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As of November 23, 2012 to 24,"2012 the first annual meeting of finance and economics"Held in Beijing.The first is financial conference[The first financial daily]Set the first financial all the power of the media's integration of the meeting.The current annual meeting is divided into"Financial summit"/"The annual financial books tasting"and"The first financial financial value music awards ceremony"Three activities,The convergence financial regulatory decision makers/Economists and financial industry elite,China's financial reform and opening a new chapter of debate,GongHua future China's new prospect.


The first annual meeting of finance and economics is the first finance and economics of high quality brand activities - the first financial financial value list(CFV)summary.During the conference announced this year"The first financial financial value list"list.


the"The annual financial celebrity"For the winner of the ECB President Mario Della auspicious/Federal reserve chairman Ben bernanke/British FSA chairman Lord adair Turner/South Africa reserve bank governor ebrahim, Jill marcus/Ubs group President axel weber/The people's bank of China governor zhou xiaochuan/Chairman of the China securities GuoShuQing/The chairman of the circ XiangJunBo/The national development research institute of Peking University honorary President of the Justin yifu Lin,And the world bank group IFC executive vice President and chief executive officer CaiJinYong.Annual bankers from the industrial and commercial bank of China(601398,guba)President YangKaiSheng and the people's bank of China deputy governor for PanGong wins,Annual investment bankers/Annual insurance house citic securities, respectively(600030,guba)The chairman WangDongMing/Xinhua life KangDian chairman of the board of directors.Annual bank crown award by agricultural bank of China(601288,guba)And bank of communications(601328,guba)won.


"Annual financial books"around"China and the world"The key words,Henry kissinger's[Theory China]/WenDe o · SaBo Raman of Virginia[Big prediction]And zhou xiaochuan of[The international financial crisis:observation/Analysis and deal with]receive"Annual book award"title.Justin yifu Lin of[Prosperous search],ZhouHong/Peter RongGen/ZhuMin his[The German mark and economic growth],YanQingMin of[Operation risk management"sinicization"To explore - China's commercial Banks operating risk research]/ChenYuan of[Between the government and the market]And PanGong games[Big line adjustment change -- China's big Banks renewal]Books are selected"List books".

  改革是最大的红利 Reform is the biggest bonus


"Eighteen big"after,China's financial reform and opening up how to layout?Top design how to construct?The financial industry how to service entity economic growth?How to realize"Promote growth"and"Control risk"Of compatible?In the financial summit,The people's bank of China vice President hu/The China banking regulatory commission chairman assistant YanQingMin/Vice chairman of the China securities regulatory commission JiangYang/Vice chairman of the China insurance regulatory commission (circ ChenWenHui published theme speech.


Hu said,RMB convertible under capital accounts of the foundation and conditions and more mature than in the past.According to the international monetary fund capital project transaction classification standards,In the seven kinds 40 item,At present the RMB capital project implementation part convertible have 17,Basic convertible eight,Can cash the five,Accounted for 75% of the total capital projects.She says,In the global resource allocation can better promote economic transformation,And it objectively on capital projects further expand the convertible puts forward requirements.Capital project open two levels is trading and exchange,In the first stage exchange and opening up is a main form,But as more and more economic entity would like to use when the yuan,The opening of the transaction will be more and more concentrated a content.Her special emphasis on,The future even realize the convertible,Authorities can still from short-term capital flow macro prudent/Debt management and anti-money laundering enact some necessary monitoring and management.When the capital flow greatly when abnormal fluctuations,Still can take temporary special measures,To safeguard national economic and financial stability.


YanQingMin in a story headlined"To reform and innovation to further enhance the competitiveness of the banking industry"Speech said,The future of China's banking industry in the information technology/The talented person troop construction and bank service capacity etc faces a challenge,Must improve the service level,Adhere to the scale of operations and services to pay equal attention to,Strengthen internal management,To better serve the economic entity.


JiangYang in the speech said,At present and in the future period of time,The CSRC will further deepen the reform in the field of securities and futures,Give full play to the capital market resource allocation function,Increasing the service ability of overall economic and social development.


The reform of the insurance industry,ChenWenHui said,Regulators will through the marketization reform,Encourage and tolerance market main body innovation,At the same time enhance supervision level,In order to improve the competitiveness of the insurance industry in our country,Maintain stable insurance.


Former deputy director of the state administration of taxation, XuShanDa Suggestions on promoting"Camp to increase"reform,At the same time further adjustment of tax system,Carry out tax tax fund consistency.The Chinese academy of LiYang standing vice President said,In order to optimize the economic structure of China,Need to vigorously develop the market gives priority to the financial system,Encourage all kinds of promote the capital formation of the development of the market,Encourage multi-level market development.

  在“金融2013:如何承托实体经济增长”主题圆桌论坛上,独立经济学家谢国忠、中国社科院金融所副所长殷剑峰、中金公司首席经济学家彭文生、美银美林大中华区首席经济学家陆挺、INET董事局成员Peter Jungen发表了各自观点。

in"Financial 2013:How to retainer entity economic growth"Theme round table on the BBS,Independent economist Andy xie/By the Chinese academy of social sciences financial institute vice director YanJianFeng/Cicc's chief economist PengWenSheng/Bank of America merrill lynch chief economist LiuTing the greater China region/INET member of the board Peter Jungen published their views.

  中国经济增长仍具潜力 China's economic growth is still potential


In the 24th the evening at the annual financial books at companies,The national development research institute of Peking University honorary President of the Justin yifu Lin said,2013 the world economy and a lot of uncertainty.The developed countries the necessary structural reforms are still not really are.Under this situation,Economic growth will be very weak,Unemployment rate will be very high,The government's debt accumulated will be very fast.In order to reduce government debt interest costs and debt service cost,Will adopt very loose monetary policy.Loose monetary policy will give the whole international economy brings a lot of macroscopic management difficulties.


"To China's long-term economic development I always is more optimistic,I think 8% growth potential is in that place."Justin yifu Lin said,"Of course to realize the potential must overcome a lot of difficulties,Challenges also many,And the challenges and difficulties, including the main income distribution problem,Including corruption."


Justin yifu Lin said,China is need to deepen the reform,Eliminate factor market barriers,Set up a comparatively perfect socialist market economy."If so,I want to be able to put in front of the 8% growth potential dug out,At the same time can also in the process of development and to achieve the unification of fairness and efficiency."


The people's bank of China deputy governor PanGong wins in the speech said,Experienced big line adjustment after the change of the bank of China(601988,guba)industry,Is experiencing unprecedented institutional change,The only path is the reform and opening up.

  参加金融书籍品鉴会的嘉宾还有中国社科院欧洲所所长周弘、央行杭州中心支行行长张健华、中国国民经济研究所副所长王小鲁、中国社科院世经政所副所长何帆和INET董事局成员Peter Jungen。IMF副总裁朱民、中国银监会主席助理阎庆民、央行货政二司司长李波、阿文德·萨勃拉曼尼亚、罗伯特·希勒和丹尼尔·耶金等嘉宾则通过视频发表了自己的撰书感言。

To participate in the financial books tasting of the guest and the Chinese academy of ZhouHong of director of institute of Europe/Central bank governor ZhangJianHua hangzhou center branch/China's national economy WangXiaoLu deputy director of the institute/The Chinese academy of the administration institute vice director he INET and member of the board Peter Jungen.IMF vice President ZhuMin/The China banking regulatory commission chairman assistant YanQingMin/The central bank cargo zheng two company priests li/WenDe o · SaBo Raman Virginia/Robert shearer and Daniel · "gold etc guests is through the video made their writes books testimonials.
