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巴克莱:工业生产数据令人失望 对经济复苏持谨慎态度--亲稳网络舆情监测室
Gu Beibei
和讯网消息 3月12日,1-2 月份工业生产同比增速继续下滑,巴克莱亚洲首席经济学家黄益平表示,由于工业生产数据增长令人失望,对中国经济周期性复苏持谨慎态度。
HeXunWang news on March 12,January and February year-on-year growth in industrial production continued to slide,Barclays said huang yiping, chief Asia economist at,Due to the growth of industrial production data was disappointing,Cautious about China's economic cyclical recovery.
He said,Since the second half of 2012,Barclays has been stabilizing growth forecasts for China rather than accelerating growth.The reason is,Domestic industrial overcapacity,And weak external demand;As well as cautious or neutral fiscal policy and moderate monetary policy expansion,At the same time, no big stimulus.
Barclays expects,Economic growth will stabilize at 8% this year,Rather than as some of the predictions of a sharp fall in the number of strong growth during the first half and second half of the ups and downs.In the short term,In view of the industrial output value accounted for 40% of gross domestic product (GDP) and the balance of consumption and investment trends,Keep in the first quarter GDP growth of 7.9%,Below consensus forecasts.
According to data,1 to 2 months of output and retail sales unexpectedly downward,While investment and inflation upward.At the beginning of 2013,To accelerate the infrastructure and real estate investment growth,All are 23%;Industrial production growth is weak,Fell to 9.9% from 10.3% in December last year;Retail sales growth slowed,Fell to 12.3% from 15.2% in December last year.
Mr. Huang said,Retail sales may be the future President xi jinping and the negative impact of anti-corruption campaign against waste,This will hurt first quarter GDP growth.however,Mr. Huang said still remain optimistic about their long-term trends.
Looking to the future,Mr. Huang expected,First of all,Policy will still is the biggest risk in China.Especially in the,Regulators will how to balance the financing needs of economic and shadow banking activities and local government debt increases,The rising financial and fiscal risk.
The second,He said,The central government to suppress strong enthusiasm of local government.Data show that,There are two-thirds of the provincial government will economic growth target set in 2013 to more than 10%,Well above the national target of 7.5%.The last,The central government will be how to drive"The urbanization process",This will affect the prospects for this year and future years of investment and consumption.
In addition,Mr. Huang think,Gentle also shows that industrial production growth,1 - exports rose 23% year-on-year in February are likely to be overstated.The global economic recovery will continue to constitute the external risk of uncertainty.
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