiction is very outstanding and will be there for a long time.


this,Our basic policy that is China's future macro policy orientation core is thoroughly apply"Development is the absolute principle"Strategic policy and for sublimation"The scientific development is the hard truth"level,Through the reform and opening up continuously emancipate and develop the productive forces to promote agriculture/industrial/Infrastructure and services/Culture industry/The ecological environment of the industries supply capacity,Through the development of the real economy/Promote employment/To improve the ecological construction"Happy Chinese"/"Beautiful China"/"Harmonious China"Development goals,To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation for logo"China dream",And for the global economy development to make due contributions,Makes the human common homeland"Global village"become"Harmonious world".


Have a kind of analysis knowledge is emphasized:Only on promoting"Comparative advantage"Strategy is insufficient to support to realize"China dream"The grand goal of the,As China of the inevitable choice"Three steps"Surpassing strategy,Need more comprehensive/rich/Scientific theory and policy designed to support decision making.


We to the current China's specific economic policies,Can outline for:Suggest emphatically from the supply end of the advance our country economic realization"Double and/Double change/ShuangJian/Double expansion/Double into/Double in place";But to the parties concerned"Inflation problem",, should not be simple and direct form the United States mainly from the demand side of the model to control,And the establishment of"prices"Is not equal to"inflation"The basic idea of,And actively construct and China's economic development stage/Development level and the market supply and demand structure corresponds to the price regulation model and mechanism.


走创新型国家之路 Walk the path of innovative country


In the face of a new round of productivity revolution("The third industrial revolution")challenge,For the realization of sustainable development in our country,Have to walk the path of innovative country.Since 1840,China from agricultural economy to industrial economy stage,Time long,Cost of,Who didn't think of.A high level of agricultural technology,The industrial revolution happened is not sufficient condition,China in the eighteenth century/The 19th century Europe has relatively high level of agricultural technology,But missed the opportunity of the industrial revolution,Is proof.


At present"Made in China"Success does not ensure that China's new economy(310358,Fund it)appear.In the long run,The Chinese economy needs in the high-end"Can't buy technology"On the field of independent innovation,arduous,Finally built"Innovative country",To finish from industrial economy to the and"The third industrial revolution"connected"China's new economic"Difficult transition.


Can be estimated,Information industry/New energy industry/Biological industry and nano industry and strategic emerging industry of China's economy may become the new engine.In the process,Science and technology innovation objective need to system innovation and operation mechanism of transformation for key support.Chinese characteristic transition on the road of innovation in terms of features,We can emphasize:"System above technology".


Must deepen the reform of the science and technology system,Perfect support independent innovation and achievements of the policy system,Guide all kinds of innovation main body increasing spending on research,Mobilize all social participation and promote the enthusiasm of independent innovation.To improve the enterprise as the main body/The market as the guidance/With the combination of technical innovation system.Strengthen the innovative talents team construction,Attaches great importance to the introduction of high-tech talent training leader.Cultivating innovative culture(300336,guba)/Protect innovation enthusiasm/Innovation frustration tolerance,Form is helpful to the innovation of the whole social atmosphere.


To support the development of scientific research foundation/Implementation of the national science and technology major project to promote the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements and so on various aspects of the independent innovation,Must be in the science and technology system and management system reform/Improve performance at the same time,Determined to mobilize/Guide the relevant parties to increase investment in science and technology.The current the fund demand has not been very good to meet,Relatively insufficient investment in science and technology.In recent years, China's finance to r&d investment has been enhanced,In the future also needs the government to r&d investment for a long time,And drive the market main body together form 2020 years of r&d investment GDP3 % or pattern.


大力鼓励创业 To encourage entrepreneurship


Must fully arouse the creativity of the whole society,Encourage all people to start new businesses,Especially in small and medium-sized micro enterprise and the modern service industry.With our country population size,Enterprise quantity may be several times than it is now.The private economy is the main force of the economic development.The development of private economy quality and level,And the progress of upgrading,To a great extent determine the overall quality of the national economy.In a variety of system reform and policy optimization for action,Support the private economy to realize new leap,Improve and implement to promote the development of the private economy policy measures,To encourage private enterprises to strengthen technological innovation/Management innovation/System innovation and enterprise cultural innovation,To the implementation of brand strategy,Strive to improve the market competition ability.


