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记者近日从云南出入境检验检疫局化矿处了解到,The ore in yunnan gold export enterprises suffered from foreign technical trade measures there are 12 species involved,设置的国家and地区主要分布在欧盟/The United States/The association of southeast Asian nations (asean), etc..
技术性贸易措施是指一国以维护国家安全或保护人类健康and安全,保护动植物的生命and健康,Protect the ecological environment or prevent fraud,For ensure the quality of products,To take some mandatory or non-mandatory technical measures,These measures become an obstacle to the other countries free access to the country's goods.
云南出入境检验检疫局通过对云南化矿金产品近年来遭遇的技术性贸易措施情况Carries on the analysis认为,The ore in yunnan gold export enterprises suffered importers set up technical trade measures mainly include the kinds of involved:To product certification requirements is put forward/Requirements for export manufacturers or product to register/To toxic and harmful substances in industrial products have a limited demand/Technical standards have special requirements for product use/Over the use of product packaging and materials requirements/Tons of bags have special requirements for products/对产品使用标签and标志有要求/Have a special inspection requirements for products/The product in environmental protection requirements/In personal safety requirements of export products/Have asked for the measurement of the use of units/To use the wood packaging requirements, etc.Such as the,When vitamin K3 products exports to the eu,Requires a Fami - QS certification;When phosphate products are exported to the eu,Requirements for the REACH certification,To the United States called for KOSHER certification;Methyl tin exports to the eu requirements for the REACH certification,Exports to the United States/Japan/The association of southeast Asian nations (asean)/In South Korea/Russia/Canada,Australia's food packaging products need FDA certification;Baiyao products are exported to Japan/In South Korea/Taiwan,Demand has a recycling logo on the package;Galvanized and painted roll products are exported to the United States/When the European Union,Also required by the environmental testing to make sure without damage to the body of harmful elements, etc.
"国外技术性贸易措施给企业造成了大量直接and间接的损失,Adds to the cost of enterprise,Hindered the export of products,Requires enterprises to actively respond to."For this,Yunnan ciq mine place wang xuemei proposed recommendations:To collect/Arrange information,提高应对措施的针对性and适宜性.Export enterprises should actively from various channels/Collect a number of ways/Organize its export products on foreign technical trade measures of influence of the relevant information,Carries on the analysis,Accomplish know fairly well,To effectively cope with.提高质量管理水平and创新能力,Improve the product market competitiveness,To take the initiative to break trade technical barriers.Enterprises should formulate sustainable development strategy,Strengthen establish green product ideas,Establish green marketing,在国际贸易中建立品牌and产品的竞争优势.With the power of government departments and industry organizations,Improve to enhance efforts to break the trade barriers.Use of foreign direct investment,Avoid or circumvent tariff or non-tariff barriers in international trade,Thus effectively across technical barriers.
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