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Investment income is an important part of the property income,For most domestic for residents,Financial market is the main investment source of income.Released in September[The financial industry development and reform"1025"planning]Clearly put forward emphatically exert the financial market financing function,Perfect investors reward system,And then increase the residents property income.


In particular,Plans to put forward to optimize investment structure,The realization of social capital resources optimization allocation;Rich money market and capital market financial investment tool,To promote the development of the financial derivatives market,Dredge investment channels,To improve the security of the financial investment/Liquidity and profitability, etc.


Nearly 10 years,Our country's financial market has made great strides in development.State-owned commercial Banks listed one after another,To improve the financial stability,Capital market bond financing and stock financing scale are greatly increased.But financial markets the return to investors still has a lot of will to rise.


Influence factors of investor returns are various,But in the final analysis and market their own development is closely related to the degree of maturity.Indirect financing as the main form of financing market pattern determines the most residents savings interest return on investment is formed,Low rate of return on;The stock market and bond market development is not matching,The lack of risk moderate investment products;Market depth is not enough,Financial derivatives serious lag,Also limits the asset management service value of the function.


The issue has caused the attention of financial supervision department,Intensive launch of the financial reform are designed to break financial repression/Correct market imbalance/Improve market efficiency,These institutional construction will be for the next ten years increase financial market level of rate of return to lay the foundation.

  纠正金融失衡 Correct financial imbalances


The imbalance of financial markets,The first is the indirect financing and the proportion of direct financing imbalance.In 2011 the various financial institution loans accounted for social financing scale ratio as high as 75%.As Banks enjoy systematic carry protection,Such a great loans accounted for more than,On the one hand to commercial bank transfer the excess profit,On the other hand also influence the residents of the property income increase.


Banking is unavoidable will have interest rate marketization day.This means that interest rates will be the real capital supply and demand by the market decision,Compared with the current situation,The future interest rate market equilibrium will provide significant to the hundreds of thousands of one hundred million yuan savings(By the end of 2011 is 35.2 trillion yuan)Of urban and rural residents.


With the increase of residents' income,Savings in all investment in the position had significantly.When depositors take out the savings to investment other financial market,Alternative investment tools than ten years ago has been greatly rich.In addition to the stock investment,The bank/trust/Fund companies and securities company can offer the investment in the stock market/Bond market and money market of all kinds of financial products.


but,Bond market and the stock market is also unbalanced.In 2011, the stock financing reached 507.3 billion yuan,Bond financing of listed companies is only 170.74 billion yuan.Even if is QiYeZhai financing,The size of the bond market and the stock market is still short board compared.Sse infonet former general manager ZhangYuJun is put forward,Multi-level capital market development in our country,The biggest potential is in debt.


The stock market continuous downturn promoted the development of the bond market this year.Investors began to stable returns more interested in debt financing,Just agree with the supervision of the intention of the layer,Related financial institutions to take advantage of an opportunity and,All kinds of fixed income products emerge in endlessly.The bank counter can buy income is higher than a year ago deposit/The main investment of the debt financial products,And fund companies and securities company also use their own professional advantage,Continuously introduce income relative higher bond fund and pool plan,Even some revenue classification of the products.


Standing in the long term,Development of the bond market need to solve the first problem is the bond market of interconnection and interflow.If interbank market and exchange market can form a unified credit debt market,So will greatly promote the market efficiency of ascension,Reduce the enterprise financing cost,And finally returns to investors to raise the level of.

  提升股市效率 Improve the efficiency of stock market


Is market value and financing in terms of scale,A shares have row in the global main forefront of the securities market,But the efficiency of the A shares far behind the mature markets.


In essence,A stock investor returns is the low efficiency of the low level of the embodiment of the,And the inefficient throughout the city from listed back to each link.


First of all,Strict listed examination and approval mechanism and not completely eliminate false listed;secondly,Shares in the long-term growth is not in the primary market release process,Is the first listed by overdraft;The third,Listed companies lack of market restraint mechanism,Lack of management enhance shareholder return pressure;finally,It is not free to withdraw from the market mechanism,Market resources are not always configuration to the best of the listed company.


The China securities regulatory commission has been in new shares system reform has made a great effort.ShenPiZhi although short time would not be canceled,But the quality of information disclosure is becoming a hair in the process of trial the main considerations.But the market form mature value judgment ability and habit but still need time - retail change of the market structure cause institutions tend to be retail neo-enlightenment movement,They did not good use professional advantage,In the stock pricing process play a decisive role.


And China's many areas of reform,A share reform is systematic.In order to improve the efficiency of the new pricing,Must have a large institutional investors team.Securities regulatory commission on the one hand to relax QFII mechanism of control,Increased the strength of introducing foreign long-term investors;On the other hand also in for domestic insurance funds/Social security funds and accumulation fund market to provide more convenient.

  增加市场深度 Increase market depth


In 2010,,Stock index futures officially launched and start trading,Over A shares the history of unilateral city.Some sharp investors soon began to try to simple arbitrage trading.Within two years,brokers/Fund and even some private investment institutions,Have set up their own quantitative investment department,And the financial engineering related human resource input is obviously higher than that of the other traditional business department.


ETF this quantitative transaction basis underlying also achieved rapid development.After the Shanghai and shenzhen 300 etf,This year again appeared cross-border two-way ETF.In trade credit aspects,Turn accommodation has been launched in September this year,The second batch of pilot securities also has been launched.Margin trading scale steadily improved,In the weak become live securities brokerage business to the new luminescent spot.


In addition,Treasury futures has already been put on the agenda,All kinds of commodity futures constantly,Crude oil futures coming soon.These new risk management mechanism for investors configuration all kinds of assets to provide more strategy combinations,Or lock income,Or try to gain higher returns level.


From the market macroscopic perspectives,China's development strategy of derivatives are still very prudent.These basic derivatives objective will be to ironing capital market fluctuation,Thus increasing the stability of the overall return investors.

  防控系统风险 Risk prevention and control system


In the financial market investment tools to geometric level speed fast growth at the same time,Systemic risk is also caused concern about the market parties.For individual/Institutions and the markets,Good control of systemic risk are directly for overall return level.


Some of the financial industry's top people have call a spade a spade to point out part of the bank financing products buried behind the potential danger, if these products link behind assets quality problems,Or just borrow new also old game words.


Vigorous development of capital trust the same set much-maligned - on the one hand a lot of assembled funds for the real estate business trust in fact provide much-needed financing support,Individual moral risk and macro system are of great risk;On the other hand, even if the project itself no problem,But return period is too long,Is likely to produce short melt long throw matching problem.


In the face of new challenges,Most market participants is the consensus,Regulators should not return to control time,But should change the way of supervision and regulation,From the function of the financial market and financial institutions based on behavior,Redefine regulatory functions.At the same time,Different collaboration between the supervision department has become more important.


A healthy financial market will be in the financial innovation and regulation balance between,The former is the source of financial market value creation,And the financial supervision to ensure the development of financial innovation in the right orbit.There is only so,Investors from financial markets to obtain reasonable and stable returns.
