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于舰 严湘君
In ship YanXiangJun
[ 屠光绍称,未来上海金融改革创新将聚焦金融市场体系、上海的转型发展和人民币国际化这三个重点领域,同时突出创新中市场主体的主导作用,而政府将创造良好的创新环境 ]
[TuGuangShao says,The future of Shanghai's financial reform and innovation will focus on financial market system/Shanghai transformation development and RMB internationalization the three key areas,At the same time stress the innovation in the main body of market leading role,And the government will create a good innovation environment]
The third session of the Shanghai financial innovation evaluation work in has ended,Were including"Private co., LTD., share transfer system"/"Financial futures simulation platform"46 a project and won the 2012 Shanghai financial innovation.Combing the winners visible,For small and medium-sized micro enterprises to provide financial services become the focus of financial innovation.
In yesterday's ceremony,The standing committee of municipal party committee of Shanghai/Vice mayor TuGuangShao said:"Around RMB internationalization and enterprises to go out,Shanghai will be the next step of financial innovation in the key fields."TuGuangShao said,RMB internationalization and more enterprises to go into the international foreign investment process,Will promote the financial innovation,And for financial innovation to bring the new opportunity.
聚焦中小微企业金融服务 Focus on small and medium-sized micro enterprise financial services
Shanghai municipal government in 2010 set up financial innovation,Aims to promote Shanghai financial innovation,Optimization of Shanghai financial development environment,Strengthen the comprehensive competitiveness of financial institutions in Shanghai,Promote the construction of Shanghai international financial center.
This year the observed the financial innovation is not difficult to find,Small and medium-sized micro enterprise financial demand is gradually becoming the focus of financial institutions.In the forty financial innovation in achievement,There are nine is suitable for small and medium-sized micro enterprise project,Accounted for 22.5% of the total.
Such as the bank of China co., LTD., Shanghai branch in the development of this year"Zhangjiang mode"Science and technology enterprise comprehensive service plan,Break through the current stage of the small and medium-sized enterprise the examination and approval authority,As a single enterprise credit the highest total $50 million, and many other convenient and micro technology enterprise financing"Innovation point"Won the first prize at this year's Shanghai financial innovation achievement.
Be worth what carry is,The winning project in promoting the development of financial market perfect also very grab an eye.Shanghai shares custody of the trade center"Private co., LTD., share transfer system"Is representative."The project fills the over-the-counter market system construction of the blank,To curb the development of the market is of great application guidance."The Shanghai municipal people's government, financial services, deputy director of the office XuQuan yesterday in a news conference that ventilation.
上海金融创新三大重点领域 Shanghai financial innovation three key areas
TuGuangShao says,Advance the reform of Shanghai's biggest bonus,The future of Shanghai's financial reform and innovation will focus on financial market system/Shanghai transformation development and RMB internationalization the three key areas,At the same time stress the innovation in the main body of market leading role,And the government will create a good innovation environment.
Shanghai jiaotong university senior financial executive director of Shanghai institute of ZhangChun said,Shanghai's financial innovation is more and more,Coverage is very wide,But the depth of the financial innovation remains to be strengthen,Some project is leading the project supervision,In general,To partial products and services of financial innovation is weak.But he thinks,With the overall financial environment is not fully market-oriented relevant.In 2013 as the financial market reform is expected to further,Financial product innovation is worth looking forward to.
China international finance co., LTD. HuangHaiZhou global chief strategists from the perspective of the 2013 financial innovation prospects.He said,The fed's"QE"constantly,Although there are a lot of negative effects,But the American economy there are still a lot of help.He also said,China's economic reform will be in 2013 to become a major bright spot,Investment will return to a line emerging market countries,A key to highlight China.
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