The state-owned enterprise need to further deepen the strategic restructuring,In the state-owned assets management system and deepen the reform of eliminate excessive monopoly factor and optimize the governance structure,Play their due specific functions and radial force,And the private economy supplement each other common development.


加快城镇化建设 To speed up the urbanization construction


In 2011,,Our country to permanent population for basic statistics urbanization rate was 51.3%,The rural labor to non-agricultural industries and urban areas of the transfer of power is still strong,This is also the Chinese urbanization in power.Due to the improvement of urbanization means income/Consumption of ascension,Population density gathered,And the city farmers' living and living mode change,There is no doubt that urbanization is China's economic growth lasting endogenous power.


Urbanization also means a strong need to supply structure changes,Urban population aggregation and scale formation of scale economy.This will greatly promote industrial division of labor and employment structure refinement of refining,At the same time can promote the rural land intensive use and agricultural intensive management.


In promoting the process of urbanization,Many people and little land should be based on the national conditions,go"Metropolis circle"strategy,avoid"Around ignition"City layout.In 2011,,China's population of more than ten million city has 13.In 2011,,beijing-tianjin-hebei/Yangtze river delta and pearl river delta metropolis circle three(belt)Bearing the 28% of China's population,Output 41% of GDP.


According to the international urban development should be the law of evolution,Comprehensive consideration of the water resources and environmental carrying capacity,Early planning several a population of over thirty million"Metropolis circle",Make the best use of economies of scale and the benefits of division of labor,To save the city infrastructure construction cost,To promote the development of service industry,Also maximize saving cultivated land and guarantee food self-sufficiency.


But lead good China's urbanization process,Play urbanization bonus,Need to urbanization in the current account system and account attached welfare system/Rural land system/Urban social management/Social security system/Urban planning system/Administrative region coordination mechanism and a series of system,Carries on the corresponding change.Must be in close"Dual economic"In the process of history,Through the system construction/Economic means and other various control measures and policy measures of optimized combination,Out of a with new industrialization/New services change,And at the same time promote new urbanization/Agricultural modernization and eventually to achieve the integration of urban and rural areas of a yuan of economic harmonious state"China's roads".


But in the process of urbanization,To prevent and stop the real estate bubble generation and development,Risk of asset bubbles never treat STH lightly.Because it is difficult to judge the accumulation of asset bubbles in advance,A simple and practical law is valuable.Average house prices have risen by each year should not be more than the national or a regional economic growth/Inflation expectations and urbanization population growth rate of three,namely"Tsinghua rules".In the national economic growth rate of 7%,Inflation expectations for 2%,Urbanization rate 1% computation,Every year the average house prices increase speed can not be more than 10%.


Urbanization is to realize if the urbanization of migrant workers,There is no doubt that will benefit to expand domestic demand.But the urbanization greater significance lies in improving the efficiency of the supply side,especially"Metropolis circle"The scale of the economic advantage.The scale enlargement of city makes the scale economy continuously produce and promote specialization further refinement,Accumulative effect further improve,Then create a lot of business opportunities and employment opportunities.


To make the urbanization this effect can be fulfilled,In the system needs the government reduce venture disorder,In the policy support entrepreneurial behavior,Formation can be contributed to the system and policy environment,So as to form a truly urban economic vigor and innovation ability.So the marketization reform,Urbanization is the fundamental guarantee to smoothly development.


 促进产业优化 Promote industrial optimization


In the support strategic emerging industry at the same time,China can't give up upgrading of manufacturing industry,Not simple will existing traditional industries out to foreign countries,But should be combined with main body function region through planning and policy guidance to the gradually shift toward central and western China,At the same time encourage existing industry upgrading,And strongly promote the industry,Especially the full development of modern service industry.


