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  与各大高级酒楼会所的一宴数万元乃至数十万元相比,在北京新发地蔬菜批发市场却有另外的一幕。1月18日,一名老人在北京新发地蔬菜批发市场的垃圾堆里捡拾还能食用的菜叶。据了解,每天都有数十人来到这里,他们来回穿梭在各个运菜的货柜车旁和垃圾堆之间,寻找和捡拾还可以食用的蔬菜。新华社记者 罗晓光 摄

With the advanced the restaurant a feast tens of dollars and hundreds of thousands of yuan compared,In Beijing XinFaDe vegetables wholesale market has another scene.1 month and day,An old man in Beijing XinFaDe vegetables wholesale market in the trash pick-up can also eat leaves.It is understood,Every day there are dozens of people come to here,They traveled back and forth in each shipping food container truck side between and garbage dumps,Search and collect still can eat vegetables.Xinhua news agency LuoXiaoGuang perturbation


National food bureau chief RenZhengXiao recently told reporters that interview,Chinese food after a loss,Annual food waste loss amount equivalent to about 200 million hectares of arable land production,Than the first major grain-producing provinces of heilongjiang province more than a year of production.


According to the calculation,Chinese food only after storage/transport/Processing link loss waste totaled more than 70 billion pounds.


RenZhengXiao specific analysis,Chinese peasant household supplies about accounts for the annual grain production about half,Due to the pallet storage facilities,The lack of technical guidance services,Loss ratio is about 8%,Every year because of insect mould rat finches loss more than 40 billion pounds.China's grain logistics way behind,Transportation link loss loss more than 15 billion jins.Processed grain over the pursuit of light/white/fine,Low level extensive processing,The processing link annually cause ration loss more than 13 billion pounds.


In addition,Treat eat pomp and circumstance/Keep up with the joneses and other bad consumption patterns,The table is deceived by waste,The estimate value table to waste food every year 200 billion yuan.


RenZhengXiao said,China's grain supply and demand in a tight state of equilibrium,In recent years, increasing food imports,Every year the import corn and soybeans in more than 100 billion pounds,And because each year and the loss of billions of jin waste food."The contrast is painful."


RenZhengXiao said,Keep mind world granary,Against waste,From a deeper sense of cultivated land equal to keep the red line,The Chinese nation is more to industrialized culture moral bottom line.Food must change the mode of economic development/Speed up to promote the progress of science and technology,In order to reduce the circulation link loss as the focal point,Improve policies and regulations and mechanism,Strengthen the propaganda education and supervision and inspection,Change the backward grain collection and storage mode and consumption patterns,To form the government leading/enterprises/The whole people to participate in an impairment of the festival food mechanism,Speed up the construction of the forage-saving society.

  中国粮食进口猛增三倍 是否坚持“红线”引争议

Chinese food imports surged three times Whether or not we are adhering to"Red line"Cause the dispute


On grain imports,China has been taken more conservative policy,Even in 2011 years ago,China is only allowed to import a small amount of high quality rice and wheat,And corn imports almost to zero.but,The three grain imports in 2012 years ago 11 months there are soaring,Net imports has reached 9.404 million tons.Those who worry of people have warning,Its self-sufficiency rate of grain in China will be threatened,And may break through the Chinese government formulated before the early its self-sufficiency rate of grain must maintain in more than 95% of the policy"Red line",In people dispute whether it is necessary to adhere to this"Red line"when,Foreign worry is become more and more serious,China's demand for food will lead to the global food supply shortages?

  每年重金属污染1200万吨粮食 3成大米铅超标

Heavy metal pollution each year 12 million tons of grain 3 into rice lead paint


recently,She country a document caused the domestic public on soil pollution intense attention.This paper points out that:Our country has 36000 hectares of farmland soil heavy metal exceeds bid,This caused by each year"Food pollution is as high as 12 million tons,Direct economic losses of more than 20 billion yuan".

  人民日报称粮食自给率超95% 安全基础牢固

The People's Daily newspaper said its self-sufficiency rate of grain over 95% Security firm foundation

  姜长云认为,通常用粮食自给率,也就是当年粮食产量占当年粮食消费量的比重,来衡量一个国家的粮食安全水平。一般认为, 一个国家或地区的粮食自给率在100%以上,就是完全自给;在95%―100%之间,属于基本自给;在90%―95% 之间,是可以接受的粮食安全水平;一旦小于90%,粮食供求的风险就会增大。

JiangChangYun think,Usually use its self-sufficiency rate of grain,Is the food production accounted for the proportion of food consumption,To measure a country's food safety level.Generally think, A country or region of the food in more than 100%,Is fully self;In between 95% - 100%,Belong to the basic subsistence;In 90% - 95% between,Is acceptable food safety level;Once the less than 90%,The risk of grain supply and demand will increase.
