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A catty of deformed steel bar, less than two dollars,Than tomatoes/Carrots also cheap.The steel products in Chinese cabbage price sale.Falling prices extruding the steel enterprise profit space.The China iron and steel industry association figures show,In the first half of this year,Iron and steel industry's return on sales by 3.06% for the same period last year,Down to only 0.13%.
After summer is not go away,Iron and steel industry is feeling bitter cool idea.
A ton to profit is not enough to buy a ticket
"Now for a ton to iron and steel industry of the profit is 1.68 yuan."On August 23,,The China iron and steel association, vice chairman of China's coke industry chain in 2012 WangXiaoJi supply and demand situation peak BBS is introduced on the iron and steel enterprise benefit.
It is hard to imagine,Sales such a ton of commodity profit is not enough to buy a $2 of the Beijing subway ticket.As a listed company half of the annual report disclosure in succession,Market for iron and steel enterprise's difficult situation have a more intuitive feelings.According to all information to,44 listed in iron and steel enterprise,And in the first half net profit year-on-year drop home,13 home occurrence loss.On September 12,,The guangzhou municipal party committee secretary ZhangGuangNing newly angang group chairman and secretary of the party committee,People have a profound speculation appointed - angang shares(000898 SZ)Loss in the first half of 2 billion yuan,Not only brought kui listed steel enterprises,Amount of loss in the Shanghai and shenzhen in the listed companies are rare.Investigate its reason,The original high fuel prices and greatly reduce the market demand is lead to iron and steel industry all struggle in the edge of the loss"culprit".
Steel association monitoring domestic steel composite price index(CSPI)Since the second half of last year is dropping,Now every tons of steel prices have year-on-year decline of nearly one thousand yuan.1 - July national fixed asset investment growth 5% lower than the same period last year,Manufacturing PMI fell to 50.1.Investment and manufacturing"cooling"In the short term NaNan change."The real estate regulation policy of continuous,High iron construction scale shrink,Shipbuilding new answered the reduction in the number of orders,Automobile industry growth,These are directly reduce the steel demand."The China iron and steel association deputy secretary-general to QuXiuLi[China economic weekly]regrets.
QuXiuLi said,Since 2010"Long association"Pricing after the abolition of,Three big mining of iron ore is in accordance with the proctor index has been rise in price,High cost led to our country iron and steel enterprise profits.Although since this year iron ore price per ton down 200 yuan or so,But compared with deformed steel bar and other steel products by as many as thousands of yuan,To improve the steel enterprise profit level is ocean.
Financial expense also let steel enterprises have a headache.2011 iron and steel enterprise's financing costs more than 62 billion yuan,Up 40%,But last year the industry still achieved more than 800 yuan in profits.In the first half of this year,Through two to cut interest rates,Iron and steel enterprise's financing cost is more than 400 yuan,37% year-on-year,The industry profits but with only 2.3 billion yuan.Data display,In the first half of this year 29 listed steel enterprises financial expenses exceed its net profit.
Processors in the transfer
The industrial chain of pain quickly transfer,Downstream manufacturers had already aimed at new profit growth point.
What zhou Ming has quietly in the sichuan province new investment in a steel plant,At the same time ready to in zhangjiakou, hebei province is located in the old factory to turn off,Although there condensed his more than ten years of painstaking effort.
"Since last November steel prices continue to decline,For the profit,A processing enterprises began to cut corners."To what zhou Ming[China economic weekly]said,"If it goes on like this,,The market development space is not large."
His conduct of the Beijing pass steel structure engineering co., LTD is mainly do steel plate and profiles of the deep processing,The products are mainly used for building/Site construction.Along with the social fixed assets investment growth is slowing,What zhou Ming company's sales also encounter impact.In the first half of this year his company sales fell 40% year-on-year,Basic in the profit and loss balance state.
With many years in steel processing field fight experience,Zhou Ming think what,This year is a good time to adjust business area.According to he introduced,Local market nearly 50% of steel processors ready to outsourcing,He know has two went to xinjiang,Two went to the far east area of Russia,Four bazhong to,Six in the.
After some investigation,What zhou Ming decided to make the company QianHui sichuan yibin.He noticed,Although the national in the control total investment scale,But increase the western infrastructure investment policy has not changed,This means that the western region still has broad market space."The local government investment dynamics is very big also."He added.Such as this in sichuan,The local government to his first three years of tax to a different degree of relief.
The second half of what zhou Ming think the price of steel will stabilises.Good effect by the policy,The market also seems to smell the infrastructure construction investment increase breath,Rebar 1301 futures contract has torsion fall,Since September 6, since,Almost every day ended up.
Although the initial investment in sichuan only tens of millions of yuan,But what zhou Ming ready to the end of the year in sichuan bazhong and other regions in nanchong and additional investment of 200 million ~ 300 million yuan.
Worry about one more"Four trillion"
Limit excess capacity has become the industry consensus."Iron and steel industry need from that time,Positive transformation mode of production,Adjust product structure/To reduce the production cost/Realize marketization transformation.We expect that this process may last 3 to 5 years."QuXiuLi to[China economic weekly]said.
Rome was not built in a day.
Wide hair negotiable securities one does not wish to disclose the name of the iron and steel industry researcher told[China economic weekly],The integrity of the iron and steel industry boom has in the past,The current excess capacity are due to a few years ago caused by excessive production capacity expansion.But Japan and so on developed country's steel industry have experienced such a stage.
But QuXiuLi think,Not to be industry qualitative for excess capacity."Excess capacity is a representation.For many years is actually the result of the development of iron and steel industry disorder."She introduces,Iron and steel association member enterprises have through the repair, and other means to effects,In the first half of the entire production is falling,Some enterprise output amplitude is very big still.But many local small business,Yields are still growing,In some places, iron and steel industry policy of fixed investment is increasing.
Local steel enterprises generally by the local government protection,Not serious restrictions on the policy of production capacity.Start from the end,Steel association is called on iron and steel enterprise production initiative,Effects of.Data display,In the first half of this year steel association nonmember enterprise's crude steel production sharply increased by 12.9%,Over the same period, the 260 members of the steel enterprise crude steel production is 0.1% year-on-year drop.With an annual capacity of 1 million tons of iron and steel enterprise is usually steel association member,And nonmember enterprise more for long-term savage growth place small steel enterprises.
But the personage inside course of study really concerned about is macroeconomic policy adjustment.If we come to a"Four trillion",Can stimulate part of iron and steel enterprises continue to expand capacity.
On September 5, - 6,,Development and reform commission intensive reply a batch of orbit transportation construction programming and a total of 36 highway construction project,The overall investment scale is expected to exceed 840 billion yuan.According to the general calculation,Urban rail transit construction investment 100 million yuan each,Will pull the steel consumption 10000 tons(Including the station/Equipment, etc).Means that the city rail project reply will drive the generalized steel consumption 84 million tons.
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