To be in the process of innovation country,Through the technological innovation/Business model innovation/Industry innovation,And the mother equity investment funds way to guide the social capital investment direction,To form the joint effort to increase strategic emerging industry growth pace,Turn to overtake,come.


To speed up the energy in the resources/Radio and television/culture/medical/Education and monopoly industries or excessive monopoly sector reforms/And opening-up,Introducing private capital and capital market forces,Speed up the formation of health industry/Elderly care industry/Culture industry/Creative industries and so on the new industrial chain/The value chain and emerging industries,Release huge industrial energy and vitality.Through the construction of 4 g/High iron backbone construction/The urbanization construction and space military MinYongHua,Drive the mobile Internet/Green building/High-end equipment industry and the development of new materials.Should be introduced, acquisition and reorganization of favorable policy,And through the capital field function to the full play of the industry/Between the efficient allocation of resources to the industry,To improve the quality of the whole economy.


At the same time must see,The effect of government effort to support the industry has been in decline.China's upgrading of the industrial structure of the power and pressure were from income increase of demand structure diversity and demand structure upgrade/Demographic dividend gradually disappears because of the labor force cost rise led to the loss of the traditional comparative advantage/Under the environment of globalization brought open international competition pressure, etc.so,To promote the new period structure optimization and upgrading of the measures,Should pay more attention to play the function of market mechanism,Let the enterprise become a real around demand structure change on innovative and industry/The main body of the industry structure upgrade.


The role of government should be more outstanding key to create a good market environment,Including deepening the reform of the financial system/To cultivate pioneering and risk investment/Provide the necessary policy financial products,To provide more efficient structure upgrade the financing service;Strengthening basic research and technology research and development of government investment,Lead and motivate enterprises to strengthen r&d investment and product and brand innovation,Give more autonomy of running school and guiding education better meet the needs of the structure upgrade;Create more fair competition environment,In different industries to reduce the administrative control and monopoly,Promote industrial investment access further opening and the whole process of fair competition.


加快实施结构性减税 Accelerating the implementation of structural tax reduction


Should be regarded as the present structural tax macroeconomic regulation and control and fiscal policy is one of the key and window.Structural tax cuts is to stimulate the market main body"Two and"Energy and economic lever guide structure optimization/The change in the pattern of one of the representative mechanism.The tax burden relief,And to the tax combination and coordination.The overall optimization system needs to be in on the vision in the modern society/The modern national development target model,Close shot to adapt to the specific stage of development requirements and restriction,Into financial/economic/Administrative and political system reform,Actively promote orderly.


"Business tax to value added tax"reform,In the import/Small and medium-sized micro enterprise/Innovation activities/Endowment industrialization process and areas of tax cuts and tax preferential measures,Should be the focus of the present structural tax cuts,And resource/Real estate tax reform and fiscal reform together into the overall design.


大幅减少行政审批 Greatly reduce the administrative examination and approval


Reduce the administrative examination and approval should be further transform government functions/Promote the reform of marketization is an important point and basic orientation.Should with substantial cut government administrative intervention, especially the administrative licensing system improvement,To create a good business environment,To reduce transaction costs,To encourage entrepreneurship/innovation,Improve efficiency/propulsion"Two chemical"The comprehensive effect of.


The Chinese governments at all levels greatly small administrative examination and approval not only results in all kinds of rent-seeking corruption,And increase the enterprise management and the uncertainty of the transaction cost.The future of China's industrial structure adjustment and upgrading,Can no longer count on industrial policy of several major pillar industry or strategic emerging industry and the support of state-owned enterprises to achieve,More is needed by a wide range of entrepreneurship and innovation activities to achieve,And this kind of entrepreneurship and innovation activities of the subject,Must have been around and each industry of small and medium-sized enterprises.In order to promote the small and medium-sized enterprise innovation and entrepreneurship,Must be greatly reduce unreasonable government administrative examination and approval,To strengthen the protection of private property right in accordance with law,Take great effort to improve enterprise business environment.


