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热钱涌入港府控闸 境内外资金“各取所需”--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Fish swim by water and,Capital also so.


Korea is with the silver hand in international global bond investment director and fixed income competent,On January 8,,He told reporters,From last September,He gradually began to its management credit bonds assets and warehouse.


meanwhile,In order to maintain Hong Kong dollar exchange rate stability,To prevent the banking system liquidity,Hong Kong monetary authority is doing"Left hand into Hong Kong dollars,Hk right hand recovery"of"strange"move.


QE3 after launch,Hot money inflows continuously,Hong Kong capital market ushered in"Indian summer",But also forced the hkma to maintain Hong Kong dollar exchange rate with the dollar from October 24 times, and since the market capital injection Hong Kong dollar.Since then,Due to the banking system liquidity abundant,To prevent inflation,The hkma also began to additional notes,Absorb part of the banking system of hk funds.


Korea said with the,In addition to be liquidity abundant factors,Outside the system of hot money inflows in"bet"Hk will rise.


"bet"Appreciation of hk $?

  1月7日,金管局发布公告,称将于1月15日、 22日及29日举行的投标中增发总值210亿港元的外汇基金票据,以应付由于银行体系流动资金充裕,对该等票据需求增加的情况。

On January 7th,The hkma issued,Say on January 15,/ 22 and 29, in a bid for additional value of hk $21 billion foreign exchange fund paper,To cope with the banking system due to the ample liquidity,The bill needs to increase situation.


Additional exchange fund paper,Will be to increase supply 3 months and 6 months period bill means to,The above bill value are hk $15 billion and hk $6 billion.


Because of the hot money inflows continued,By January 9, closing,Hong Kong bank balance system of hk $255.828 billion,And in early October, the figure was only hk $148.649 billion."Expected more than summary will be conducted on January 16,/23 and 30 each reduce about hk $7 billion."The hkma chief discloses aspects.that,In the market no more hot money in case,The note issuance of foreign exchange after completion,The end of the month Hong Kong banking system can fall more than summary to hk $234.828 billion.


Two and a half years ago,The hkma also have additional notes,Recovery of hk market surplus.


From 2008 to 2010,In the introduction of QE1,The hkma has repeatedly to the markets (to the Hong Kong dollar,And then many shares exchange fund paper,Too much money in the market.


"Exchange note to absorb the role of hot money is limited.The interest rate generally very low,International hot money may not because foreign bill and give up rate of return than the speculation."That's the same,This may"Take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure".

  这也是热钱在“赌”港币会升值的原因。他解释道,经济学有个“不稳定三角(Impossible Trinity)”理论,即资本自由流动、固定汇率和独立的货币政策,三个条件不可同时具备。香港选择放弃“独立货币政策”,以保全其他两大条件。这意味着,香港货币政策需根据美国货币政策而改变。

This is hot money in"bet"The reason of hk will rise.He explained,Economics has a"Unstable triangle(Impossible Trinity)"theory,That is the free flow of capital/Fixed exchange rate and independent monetary policy,Three conditions do not have both.Hong Kong choose to give up"Independent monetary policy",In order to save the other two conditions.This means that,Hong Kong monetary policy should be based on U.S. monetary policy and change.


This allows the,2008 years later,Because of China's economic transformation factors,Hong Kong and the mainland economy increasing degree of correlation.Hong Kong's economy to follow the mainland,But Hong Kong monetary policy but with the United States."This will bring two consequences:Inflation and asset bubbles.This will give special looking for and against economic system vulnerabilities financial big alligator brought away."


so,In the long run,He thinks,Hong Kong may choose to reform"Fixed pegged to the dollar"for"Crawl gaze at"Or the Singapore model,And get the part"Monetary policy autonomy".At this time,Hk dollar will have room to rise.


Wall plum blossom,Only wall sweet


Domestic system for Hong Kong capital operation strategy,Along with the hot money flows into the Hong Kong and into the stock market,Many Hong Kong fund manager said,Will choose at this time for its stock fund open a position.Due to the smaller hk bond market,The stock market is still the main absorption of hot money inflow.


The hkma recently issued a press release that,Hong Kong's capital inflows have two main power source,Investment in the stock market,And foreign currency bonds issued by companies to use in hk.The data also show in Hong Kong,September this year,The hang seng index began to rise steep curve,From the point of 19145 to January 8, when closing the 23112 points,Representing an increase of 20%.


"Insurer group(1399. HK)Listed after,Hedge funds have been the hot money in Fried high the price of the stock,And in recent gradually write a."A trader told reporters,His trading strategy is to follow the hedge fund business track transactions.


Even if the stock market buoyant,Surface looks,Hong Kong retail investors investment orientation but with foreign capital big alligator run in the opposite direction.


On January 8,,Hong Kong investment fund association released its 2012 Hong Kong fund sales data.Data display,2012 years ago 11 months of fund sales amount beyond the 2007 years of history high,To $51.4 billion.Bond fund sales of $34.8 billion.Net to plan,During the period of bond funds in the net inflow of $13 billion.At the same time,Stock fund record sales of $9.6 billion,A 2011 fell 39%.


Foreign hot money into the stock market,Domestic system retail funds but let on the stock market"bench".this,Korea said with the,Because Hong Kong is the bond market,And investment cycle is long,General foreign hedge funds into the stock market.Retail investors will choose risk coefficient is low/Investment cycle long products."Bond fund sales,32.7% from high-yield bonds,31.1% from the emerging market bond,High yield bonds and home-textile mainly is holding the mainland high net worth clients fund private bank."


"These high net worth clients to return on assets higher demand,Over the past year,High yield bonds total return up to 15%,And a lower risk of emerging market hard currency bonds of total return 18.5% higher."He called for,Private YinHangFang will also help customers through the financing lever increases the rate of return on investment.Whether fund party,Or FaZhai enterprise all think it is FaZhai window period.At present,Including pay silver international, several asset management companies have deployed issue about global emerging markets or high yield bond fund plan.
