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国学专家于丹:古为今用的教子心得 给孩子自由的空间 她会做的更好 Give children free space she will do better

  除了尊严,还有一个很重要的成长指标是“自由”。很多人问我,你这么主张自由,那你教你的孩子背诗词吗?我说我当然教。可我不是让她手放在背后一本正经地背诵,而是她在踩着滑板车跑时,我们俩大声地背诵;是她在浴缸里泡着、打着水花时,突然饶有兴趣地提议说:“妈妈,我们背首诗吧! ”

In addition to dignity,There is a very important index is growing"free".A lot of people ask me,You're so advocate free,That you teach your child back poetry?I said I of course teaching.I can not let her hands behind their backs humorlessly to recite,But she was on the scooter when running,Both of us loudly recite;Is she in the bath bubble/Under the water,Sudden interest suggested:"mother,Us to recite poem it! "

  她背诗,我从不限制她如何使用和想象。我清楚地记得,她第一次使用诗词是在两岁多的时候,有一次我出差回来,问她:“你想妈妈吗?”她冷不丁地说了句:“路上行人欲断魂。”她背诗居然能“活学活用”!她喜欢把我们的大床当蹦床,有一回她爸爸说:“你别蹦了,都把我们的床单蹦破四条了!”谁知她一边蹦,一边高声说:“人生得意须尽欢! ”把她爸爸噎得瞠目结舌。

She back poem,I never put her on how to use and imagination.I clearly remember,Her poetry is used for the first time in more than two years old of time,Once I back from a business trip,Ask her:"You want to mother?"She seal suddenly said a sentence:"Pedestrians on country-side ways in gloom are pining away."She could carry poem"Live learning"!She likes to put our big bed when trampoline,Once her father said:"Don't jump the,Put our sheet skimmed the broken four!"But as she jumped,Side in a loud voice:"Christmas comes but once a year! "Her father choke gaping.


Daughter grew up in the deconstruction classic.But yu Dan no correct her once,She felt,Daughter can talk nonsense time? How many?Very miss daughter can talk nonsense freedom.She doesn't know what is the authority,She thinks she has the right to explain,And this kind of rights may be to her elementary school will be deprived.Yu Dan think children in ideological free period continues as long as possible,So when they are grown up,Still can keep some break through the conventional thinking ability.