 着力扩大对亚非拉地区的开放程度 To expand to the Latin American region openness


Economic globalization/Integration has become the inevitable development trend,But as a result of the us subprime mortgage crisis/The debt crisis factors,Since 2008, Europe and the United States and other developed countries economy into a state of crisis,The import demand growth slowed significantly,Trade protectionism growth,And in the long-term trend.In bilateral trade between asean and from $1991 in 7.96 billion rose to $2011 in 362.9 billion,The average annual growth of more than 20%;China-africa trade from $1992 in 10.5 billion climbed to $2011 in 160 billion,The average annual growth of 22%;China and Latin American trade since 2001 the average annual growth of 30%,To 2011 to 241.5 billion dollars.


In the face of international economic pattern changes,Our country must adhere to and implement more active/More can reflect the comparative advantage of new opening strategy.With active in overseas investment fund to set up investment in Europe and the United States high technology populated areas of high technology enterprise,Integration with equity international high technical resources,In the international industrial integration ways to support the domestic industrial upgrading,Promote the growth of new industries.


In an effort to consolidate the economic and trade relations with the European and American countries at the same time,More concerns and available resources into Latin America emerging economies,Through the development reserves by the channel/Promote RMB internationalization two big power,around"Two market,Two kinds of resources",use"Infrastructure in resources"principle,Explore the Chinese capital advantage/Infrastructure construction ability advantage/Economic development zone construction experience and the resource advantages of Latin American countries/Infrastructure needs/Agricultural development needs/Industrialization demand for effective docking way,And with its related demand will drive our country capital/talents/Products and technologies"Go out".


适度扩大基于质量 Enlarging the based on the quality

  和效益的投资规模 And benefit of investment


In China the stage of development,Not simple criticism"High savings/High investment",Cannot copy form the European and American countries to promote the development of consumption growth mode,Can't think consumption produce GDP is high quality GDP and investment of GDP is the low quality of the GDP.Expand investment does not necessarily lead to overcapacity/Repetitive construction.In fact,No investment is no supply,There is no consumption;Investment is the premise and foundation of consumption,It is also the national economy based on hard power and the source of employment.To China and the developing countries,In the special"after"stage,The importance of investment to economic development is particularly important.


From the reform and opening up 30 years of actual process and results to see,Made from high savings support high investment,China's economy is not the main problem,But on the contrary, it can realize China's rapid development of the important experience.China and the proportion of the investment and consumption structure,Should be with China's economic development level of ascension/The income level of resident increases gradually reasonable evolution,People should not be strong adjustment,The more unfavorable direct form already realize industrialization/Information and enter the consumption age of American investment consumption structure index,In China as in the development stage of reference index,Otherwise, easy to cause the wrong macro policy guidance,Man-made to miss the current China's more favorable development opportunities.


China's investment in the core problem is not the total amount and growth,But structure/Quality and efficiency.From the structure to see,The future should focus on new industrialization/information/urbanization/Agricultural modernization/Modern service industry/National defense modernization and housing/medical/Education, etc,Optimize investment structure,Improve investment intensity;Improve the quality and efficiency from the watch,Want to deepen the reform of investment and financing system reform and financial reform,Innovation investment and financing mode,Introducing multiple investment main body,With public and private partners(PPP)And policy financing mechanism,Expand the financing channels,Reduce financing cost.


In addition,On power/highway/railway/subway/Bus has positive externalities and the price of the government public areas and hospital/School quasi public or public spheres,Should establish"Big benefit"concept,Using the comprehensive performance evaluation mode,Never should be simple to financial benefit/If loss as a measure of its investment necessity/Feasibility basis.


国有资本与民间资本应共同进步 The state-owned capital and private capital should make progress together


We do not advocate"labeling"Type discussion"Countries people back into"/"Countries China back"problems,and"into"/"back"Is not only reflected in"field"Of pass in and out of/"Market share"In the discretion of the.We advocate,According to Marx"Productivity decided to relations of production"The principle of the observation problem as a starting point,And according to comrade deng xiaoping raised"Three favorables"Core ideas as a standard,In the economic development of a certain stage,neither"More male/The better the state-owned",Is not"More private/The private, the better".In addition,From a historical point of view,China's Ming and qing dynasties/During the period of the republic of,No decent state-owned enterprise,Is full of private enterprise/Folk capital,Also did not realize"Clinging to power"/The goal of social equality.


