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According to data released by the ministry of commerce,In the first quarter of this year,A total of 22 by 12 countries launched in our country trade remedy investigations,The total amount is $963 million.In the past four years,Our country has suffered trade remedy investigation since 328,The amounts up to $53.1 billion.A serious fact that lie ahead,Our country has become the world's one of the countries suffering most from trade remedy investigations,And showing a growing trend.
Before the ministry of commerce bureau of fair trade commissioner song peace when it comes to the issue noted,In 2013,,China's foreign trade situation is still not optimistic,Trade remedy cases is likely to increase than last year.At present,The ministry of commerce is committed to strengthening trade friction early warning mechanism,The government public information service and trade remedy knowledge popularization,For the enterprise in a timely manner to understand dynamic trade friction,To understand trade remedy rules,To grasp the method of dealing with.
Foreign economic and trade university international economic and trade institute professor yao's new super said,The reasons for this phenomenon is, in fact has the objective,China has now become the world's largest exporter and second largest importer,Sell more,The greater the likelihood of trade friction.At the same time,Europe and the United States economic recession led to local enterprise management difficulties,Many countries to protect domestic enterprises position tariffs on cheap Chinese goods is understandable.
Over the past few years,Domestic enterprises have accumulated some methods for dealing with trade disputes,The consensus of collective litigation has become more and more Chinese enterprises.At the same time,The ministry of commerce/Business association and other departments to cooperate also played a big role.In order to deal with the possibility of trade disputes in the future,Export enterprises should increase the intensity of innovation,Attaches great importance to product development,Pay more attention to service and quality,At the same time,To actively study the relevant knowledge of international trade,Comply with the relevant laws and regulations.
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