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  一季度新疆外贸进出口总值52.4亿美元 昨日记者从乌鲁木齐海关获悉,一季度新疆对外贸易实现进出口总值52.4亿美元,比2012年同期增长了26.4%。在西部12个省区中,居四川、重庆、广西之后,列第4位,在全国列第20位。出口成为拉动一季度新疆外贸增长的主要原因。 

In the first quarter of the xinjiang foreign trade import and export gross of $5.24 billion yesterday,The reporter learns from urumqi to customs,In the first quarter gross import and export of foreign trade to achieve $5.24 billion in xinjiang,Increased by 26.4% than the same period in 2012.In the west 12 provinces and autonomous regions,In sichuan province/chongqing/After the guangxi,Column 4,In the 20th.Export as the main reason for the pull in the first quarter of the xinjiang foreign trade growth. 

  药交会首日新疆展团成交2.8亿元 昨日,记者从乌鲁木齐高新区(新市区)了解到,在4月25-26日武汉召开的第69届全国药品交易会上,作为惟一由政府主导组团的新疆展团首日成交额就达2.8亿元,让新疆特色的“民族药、生态药”再度成为药交会上受关注的焦点。 

Medicine SEC clinch a deal on xinjiang pavilion of 280 million yuan yesterday,Reporters from urumqi hi-tech zone(Urban area)To know,Held in wuhan on April 25 to 26 of the 69th session of the national drug trade fair,Only by the government as the leading group on the first day of xinjiang pavilion turnover reached 280 million yuan,Let the characteristics in xinjiang"National medicine/Ecological medicine"Once again become the focus of attention at the medicine. 

  乌鲁木齐市国税局首季出口退(免)税同比增三成 昨日,记者从乌鲁木齐市国税局了解到,今年一季度,市国税局办理出口货物退(免)税7.46亿元,同比增长37.15%,其中办理退税7.3亿元,免抵税额0.16亿元。

Urumqi city internal revenue service in the first quarter of exports(free)Taxes increased thirty percent year-on-year yesterday,The reporter understands from the irs in urumqi,In the first quarter this year,City internal revenue service for export goods back(free)Tax is 746 million yuan,Up 37.15% from a year earlier,The export refund of 730 million yuan,Free of tax deduction of 016 million yuan.