We think,State-owned enterprise/State-owned economy and private enterprises/The folk capital each has its characteristics and advantages,In the current China's entry into the middle of industrialization/Enter the capital socialization age and facing globalization competition conditions,To observe the state-owned enterprise existence necessity/Mode of action and space,Explore the effective control mode,Must be the introduction of new ideas/Turn take new perspective,Using the new thinking.


State-owned economy/The state-owned enterprise is relying on the national credit or implied/To integrate various resources,Has economies of scale/Capital strength/Management relative standard/Social sense of responsibility strong advantages,Is the government regulation and control the economy/To safeguard national economic security,Safeguard social fairness and justice of the important regulation/Radiation power and policy tool;In some countries, especially from the long-term strategic look very need but temporarily facing market defect or insufficient development of the field,Its function is more important.But there are also the relationship between government and enterprises by definition is not clear or internal management personnel moral hazard induced by profit motive is not strong/Don't pay attention to control cost but easy to continue up the management cost and benefits/wage,Operation efficiency is low/Service quality is low.


The private enterprise is keen market sense of smell/Mechanism is agile/Strong customer idea etc,But its inherent maximization by the nature which is easy to cause the main focus on enterprise's own interests and local interests/Waste resources/Short-term behavior/Low labor safety condition and salary/Environmental damage/Social responsibility is not strong and so on questions.


We advocate,To expand the market access/To strengthen market supervision/Perfect laws and regulations,Play to their strengths,Inhibition of their respective shortage,Construct state-owned enterprises inspected/What was the corporation equal competition,complement/Two-way benign interaction of the market structure.State-owned enterprises in mountainous areas of general competition can be completely out of step by step,In the case of national economic security/The economic lifeline of the particular field,The equity of the control measure can be roughly preliminary master in 30% ~ 60% interval.


Stock is an important realization form of public ownership,Fusion is"State-owned enterprise"/"Private enterprises"Eset and development"Mixed economy"Type the modern enterprise system form.From the historical trends observed,The original"countries"and"people"In the general concept of entirely different,Will increasingly into in accordance with the stage/Different field generated joint-stock enterprise ownership structure changes and problems,That is categorized as state-owned and non-state-owned equity integration survival and"win-win"problems.


实现政府和市场 “双到位” To realize the government and the market "Double in place"


We are not in favor of economic completely by the government leading,Also don't agree with a single dimension of so-called"Small government,Great society"or"The government to withdraw from the economy,Complete the market's allocation of resources"Point of view.Economic completely by the government leading,That is a planned economy,All state-owned enterprise,Is XingBuCheng market,price/Resources inevitable distortion,Insufficient supply necessary,Low efficiency will,Soviet union/Eastern European countries and China before reform and opening up has profound historical lessons.


Economic completely by market spontaneous operation,All enterprises and state-owned enterprises,Also can appear the western economics also admitted that the objective existence"Market failure",The national economy the damage also will be very great.Since 2008 by the American subprime appear/The debt caused by the latest round of global economic and financial crisis is proved,Is not the government does not participate in the economic operation,Economic can very healthy development.


We advocate,The government and the market should play their due role,And realize the benign interaction complementary and cooperation.In the Chinese characteristic market economy condition,The government is to provide public services/The main body of market supervision,Is also part of the supply of particular field(production)subject.


The Chinese government on the one hand to use fiscal policy in the future/Monetary policy/Income policy macro policy,And by formulating national medium and long-term development strategy/Regional and industry development planning guide market only"The invisible hand"Adjust and control the economy operation.On the other hand,Should also issued relevant laws and regulations/Set up regulatory body to supervise the market operation,And in the people's livelihood in key areas by constructing a certain number of powerful state-owned holding enterprise this only"Visible hand",To safeguard national economic security and make up"Market failure",Implement modern surpassing strategy.


