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国学专家于丹:古为今用的教子心得 学会关心别人 是独生子女在教育中容易缺失的 Learn to care for others is the only child in the education of the easy missing


We all know"Beyond rules,No fangyuan",But our concept and behavior are often very confusion.On the one hand we teach children to respect the old man,On the other hand, the old man was to serve the child;On the one hand we tell children to respect others/Obey the rules,On the other hand,In the vast majority of one-child families,The child is still just me;We tell the child mouth to hard work and plain living,But in behavior,Also in the child to buy a lot of luxury.

  “言传不如身教”,相对于行为的强大,思想和语言往往是苍白的。我的女儿也是独生女,她两岁时,我们就告诉她,姥姥有糖尿病,每顿饭前都要吃药。所以她养成了习惯,每次吃饭前刚拿到筷子,她就说:“姥姥,吃药! ”她会明白她对姥姥是有责任的,有了责任会觉得很光荣。我们以前带她出去玩时,她都会带一个布娃娃,说那是她“妹妹”。但是到了4岁,出去玩她就不带她的“妹妹”了。我们问她为什么,她说:“我要腾出手来扶我姥姥啊! ”

"Than words by",Relative to the behavior of the powerful,Thought and language are often pale.My daughter is my only daughter,When she was two,We'll tell her,Grandma have diabetes,Every meal all want to take medicine.So she has a habit of,Every time before eating just got chopsticks,She said:"grandmother,Take medicine! "She will understand her to the maternal grandmother is responsible,Have the responsibility can feel very glorious.We used to take her out playing,She will bring a Rag Doll,Said it was her"sister".But in 4 years old,She would not go out to play with her"sister"the.We asked her why,She said:"I want to make hand to help me grandma ah! "

  今年春节我带她去丽江玩,女儿第一次去养鸡场捡鸡蛋,感觉特别新鲜。回来后她一手握着一只鸡蛋,吃饭时也攥着不放。我们都笑她,“你那鸡蛋都快孵出小鸡来了。 ”在机场过安检的时候,她也舍不得放下。就这样,两只鸡蛋颠沛流离地跟着她回了家,一进门还没来得及换鞋,她就扑到姥姥怀里说:“姥姥,我给你带回来两只鸡蛋! ”那一刻我心里挺惭愧的,因为我顶多想到给我妈妈买些土特产,但没想过不花钱还能给她带回来什么。那时我就在想,孩子做了什么事情本身并不重要,重要的是她心中有没有牵挂。

This year the Spring Festival I took her to go to lijiang to play,Daughter first to chicken farm pick up the eggs,Feel very fresh.After she came back in one hand an egg,When having a meal also clutched the not to put.We all laugh she,"You the eggs hatch the chicken to the fast. "At the airport when security checks,She also won't put down.so,Two eggs drift from place to place to follow her home,A door haven't enough time to change a shoe,She toward grandma bosom said:"grandmother,I brought you back two eggs! "At that moment my heart quite ashamed,Because I think of at most to my mother buy some local products,But I did not think it not to spend money also can give her back.Then I guess,Children do what thing itself is not important,It is important to have her heart care.

  一个从小懂得牵挂别人的人,长大了才可能被别人牵挂。家庭就是一个让我们从小酝酿牵挂的地方。从这种意义上来说,家庭的行为方式本身就是一种重要的教育。今天的我们常感到人越来越像工业流水线上生产出来的标准产品,越来越失去了属于每个家庭的烙印。 “烙印”这个词的英文是“brand”,它还有一个意思就是“品牌”。企业要有品牌,其实人也需要有品牌。人的品牌不是指你拥有几亿资产,拿到了多么高的学位,或是有多么显赫的地位,而是我们带着什么样的家族烙印融入社会,我们用一种什么样的个人印记去对抗过于规范化的“流水线”。

As a child the know how to care others,Grew up just may be about others.A family is a let us from brewing about the place.From this sense,Family behavior itself is a kind of important education.Today's we often feel people more and more like industrial assembly line production out of the standard products,More and more lost belongs to each family brand. "brand"This word is in English"brand",It has a meaning is"brand".Enterprise should have brand,Actually man also needs to have the brand.The brand does not mean you have hundreds of millions of assets,How to get the high degree,Or how prominent position,But we take what kind of family brand into the society,We use a kind of what kind of personal stamp to fight too standardization"line".
