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The European commission from a more macro perspective to look at the whole trade,Listening to the sound of a more rational,Not swayed by local interests
On May 19,,The German government and business have said,Opposition to the eu anti-dumping taxes on Chinese photovoltaic products preliminary suggestion,Required to solve the eu-china trade disputes through negotiation and dialogue.
after,Nearly thousand European photovoltaic enterprise issued an open letter,Pointed out that decision"Will seriously hinder the development of solar energy industry,Still can let the whole value chain of the solar cell is damaged in the European Union".Swiss prediction research institute released a report also said,Because of Chinese photovoltaic products"Double inverse"measures,仅德国就可能In the3年内最多减少8.47万个工作岗位,Germany will therefore be the most affected countries in Europe,All may lose 242000 jobs in the European Union.Research suggests that,Although the punitive tariffs may bring some advantages to European solar energy equipment manufacturers,But the resulting work is only 1/5 of the lost jobs in other fields.The fact is obvious,欧盟如果执意In the6月初按计划制裁中国光伏产业,Not only Chinese companies,European companies will also suffer.
In the first quarter this year,In the eurozone and the eu gross domestic product fell 0.2% and 0.2% respectively,Now the euro zone's unemployment rate has exceeded 12%,Youth unemployment is 24% higher.In the自己内部困境的时候,The contradiction on to the outside,It is unwise to protectionism.
European Union sanctions on China pv industry,Hasn't made the final decision,Solicit opinions from the members are in phase.In the中欧本次贸易争端中,Both companies against sanctions,Or advocating sanctions,Mainly come from Germany.As an individual,These companies each have each reason,but作为欧盟委员会,Should be with a broader perspective of the whole trade,Sound to listen to reason,Not swayed by local interests.
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