Our the above claim never means underestimate state-owned economy/Deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises and an arduous task,Also it doesn't mean that the government"Is when the referee,And when athletes",But will the government that three functional separation by three different subject to bear,In order to ensure that government regulation/Guide economic development function and the function of market in resource allocation"Double in place",Concrete model of:

  一是由政府设立的“行政部门”承担制定发展规划、审核市场准入等行政职能;二是要由政府组建 “监管机构”来履行监管市场职能;三是对于涉及国家经济安全、国民经济命脉的重点领域或存在“市场失灵”的领域,还应由政府出资在同一领域成立若干“企业实体”参与有外资、民资等主体加入的市场竞争。公私合作伙伴关系模式下的发展取向与机制创新,应成为政府、市场主体与非政府“第三部门”(民间志愿者组织)等公益机构,更充分地合作而寻求“共赢”的主题。

One is set up by the government"Administrative department"Bear worked out the development plan/Audit market access and administrative functions;The second is to set up by the government "regulators"To perform supervision market function;The third is involved in national economic security/The lifeline of the national economy of the key areas or existence"Market failure"field,Should also is funded by the government in the same field established several"Enterprise entity"Involved in a foreign/What was the main body, such as in the market competition.Public and private partnership mode development orientation and mechanism innovation,Should become the government/The market main body and non-governmental"The third department"(Folk volunteer organization)Public institutions such as,More fully cooperation and seek"win-win"theme.


After 30 years of reform and opening up constantly,China's metallurgical/non-ferrous/aviation/financial/Telecommunications and other fields has basically realized the government administration/supervision/Shareholders of the three functions of separation,The initial formation of the government and the market interaction pattern,While power/railway/highway/health/Education etc remains or general did not break the original pattern,The government focused on three functions of an organization,Or is the actual maintain excessive monopoly and excessive control,Need by devoting major efforts to deepen the reform,To realize the three main resumption effective separation.


构建和发展中国新供给经济学 Construction and development of China's new supply economics


In a word,We think,Comrade deng xiaoping raised should be insisted on"Development is the absolute principle"Core thought of,To command the overall situation reform,To adapt to the development of China's new economy overall requirements,In view of the current and future a period of facing many problems and contradictions,Emphatically from of supply,Constructing promote total supply and demand balance and structure optimization/The transformation of growth pattern"The new supply economics",And as the guiding China's future sustainable development of one of the core economic theory.


In the above basic consideration,"Double and"Is the soul of the development of the pioneer and;"Double change"Is the motive power of development and upgrade process of catalyst;"ShuangJian"It represents the focus on improve the efficiency of supply/Optimize supply structure to better adapt to and guide the demand structure change system foundation;"Double expansion"Is realized to expand in international/The domestic market space;"Double into"Is clear on the stock supply modern enterprise system arrangement of the evolution of reasonable capital composition;"Double in place"In the government and the market is the core problem in the long run, clear the reasonable positioning related parties.Try to"Double and ShuangJian double change/Double expansion double into double in place"To rough and ready to/Highlight the key to express our in reform is the core of the new supply economics thought emphasize the basic policies.


The eighteenth big report has been a clear call,"We must firm faith,Win comprehensively deepen the reform of economic system and speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development this tough battle,China's economic development vitality and competitiveness raised to a new level.""Talk WuGuo,Work development",The current,The most important thing is to carry out in 2012, the central economic work conference requirement,As soon as possible as a clear overall scheme of reform,And clear roadmap and schedule.


It is very important,Involved in the socialist market economy in the 2022 years later what to what kind of mature model,Relationship between the Chinese nation great rejuvenation can finally realize target glorious and arduous task,China economic circle and the need of the whole society to participate in actively,Focus on all aspects of wisdom,Through the in-depth discussion and thought collision,To build consensus,Seize the opportunity of reform.


As part of this collision and discuss one of the forms,We sincerely hope and invite more economics workers to join to the construction and development of China's new supply the study of economics and related policy discussed procession,Common over a worthy contemporary economics workers historical mission papers.


(This paper come from the report[China needs to build and develop to reform is the core of the new supply economics],This article represent only personal point of view,The author has nothing to do with the unit.)
